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A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:53 pm
by Anonymous
Why is it that though the internet is free, forums have rules?

Is it because the forum implodes or some thing?

The internet is a lot like a War Zone, no holds barred, but the geneva convention keeps some order.

Why do people say "Don't say :censored: or :censored: . This is a place for all ages and is family friendly." Your kid hears :censored: or some other word on the playground every day, and on the street. :mellow: And anyway, it's only at childhood that we are taught that there are things like "Bad words". Chances are when you were very young you said a word you heard the "big people" say on the street and your parent slapped you or yelled at you and said "That's a BAD WORD! Don't say that." Okay, so you're taught at age 3 that is you say :censored: or :censored: or even :censored: you get treated like :censored: . :mellow: This is taken from a guy named Sickopath, by the way, thanks sicko. Read his full paragraph HERE!

Whatever happened to free speech?

Why do people like pr0n?

Discuss. :huh:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14710

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:11 am
by Bookworm
I think censorship threads have usually gotten censored, haven't they? If anything, this should go in the debate section rather than Anything Goes. Why do people not walk around naked whenever they want? Is it because bodies are "bad," or is it because in a functioning society, there are certain social mores established that govern behavior? When I play Scrabble, I use words just as combinations of letters. When I speak in front of other people, however, I have to realize that words have meanings, some of which can be offensive to others, and they are not offensive just because someone has arbitrarily decided that they are offensive.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14712

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:44 am
by Anonymous
Bookworm wrote: and they are not offensive just because someone has arbitrarily decided that they are offensive.
Actually, they are.

If the words Ice and f*ck got mixed around, instead we would be puting f*ck cubes in our tea, and yelling ICE YOU! when someone annoys us. Same thing. :blink:

besides, you don't need social mores to enhance society, just an open mind, which you do not possess. :huh: Interesting point about nudists, eh? But there ARE people who walk around naked and no one automatically thinks "OMG TEH PERV" when someone is naked. It takes a small mind to assume nude = eroticism. If I see a pair of tits, or someone's schlong is hanging out, you don't necesssarily assume they want to get it on with you, do you? :wacko: Cos that would make you a pervert.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14714

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:18 am
by Bookworm
Whoa, someone disagrees with you, and that means they have a closed mind? Seems the other way around to me. I did read the article, so you do not need to repeat its immature and illogical statements.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14715

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:38 am
by Bookworm
William Wallace wrote:
Bookworm wrote: and they are not offensive just because someone has arbitrarily decided that they are offensive.
It takes a small mind to assume nude = eroticism.
I never said that nude=eroticism. My point was that nude=inappropriate.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14716

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:43 am
by FloodG8-9595
cesnsorship is necissary to some degree because there are people in this world who don't know that there are apropriate moments to tell someone to go :censored: their mother and shove a :censored: up their :censored: .
Your kid hears  or some other word on the playground every day, and on the street.  And anyway, it's only at childhood that we are taught that there are things like "Bad words".
I want my child to learn words that make them intelligent before they learn the ones that are fun to say.(not that I have kids) Yes kids hear those "bad words" out in the world but, they need to learn at an early age that they are only appropriate in certain circumstances and said circumstances usually don't exist for children. I say :censored: and :censored: all the time and your right.. they arn't "bad words" they ARE however strong words if for no other reason than society has made them so.
Whatever happened to free speech?

Say whatever you want there are very suitable words in the english language to substitute. My point is that in a place like a forum the person running the forum and the people at the forum have the right to censor whatever they feel needs to be censored (and now thanks to you were gonna have to censor the word ICE.. so ICE YOU!!:D) You have free speech.. If you want to curse you head off go to a forum where they encourage it and come back here when you can express yourself in a non monosylabic way. :D
Why do people like pr0n?
For the solace they get from watching a girl :censored: a :censored: until shes :censored: and too tired to move.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14717

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:46 am
by Anonymous
Bookworm wrote: Whoa, someone disagrees with you, and that means they have a closed mind?
haha! At last I got you turn your statements around on me. Now we're cooking.

