and boy is it a nice looking one and has many features in it but they still plan more.
you have to change your android settings to allow installs from other sites then just play google.
but thats just to install it you can change it back after that.
if your tired of the crappy players you find on android sites. go and get mediamonkey's beta test version and check it out don't forget to post any bug reports in the beta test forum so they can fix them, after all its a test version.
which also means its buggy and they need to know how in order to fix it.
so help them out if you like to beta test programs..
go to and then to the beta test forum room to get the download of it.
hope to see more help in testing it. or just more messages of thanks in making it for us. that too lets them know they did good in making it.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5535, old post ID:40234