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Hitting The Gym

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:16 am
by firstchoice
Hey, me and a few of my friends are starting to go to the gym. by the time im done there every time i go i want to be exhausted. i want to keep my arms and abs in shape, but i have no clue what kind of ruitine i should do :( . i was wondering if any one is in a gym at the time and has a exellent workout session that will exhaust me. :)
thank you,

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3126, old post ID:57680

Hitting The Gym

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:55 am
by flowergirlajg
iv been trying to do tat lately! :-) good luck

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3126, old post ID:57711

Hitting The Gym

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:20 pm
by Bookworm
Whenever I go to the community center to work out, I usually just run around the track until I can't run anymore, and then I walk for a while.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3126, old post ID:57728

Hitting The Gym

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:11 pm
by Pojo_
firstchoice wrote: Hey, me and a few of my friends are starting to go to the gym. by the time im done there every time i go i want to be exhausted. i want to keep my arms and abs in shape, but i have no clue what kind of ruitine i should do :( . i was wondering if any one is in a gym at the time and has a exellent workout session that will exhaust me. :)
thank you,
I recommend doing three to four sets of six to 10 repetitions for each exercise, and remember to always eat a lot of protein after your work out, as it's essential for muscle growth.

standing barbell curl

Grab an EZ or straight bar and pack on the weight. You can bend your knees a little for stability when lifting the weight. Go for three to four sets of 6 to 10 repetitions. Here's how it is done:

# Grip the bar, hands shoulder width apart, palms facing upwards.
# Avoid swaying your torso to help move the weight... using momentum is cheating.
# Press your upper arms against the sides of your torso to keep them in position throughout the set.
# Use your biceps' strength to curl the weight in a semi-circular arc to your chin.
# With force, contract your biceps at the finish position, then slowly lower the bar back to your thighs.
# Experiment with different width grips to work different parts of the bicep muscle. You can also perform these kneeling down.


preacher curl

The preacher curl can be done either sitting or standing. Go for two to three sets of six to 10 repetitions. Get someone to spot you.

# This is an excellent overall mass builder for the biceps, particularly adding mass to the lower biceps near the elbow.
# Lean over the preacher bench with your arms parallel.
# Grasp the barbell or have a training buddy place the barbell into your supinated (palms facing up) hands.
# The upper edge of the bench should be wedged under your armpits.
# Use bicep strength to slowly curl the weight directly upward to shoulder level.
# After reaching the peak, slowly return the weight to the starting position.
# Don't attempt to bounce the weight in the bottom position as biceps are vulnerable to injury. Ease the weight down.
# Keep the tension on the muscle, it will maximize results of the exercise.

When training your biceps for mass, remember to keep good form as you pile on the weight. This bicep routine should be done during four consecutive trips to the gym. After that, go a little lighter so that your muscles don't burn out. It is important to alternate heavy and light workouts.

Thats what I do when I go to the gym. For abs I do 500 crunches, 250 regular sit ups. *Note, keep your back on/against the floor. To do so flex your stomach. This will help you use your muscle instead of your weight to throw you in motion* BUT it is also very important to only work out for 50 minutes max. After around 50 minutes of continued workouts and using muscle your body releases this chemical or hormone that starts to eat away your muscle. So always keep it under 50 minutes, I only exercise for 45 minutes to be safe but 4 days a week.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3126, old post ID:57827