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Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:35 am
by rovingcowboy
okay this is going on now for several months. i'm not sure if i posted in here before or not.
but i know i am not gettin anywhere on my own. and in the one other forum i tried.

so to see if this gets seen here faster and help for me faster i'll post this strange issue here and hope for a christmas present. :o

every time i reboot the computer the power config setting will switch to the default

i don't want the default setting i want the setting to all say never.

so i set them all up to say never. as in never turn off monitor.
never allow sleepmode never this never that...

but it always turns it to the setting for turn off monitor in 20 minutes.

thats the only one it changes. it is a pain in the but i can and do go back
and change it every reboot but thats tiresome.

so i got an program that has a setting to tell the config to turn off the or on the monitor. which i thought was great. but the author of the program will not
or has not changed the option, from what he has.

his option is set to turn on or off both the screensaver and the monitor.

i want the screen saver to run but i don't want the monitro to turn off.

i've gone in to the registry and found the location for the power config settings.
i've tried to change it in there but it just won't work it messes up the computer
if i do manage to get the first hotkey out of the way or use a hex editor to change
that first hotkey to never,

so there is something that is messing with it and i don't have a clue what is causing the power config settings to be that way.

this is windows xp pro sp3.

this is not the computer with the desktop theme issue that is another computer.

thanks for any help. :)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39721

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:19 pm
by Triple6_wild

Why don't you want it to turn off? Only takes a tap of the mouse to turn on again.

Don't know what the issue is though so I cant help unless you want one of those WTF best not to ask cheater fixes LOL

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39724

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:31 pm
by rovingcowboy
because i don't want the monitor to turn off in 20 minutes.

i'd not mind it if i could turn it off in 3 or 5 hours. :o

but the stupid config won't let anything but the default be used.

i've been :banghead: for several months now on this issue
and still can't get it working.

not sure if something the software for the mb messed up or if it is messed up
from the op system.

but it is like there is a set of hotkeys in the registry that are stopping all others
for the power config from being used. i can't find what put that set of hotkeys in
and or what will get rid of it, but that is the trouble it just won't let me
change the registry for power config at all.

i can change it when the computer is started and it will stay what i want when the computer is running.

but just as soon as i have to reboot doing a install or just cause i go away and shut down the computer, on the restart of it the dang power config is at default again.

i've gone through the boot ini and the boot set up and several other areas i thought might have control over that hotkey but i can't find anything that will keep
the change after i reboot.

the program "Don't Stop" which is the one i got i said in the first post was to work
but i can't even find how to split his option into two one for the screen saver and one for the monitor.
so it is pretty much useless too.
if it had those split then when it started it would change it for me automaticly but
he has not split them? :cry: i guess maybe he can't get them to work when seperated.?
so he left them as one option.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39725

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:43 pm
by rovingcowboy
wouldn't you know it.?

i posted the above and then checked for updates or new programs at
found a new don't sleep version, have not tried it yet so don't know if he got them split or not.?

just wanted to come back and tell you it was updated so you don't go and send him and ask to update it again since he just did update it.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39726

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:59 pm
by rovingcowboy
got the don't sleep program in and it still has both settings as one option.
so its no good for what i need. guess i'll just give up on this and let the computer win because if i do get the registry changed it stops some of the system tray icons from showing?

one big strange issue with this one?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39730

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:54 am
by rovingcowboy
still no luck on this config carp... :angry:

just got to keep resetting it after a reboot.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39753

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:21 am
by richardj
Hi there big fella! :P

Try this:

Go to the power settings and you'll find a delete button there.

Delete all of the power schemes one at a time and then, on the last one, change the individual settings for 'never' then click on 'save as' and name it Always On and then reboot and check to see if it still remains the same.

Merry Christmas!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39763

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:57 am
by rovingcowboy
thanks richardj but i've done that hundreds of times. it did not work.

how ever i think i figured it out finally. i've got as you seen in the other treads here trouble with display drivers. and trouble with cooling fan warnings. i've got a few messages when they happen that some other app might have caused them to have this error.
so i got to thinking
i know i know yes there was smoke and rust from them old gears.

but i found that it can't be malware since no anit malware or virus program can find any of it on the system.
so it has to be a program that i put in that is able to lock the settings.?
which can only be tweaking or optimizing programs.

i checked all the tweaking programs none of them locked the settings from being changed.
i checked the optimizing programs and found that
PC Pitstop Optimize
had locked them. but had its back up to the first time i used it so i reset it back to 2007 settings and rebooted now it is out of the control of my computer and i got the power config to allow me to change the settings and keep it after the reboot.

so if that program fixed that i'm hopeful that it was also the cause of the other errors i've been getting. but i don't know yet as i just did that and came online to post this message in all the foums i posted for help on this problem. won't know for a couple of days if this fixed the display drivers or the cooling fan alert issues.

wait that will be christmas day so i guess i'll be back after christmas to reply again.

sure am glad to see you still show up here richardj. been far too few people posting here. that includes me.

oh edited in.
so since i think its the pc opt program and i got the control of the power config back i also uninstalled the don't sleep program. B)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39764

Trouble With Power Config.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:26 am
by rovingcowboy
i'm back here before christmas to tell you that this display driver seems to be a manualy triggered issue if you do the steps below. as i have done these and caused the lock up.

1 run your windows explorer in high priority or really in any priority over the normal priority.

2 run your ie explorer in any priority over normal.

3 use the computer normally and sooner or later it will lock up.
either when your off line or online,

4 put all back in to normal priority and the lock up does not seem to happen now that i got the bad pc optimizer program out of the system.
with that in the system the driver was locking up in any priority.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5329, old post ID:39769