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Hey, Red, now that your're admin, I have a suggestion:
How aboot adding a Technology news forum? I have tons of RSS feeds that I wouldn't mind skimming for interesting news everyday and if we make all the forums veiwable to guests (which they still, technically, aren't) I'm sure the engines would like all those tech words
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18074
Yeah I'm not sure how to parse stuff like that with php but I can look into it. I discovered I can read variables char by char so I should be able to make a parser of some sort then it's just the thing of getting the feeds and periodicly checking for new content and storing it somewhere in the database.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18084
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Oh I see, yeah that would not be a problem I can actually do that now if the admin cp works... (there's errors because of missing files,which I'll have to figure out)
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18087
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Thank you, once I get home, I'll pull up all the rss feeds and get some threads going
BTW, wouldn't the forum be more visible to google if it was a main category, like Anything Linux?
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18090
What about a sub-category in the debate section. Here's my line of thought.
Some people really like a debate environment of only ontopic debate, we could make a sub-forum where all off-topic post are deleted, and keep the 'debate and discussion forum' at the level it is at now, moderate off topic post (slightly out-of-hand) being acceptable. I think this could be a useful tool for some. However, I don't want to force anything, so let me know what you all think.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18142
I think that would just get messy, we would not know what posts belong to what thread originally. But yes allot of those threads end up going off topic so I'll see if I can think of a good solution. Though I think the way it is is fine since if someone is serious about the discussion he just needs to quote the original post that was on topic and ingore the rest. But if anyone has suggestions post it.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18151
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Well, like I said, if you make a sub forum, all threads in that forum could be only on-topic, it really wouldn't be an issue. Like the new subforum you added to computers, only listed as "serious discussion and debate: only on topic post and discussion" However, it's not a big deal. I do think it would add something.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18159
MrSelf wrote: Well, like I said, if you make a sub forum, all threads in that forum could be only on-topic, it really wouldn't be an issue. Like the new subforum you added to computers, only listed as "serious discussion and debate: only on topic post and discussion" However, it's not a big deal. I do think it would add something.
I kinda think this is a good idea. It would be just like the other sections except new threads started within it would be moderated to remove off topic posts. And I do think it's a good idea to remove off topic posts, and not move them. Trying to move the posts to the correct threads would disrupt the flow of the conversation and would make things messy. But as long section is clearly marked, there can be no argument if off topic posts are deleted. Mind you this all depends on the mods willingness to consistently keep up with new posts. Now considering MrSelf brought this up, I assume he's willing
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18476
Yeah I might add that forum. Maybe the curent can be for less serious debates while the sub forum will be strictly on topic. I guess it could work as long as it's well moderated.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18487
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Red Squirrel wrote: Yeah I might add that forum. Maybe the curent can be for less serious debates while the sub forum will be strictly on topic. I guess it could work as long as it's well moderated.
MrSelf will do a good job, plus I like wandering off the track with the main debates, it's fun
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18489
I'll add the forum once I find a template for the forum list. Man I never seen anything this disorganized. They store templates in variables, put the variables in the template, so you need to try and find the template for that variable, only to find out it, also has variables... man I don't know how anyone could make a skin for this version. I though 1.x was bad...
So yeah, once I find that template, I'll add that forum.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18510
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
MrSelf wrote: Well, like I said, if you make a sub forum, all threads in that forum could be only on-topic, it really wouldn't be an issue. Like the new subforum you added to computers, only listed as "serious discussion and debate: only on topic post and discussion" However, it's not a big deal. I do think it would add something.
I kinda think this is a good idea. It would be just like the other sections except new threads started within it would be moderated to remove off topic posts. And I do think it's a good idea to remove off topic posts, and not move them. Trying to move the posts to the correct threads would disrupt the flow of the conversation and would make things messy. But as long section is clearly marked, there can be no argument if off topic posts are deleted. Mind you this all depends on the mods willingness to consistently keep up with new posts. Now considering MrSelf brought this up, I assume he's willing
Indeed manadren, that's exactly what I was thinking, I'm glad you see and agree.
sintekk wrote:
Red Squirrel wrote: Yeah I might add that forum. Maybe the curent can be for less serious debates while the sub forum will be strictly on topic. I guess it could work as long as it's well moderated.
MrSelf will do a good job, plus I like wandering off the track with the main debates, it's fun
Yeah, it's the best of both worlds!
Red Squirrel wrote: I'll add the forum once I find a template for the forum list. Man I never seen anything this disorganized. They store templates in variables, put the variables in the template, so you need to try and find the template for that variable, only to find out it, also has variables... man I don't know how anyone could make a skin for this version. I though 1.x was bad...
So yeah, once I find that template, I'll add that forum.
Wow that's crazy! But thanks for doing this, I think this has awesome potential.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18525
yeah true... I'll see how this goes and if it just gets confusing/badly organized then I'll get rid of the forum and just enforce it for that whole forum.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18541
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Tak wrote: Personally, I think it’s better to strickly enforce the on-topic rule in the entire debates forum, making a subforum unnecessary.
Unfortunately, by the posters own vote, they decided that a moderately moderated forum would be the most conducive to debate, while the second majority thought a strict on-topic would be the best to create an environment that encouraged deep thought for the most members. This way, both catagories can exist in their prime environment.
But I value and respect your opinion
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18550
Joe wrote: Some ideas i have
1) the main page has to go, that banana guy is driving me nuts
1) Some day.
No seriously I have some plans to redo a new layout though it's not the main priority, and add lot of cool stuff like popular threads and other goodies that can easly be pulled from the DB and for search engines to catch. Right now there's the forum list which the search engines can diddle with, for now. (hover over the titles, it's kind of cool)
2) Sure, let's switch to star trek. J/K no switching, I don't feel like making another sig.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1421, old post ID:18964
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!