Rules and such

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Red Squirrel
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Joined: Wed Dec 18, 2002 12:14 am
Location: Northern Ontario

Rules and such

Post by Red Squirrel »

I don't really want to have strict rules that are set in stone, rather, these are more guidelines.

1: Use common sense, don't try to play the "well its different for everyone" game. If you think something you're posting is inappropriate then don't post it. Things like porn, excessive swearing, spam, or anything else that is not family friendly, then don't post it.

2: Keep sigs no larger then 600 pixels wide and 300 pixels height. Height is really the most important. If you have text then it will wrap with the browser so will obviously be bigger then 600 wide, for text its not a huge issue. Also keep images to a reasonable file size. Keep it under 100KB. If you're a few pixels/KB over, and nobody is bothered, we won't complain, but just try to stay below these, to be safe.

3: If you are a spammer, we reserve every right to post your IP and viewers have every right to do whatever they want to your machine and/or your spam site's server.
Depending on our mood we will even bother to track you down to your real IP if you're using a proxy.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3386, old post ID:62027
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