Where did I say that? *rereads paragraph* Nope, I said if you think tits=sex you have a small mind. :huh:
Say whatever you want there are very suitable words in the english language to substitute. My point is that in a place like a forum the person running the forum and the people at the forum have the right to censor whatever they feel needs to be censored (and now thanks to you were gonna have to censor the word ICE.. so ICE YOU!!:D) You have free speech.. If you want to curse you head off go to a forum where they encourage it and come back here when you can express yourself in a non monosylabic way
Ice you too, mother Icer. :ph34r:

But WHY should one censor a forum? Answer me that. And don't tell me any Ice about mores.
I never said that nude=eroticism. My point was that nude=inappropriate.
I'd like to hear the thought processes behind this. How and why is it inappropriate?
If we lived in a society where clothes were immoral, you would probably say the opposite. You're conditioned to think so, same as you think a man wearing a dress is a nut or a queer. No he's not. It's simply the way you were taught to think, and this is what I mean by a small mind: one who thinks that what they are told and what they believe is the sole truth and must be followed by all other, BTW hello there Red. :nana: I don't mind you disagreeeing with me but your thought process disturbs me.
I say and all the time and your right.. they arn't "bad words" they ARE however strong words if for no other reason than society has made them so.
So what? If you loudly proclaim :censored: in public, will the police drag you off?
And as for your kids, I can see this in your future:

Flood: So bob, I told that :censored: to go stuff a cock in his mouth.
Flood's kid: Daddy what's a :censored: ?

hit unt uck rap its

Should these be bad words too? Cos if you add a f to uck, guess what you get! A BAD WORD! Sure they may hurt people's feelings, but that is the crux of a matter: how can a word injure you?
Last time I yelled :censored: at someone they didn't die right away or get serious injuries. It's sinply because you choose to believe :censored: is a bad word. It isn't, it is a word like any other.


Are you offended? Nah.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14719

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:21 am
by FloodG8-9595
William Wallace wrote:
Bookworm wrote: Whoa, someone disagrees with you, and that means they have a closed mind?

-> Say whatever you want there are very suitable words in the english language to substitute. My point is that in a place like a forum the person running the forum and the people at the forum have the right to censor whatever they feel needs to be censored (and now thanks to you were gonna have to censor the word ICE.. so ICE YOU!!:D) You have free speech.. If you want to curse you head off go to a forum where they encourage it and come back here when you can express yourself in a non monosylabic way[/quote wrote:
Ice you too, mother Icer. :ph34r:

But WHY should one censor a forum? Answer me that. And don't tell me any Ice about mores.
Who knows?.. Thats not my question to answer it's the owners and admins of this forum. I personally (as I've stated) don't give a crap if the censor is turned on or off here (I do find i funny that I end up posting so much on the topic) However if the person who's decision it is makes that decision based on his or her moral standing who are you to question it? If this is a democratic place then it should be (and I think it was) voted on. If it isn't a democratic forum then the rules of the owner apply and "if ya don't like it tuff" as they say. no offence intended of coruse Will.

<!--QuoteBegin-William Wallace] [quote=-> I say and all the time and your right.. they arn't "bad words" they ARE however strong words if for no other reason than society has made them so.
So what? If you loudly proclaim (explitive) in public, will the police drag you off?
And as for your kids, I can see this in your future:

Flood: So bob, I told that :censored: to go stuff a cock in his mouth.
Flood's kid: Daddy what's a :censored: ?

I wouldn't deal with the situation so rashly.. If my kid (and I still don't have any)says :censored: I frankly wouldnt care unless he or she was around someone who I consider sinsitive to such language. Ie. Other's children because knowing that some people have stigma to such words I choose to be the polite person. While I agree they arn't "Bad words" I think that just saying whatever you want whenever you want is negligent and ill mannered not to mention unintelligent,selfish and uncaring of the feelings of others.

<!--QuoteBegin-William Wallace] hit unt uck rap its

Should these be bad words too?  Cos if you add a f to uck, guess what you get!  A BAD WORD!  Sure they may hurt people's feelings, but that is the crux of a matter:  how can a word injure you? 
Last time I yelled :censored: at someone they didn't die right away or get serious injuries.  It's sinply because you choose to believe :censored: is a bad word.  It isn't, it is a word like any other.


Are you offended? Nah.


The word your refering to actually derives from a term meaning "to hit or strike with force" The reason it became the word it is (arguably) is because of the violent conitation of the word in regard to sexual activity (btw are you gonna talk about :censored: your wife in the :censored: in front of your kids? I think not).

And I wouldn't be offended no matter what you say to me.. I'm not that emotionally fragile Will :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14720

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:09 am
by Bookworm
Will, I think you need to understand how language works. You told me "besides, you don't need social mores to enhance society, just an open mind, which you do not possess." By saying that you accused me of having a closed mind. Social mores are one of the most basic aspects of society. You seem to be arguing against the idea of society in general. The way that you speak in defense of your argument is very antisocial. Your intent when you say "computer you" and "ice you" is to verbally assault my social sensibilities. The words themselves are not "bad," it is your intent in using them which is offensive. Why do you consider it open-minded to be able to verbally slap people?
The nonsense of the idea that you should be able to say and do whatever you want can be seen all the way back in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one restriction, that they were not to eat of a certain tree in the garden. They rebelled against that one restriction because the forbidden activity didn't seem "bad" to them and they thought that doing something forbidden would give them wisdom. What they actually did was bring sin into the world. Their attitude is described in Romans 1:21 and 22,"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools..." You seem to revel in the idea that there should be no restrictions, that people should be "free," but I say that without restrictions, life would be extremely dark and dangerous. I am not advocating that everyone live with my personal concept of what I allow or do not allow in my own life. What I am saying is that when Will claimed that "you do not need social mores to enhance society," he was arguing against restrictions and I believe that argument is wrong.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14725

