PSA: Ensure your forum email address is valid

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Red Squirrel
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PSA: Ensure your forum email address is valid

Post by Red Squirrel »

This is a message being sent to users of the following boards:

This is just a reminder that you should always ensure that your forum email address is up to date as it is the only way to prove that your account really is yours in the case of a password reset.

I am considering combining all 4 of those forums into a single forum or central authentication account (same idea as "google account" minus the spying/tracking). No immediate plans yet, it is simply brainstorming at this point, but whatever I do decide to go with, it will require an up to date email address for your account to work on the new system. It is very likely that it will require a password reset once the new system goes live.

The reason I am considering this is to consolidate management of these 4 forums and make it more centralized. Will make my life easier, and everyone's experience better so it's win win.

Just remember, there are no immediate plans yet, this is mostly just a PSA to ensure your email is properly up to date as any major transformation I do will most likely require a password reset.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5524, old post ID:40195
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PSA: Ensure your forum email address is valid

Post by MikeDB »

Updated my info, thanks red.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5524, old post ID:40197