Have any of you seen this...awesomely random movie. I saw it a hundred times when I was a kid because we had pay per view and I guess it was a big release at the time so it was on 50 of the 100 pay per view channels 50 times a day.
I just downloaded it and watched it last night, for old times sake...man I had nooooo idea it was this random when I was a kid.
The plot is so ridiculous, nothing is explained and nothing is finalized. The most random part of the movie is when it turns into a kind of fun house/horror house ride with the bad guy going through the different sections....wtf was that all about?
Mr. Estevez, I have a few questions...
Why didn't they just report the body immediately?
Does the bad guy get in trouble at the end...or just laughed at?
Does the dead body get buried?
Do the garbage men open their surf shop?
Does Charlie Sheen hook up with the hot chick?
Does the pizza man report them for kidnapping?
Does the drive along report them for improper work ethics?
What happened to all the men in the white uniforms and masks?
Next time Emilio, when you write and direct your own movie, can we get some closure please!

If any of you have seen this movie and have questions of your own (because there are tons) please share them with me.
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