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:51 pm
by Red Squirrel
I think I might move this to debates. :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14727

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:56 pm
by Anonymous
Bookworm wrote: Will, I think you need to understand how language works. You told me "besides, you don't need social mores to enhance society, just an open mind, which you do not possess." By saying that you accused me of having a closed mind. Social mores are one of the most basic aspects of society.
:lol: Okay, let's go back to our old example, nudisim.

You told me cloths are an important part of society. Why, then, can people live in peace and harmony with each other without clothes?
Also, one would think I'm talking about raping someone in the :censored: and then expecting them to not say anything. I'm talking about using the word :censored: .
You seem to be arguing against the idea of society in general. The way that you speak in defense of your argument is very antisocial. Your intent when you say "computer you" and "ice you" is to verbally assault my social sensibilities. The words themselves are not "bad," it is your intent in using them which is offensive. Why do you consider it open-minded to be able to verbally slap people?
:lol: Me, antisocial? Nah....

When I'm sitting in a restaurant chatting with my mates we would break your "Social mores" over and over by swearing profusely and giving it no thought whatsoever. :D And in any case, I'm just using the words as an example. Besides, verbally slapping people is unfriendly. :huh: We all know that. But I'm talking about using the word :censored: or :censored: informally such as " :censored: hell this ointment STINGS!" Et cetera. Okay?
  The nonsense of the idea that you should be able to say and do whatever you want can be seen all the way back in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one restriction, that they were not to eat of a certain tree in the garden. They rebelled against that one restriction because the forbidden activity didn't seem "bad" to them and they thought that doing something forbidden would give them wisdom. What they actually did was bring sin into the world. Their attitude is described in Romans 1:21 and 22,"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools..."
:wacko: *steps out of the church* Okay, let us continue.

You seem to revel in the idea that there should be no restrictions, that people should be "free," but I say that without restrictions, life would be extremely dark and dangerous.
YES! We need certain restrictions.

But what if there was a restriction for sleeping horizontally? Suppose a new law was put into effect that you had to sleep standing up?
SOME, not all restrictions, seem rather foolish.
I am not advocating that everyone live with my personal concept of what I allow or do not allow in my own life. What I am saying is that when Will claimed that "you do not need social mores to enhance society," he was arguing against restrictions and I believe that argument is wrong
NO. Morality does not equal restrictions. Do not put words into my mouth.

The Last Word....

I think that there should be restrictions, but some mores of society are absolutely retarded.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14728

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 3:49 pm
by Bookworm
Regarding nudity, after Adam and Eve sinned, God sacrificed a lamb to provide a covering for their nakedness. Biblically speaking, then, nakedness needs a covering. You may not agree with it, but I don't see any people walking around town without a stitch of clothes on, so most people would agree that social settings are not appropriate places for nakedness.
Sitting in a restaurant chatting with your mates is not the illustration that I used of a verbal slap. It's when you tell me "blank you" in a forum. It's not a friendly way to act.
Then you tried comparing social mores to a new law someone makes up about sleeping horizontally. That is quite a stretch. Social mores are general rules regarding appropriate social behavior.
My dictionary defines morality as "rightness or wrongness, as of an action." So unless you believe there is no such thing as right or wrong, I would have to say that one aspect of morality is restricting yourself from that which is wrong.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14731

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:11 pm
by Anonymous
Bookworm wrote: Regarding nudity, after Adam and Eve sinned, God sacrificed a lamb to provide a covering for their nakedness. Biblically speaking, then, nakedness needs a covering. You may not agree with it, but I don't see any people walking around town without a stitch of clothes on, so most people would agree that social settings are not appropriate places for nakedness.
Go to a nudist colony then... :nana:
Sitting in a restaurant chatting with your mates is not the illustration that I used of a verbal slap. It's when you tell me "blank you" in a forum. It's not a friendly way to act.
I hold nothing against you. If you tell me "ice you" or something to that extent I won't take it so far as to preach like a righteous little prig of a pastor about Adam and Eve and how restrictions are the same as mores. I'll laugh andor say "same to you icer." Take off the preacher's collar for a sec and stop spouting the Bible at me, it only realizes my view that people who dislike cursing are self-righteous people who thump bibles so hard they split. :blink:
Then you tried comparing social mores to a new law someone makes up about sleeping horizontally. That is quite a stretch. Social mores are general rules regarding appropriate social behavior.
Yes, that is what happens when people like you make mores into laws that everyone should follow, with a good dose of Christianity of some other religion.
My dictionary defines morality as "rightness or wrongness, as of an action." So unless you believe there is no such thing as right or wrong, I would have to say that one aspect of morality is restricting yourself from that which is wrong.
But how and why should YOU go so far as to tell me what is right and wrong? Why should you think what you think is right, should be what we should all do? I never said you should swear, I'm simply asking people questions!
Just suppose I came from a community that thought it was right to pee into the air and all over yourself, would you like me telling you you have to pee in the air cos it's the right thing to do?


