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Bought an Eltek Rectifier Shelf
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:08 am
by Red Squirrel
Re: Bought an Eltek Rectifier Shelf
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:50 pm
by Red Squirrel
Racked, hooked up to temporary battery pack, and connected to 1200w inverter. The wiring is not that great, but I plan to redo all of it permanently once I buy some proper #2 wire and lugs. Powering my whole rack now, the old UPS is plugged into the inverter, so if this dies the existing UPS will take over from there. Long term goal is a bigger battery bank that can last about a day then I can retire the existing UPS.

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Long term goal is to get one inverter per PDU for redundancy, and they'll be bolted to those shelves.

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Currently have it just sitting in the back

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Back of rectifier.

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Screenshot of interface. No flash required anymore, had Eltek help me flash it to a newer version.

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Battery pack
This wiring is a little howyoudoing but it will be made better once I buy the cabling to do it permanently.
Re: Bought an Eltek Rectifier Shelf
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:42 pm
by Red Squirrel
Relocated the two hydro feeds, added 2 solar feeds, and 2 spares for future expansion. I suppose 80 amps of available power at the rack is quite overkill when my whole equipment rack uses like 800watts.
Had been meaning to do this for a while since the existing feeds were in a really awkward location and I was not sure where to add the solar feeds. So this fixes this.
So these feeds will feed the rectifiers, which then feed the inverters and batteries, inverters will then feed the PDU which all the actual server stuff plugs into. Each rectifier draws around 1kw at full load, so for now I will use 1 feed per rectifier, but if I ever add a 3rd rectifier I'll probably just add it to an existing feed as a 20 amp circuit can do 2200 watts. If I want to keep full redundancy I don't want to be pulling more than about 2kw total though.

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Re: Bought an Eltek Rectifier Shelf
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:50 pm
by Red Squirrel
Pic of entire rack. Have not updated any of this stuff in quite a while. I eventually want to setup a Proxmox cluster.

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