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yes i was....just so happens we mush have gone there at different times. if you met Ni, i met PI!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHE! MWAHAHAHA! True Story! ...got there by a Hangglider!!!!!!!!!
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3952, old post ID:69568
Haha, it's been ages since I've watched lion king now I kinda want to go watch it...
btw, what is scar's real name? I always assumed it was just "Scar", lol.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3952, old post ID:69590
You shouldn't ask her questions about it. she'll just go on and on and on. She claims she's a lion.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3952, old post ID:69592
"I don't have cat-like reflexes. Cats say they have Alex-like reflexes." - Alex "I've never seen your ears. Do you even have ears?" - Robbie
"You threw away your friendship salami?!" "My you're sexy when I'm drunk! And when im sober too!" - Gallagher
scars real name is taka. he got his scar by his dad because he chose muffasa to be king and taka wanted to be king real bad so taka asked his dad(ahadi) to be king and his dad(ahadi) gave him his scar because he is very short tempered when ever he gets mad his wife(uru) stops him from hurting his kids(muffasa)(taka/scar)
and clueless- i will go on and on about lion king if they ask me questions
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3952, old post ID:69595