Or even better yet, would you like me telling you to put on a kilt cos it's better for your sexual organs that a pant?


Also, if you point out ONE place where I said "You should swear because it's good" I'll buy you a cake.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14744

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:12 pm
by Magic
Superfluously imposed or not, our society as a whole accepts these virtues on a consensus; therefore as members of this human society we are bound to follow them in order to avoid being looked at negatively.

Although you do have a point, individualistic views will never have much of an influence on the society as a whole. And in this case, the society views "cussing" negatively.

Therefore I will uphold these censors on the forum on this basis.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14752

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:49 am
by FloodG8-9595
Magic wrote: Superfluously imposed or not, our society as a whole accepts these virtues on a consensus; therefore as members of this human society we are bound to follow them in order to avoid being looked at negatively.

Although you do have a point, individualistic views will never have much of an influence on the society as a whole. And in this case, the society views "cussing" negatively.

Therefore I will uphold these censors on the forum on this basis.

put into words very well my friend.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14755

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 12:54 pm
by fragged one
i really got a kick out of reading this thread right now. :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14758

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:35 pm
by FloodG8-9595
fragged one wrote: i really got a kick out of reading this thread right now. :D
:didi: ::taps bong with finger:: me too and I've read it all before

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14761

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:00 pm
by Anonymous
Can't we all just get a bong? :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14763

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:50 pm
by shenbaw
FloodG8-9595 wrote: :didi: ::taps bong with finger:: me too and I've read it all before



Get-a-long, get-a-bong, hit-a-bong! :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14778

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:15 pm
by Red Squirrel
There should be such thing as a bong engeneer. I want to be one. Building super air tight funnels to make people happy, just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. :lol:

Or I could go more advanced, and build electric bongs, that take advantage of static electricity and high volume blowers, for a better experience. 1000cfm ought to be enough for anybody.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14779

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:54 am
by FloodG8-9595
Red Squirrel wrote: There should be such thing as a bong engeneer.  I want to be one.  Building super air tight funnels to make people happy, just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. :lol: 

Or I could go more advanced, and build electric bongs, that take advantage of static electricity and high volume blowers, for a better experience. 1000cfm ought to be enough for anybody.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14792

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:53 pm
by Anonymous
FloodG8-9595 wrote:
Red Squirrel wrote: There should be such thing as a bong engeneer. I want to be one. Building super air tight funnels to make people happy, just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. :lol:

Or I could go more advanced, and build electric bongs, that take advantage of static electricity and high volume blowers, for a better experience. 1000cfm ought to be enough for anybody.
SMOKE-A-BOWL-A :dance:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14797

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:57 pm
by Knox121
Bookworm wrote: I think censorship threads have usually gotten censored, haven't they? If anything, this should go in the debate section rather than Anything Goes. Why do people not walk around naked whenever they want? Is it because bodies are "bad," or is it because in a functioning society, there are certain social mores established that govern behavior? When I play Scrabble, I use words just as combinations of letters. When I speak in front of other people, however, I have to realize that words have meanings, some of which can be offensive to others, and they are not offensive just because someone has arbitrarily decided that they are offensive.
but in any case how is nakedness dealing with censership i mean there are alot of opinions on that.....and there is more to the that then just because people dont like seeing it...hard to say

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14824

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:04 pm
by Knox121
and should i say mates how well this whole bit is going....went from censorship to come on were talkin about a mature subject....lets keep it like that lol and in no way am i saying your whole bit about that wasnt funny...and it was! lol but anyways come on chaps!!! :closedeyes:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14826

A hypothetical questionnaire

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:25 pm
by sintekk
Knox121 wrote: but in any case how is nakedness dealing with censership i mean there are alot of opinions on that.....and there is more to the that then just because people dont like seeing it...hard to say
It's all in regards to social mores, a topic which encompasses both nudeness and censorship, I supppose.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1162, old post ID:14829