so what is it doing?
not changing options when i tell it too.
it some how has got an messed up setting and now it is told not to open folders in seperate windows. but it does that anyway.
it also will not keep the explorer bar closed it is open with every window to show the folder tree.
this is driving me nuts now for almost 2 months i've done everything i can figure to fix it have all 5 of my tweaking programs set the same way on the tweaks that each have and i've only set up those tweeks which are the same in each of them so as not to miss one that i need set to try and fix this. and stll it did not fix this error

ive made a new profile that did not work it still has the same issue when i do that?
i've untweaked all the tweaks and still have the same issue?
i've run through the registry and changed some hotkeys and still have the same issues
i've reinstalled the windows folder from a back up of it before the issue showed up and it did not fix it.

i've run out of things to do or figure to do?
does anyone here know what the dadblasted thing is doing?

all i did was uninstall zone alarm a few weeks ago but i did that after the issue showed up because za was causing some troubles too. i thought it was the main cause of the issue but it was not.? i have updated everything from ms i can find needed updates for or thought maybe had bit rot.?

i might have changed the wrong hotkeys for windows explorer? not sure which ones to change was just taking guess pot shots at them from some what of an educated guess.

so does anyone here know what hotkeys would be the ones to change and to change what in them?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5529, old post ID:40214