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Yay Finals!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 5:46 pm
by Reaper
Finals start in two days! What am I doing to prepare? Nothing! Even with my hardest final I will probably ever have on Thursday, I am not studying! Nor am I going to.

God I hate finals.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30494

Yay Finals!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:00 pm
by Cicero
My exams start on friday. They're not especially important though, not till next year anyway.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30495

Yay Finals!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:14 pm
by Red Squirrel
I'm done high school, don't have to worry about those anymore. :P

But there's still some in college, they're just earlier so we get them over with. :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30496

Yay Finals!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:17 pm
by SuicideGirl8807
FINALS SUX BIG HAIRY :monkeedance2:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30500

Yay Finals!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 9:43 pm
by Chris Vogel
Why are you not studying? :huh: Two days of studying could improve your grade substantially! :)

My finals were spread over Friday and today. They were actually easier than I expected. Hopefully that will be the case for you, Reaper! :)

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30511

Yay Finals!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:41 am
by Stasi
The only finals I ever did any real studying for in both high school and college were math finals. Everything else I'd do fine on as long as I'd paid attention throughout the semester. In my last couple of semesters in college I became selective as to which finals I even showed up for. I just stopped caring altogether.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30521

Yay Finals!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:03 am
by Red Squirrel
Yeah same, math and english (lot of by heart stuff) were the main ones I studied. In college it's a course per course bassis. For example my HR class, it was 100% by heart stuff, that class was pointless, and only word I remember from it is Delegation, because it sounds cool.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30524

Yay Finals!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:18 pm
by Bookworm
I always felt studying was part of the fun of going to school.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30542

Yay Finals!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:23 pm
by loverfromthedead
Bookworm wrote: I always felt studying was part of the fun of going to school.
Oh, wow. Studying blows, man! Right now I'm going through crapass finals...and not doing that great:)
Speaking of which, I have a 4-hour history final tomorrow which I havent really studied for. Heh.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30544

Yay Finals!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:55 pm
by Red Squirrel
studying is the boringest part. The way I look at it, if you need to study for something, it's useless, and you won't use it in life, since it's not like you'll remember it anyway :P

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30557

Yay Finals!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:58 pm
by Reaper
Well, I'm pretty sure I failed my History final. But it's ok. I figured out if I just didn't take it and got a 0 out of 200, it could only bring me down to an 86%.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30625

Yay Finals!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:49 pm
by Chris Vogel
Reaper wrote: Well, I'm pretty sure I failed my History final. But it's ok. I figured out if I just didn't take it and got a 0 out of 200, it could only bring me down to an 86%.
You must have been doing very well in that class. :)

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:2058, old post ID:30632