connetion to web over lan???

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connetion to web over lan???

Post by rovingcowboy »

how do i get this to work? :unsure:

the lan is all set up and working i can move files and i can print over it. :banana:

but i can't seem to connect the computer on the lan to the web through this computers connection.? :banghead:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39377
roving cowboy/ keith
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connetion to web over lan???

Post by Triple6_wild »

I take it your not running through a router at all?

LINK 12$ haha hella good deal, Will add some security to your computers, Allow them all online at the same time, Less hassle all round for 13$ :D May help keep you from re-installing windows so often.
Linksys BEFSR41 Cable/DSL Router (Recertified)
It's all easier than you think -- the included Setup Wizard takes you through configuring the Router, step by step. The Router can act as a DHCP server for your network, so your PCs are configured automatically. Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) lets specialized Internet applications configure the Router so you don't have to. Built-in NAT technology helps keep intruders out of your computers. With the EtherFast Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch at the heart of your home network, you don't need to be a networking genius to share printers, files, and your high-speed Internet connection.
There is NO excuse to be without roving :P Yes that price is correct $12.97>Twelve DOLLARS ninety seven CENTS. The security difference is HUGE when it's router vs direct connect or basic splitter.. Ive got a d-link and it's well worth the 100$ I payed for it so theres no way you can go wrong for 13$ Now just gotta get you into firefox too and 99% of your pc problems will never come back after a clean install lol

Edit: Your not still on dial up are you :cry:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39379

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connetion to web over lan???

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah definitely get a router. In this day and age, directly connecting to the internet is like living in a ground level apartment in an area full of bars, and leaving your door open at night.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39380
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connetion to web over lan???

Post by rovingcowboy »

yep i know a router would work.

no i'm not on dial up well yes i'm on dial up.

i'm not connecting straight to the web. well yes i am doing that.

okay set up is.

one computer using wireless modem. it also has dial up modem.
lan computer has dial up modem.

trying to get lan computer to use wireless modem on this computer.

wireless modem is only twice the speed of dialup. how ever it has the speed up enabled so it can go faster, i got the com port speeded up and the modem going in high priority or real time priority,
so i get 921.6kbps on the wireless modem instead of 115kbps which is normal set up for it. so this is fast but not as fast as other broadband connections.

and it is wireless so it is not direct to the web at least i don't think so?

your right i'm not using the router i have a crossover cable for going between the two computer nic's

and my connections are safe red. shields up site gives me complete stelth mode markings.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39381
roving cowboy/ keith
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connetion to web over lan???

Post by Triple6_wild »

Ok hold on. I'm not quite sure I understand here. :huh:
You are getting almost 930 kbps on dial up/wireless and I'm capping out at 650 kbps on cable/wired? You must mean transferring files from PC to PC not the internet itself..

If not I want your secret asap because I could use that extra 400kbps. :lol:

Lets attempt to break this down to simple terms so we can all understand and agree on whats what now. We'll start with your wireless pc setup.

Could you be on DSL and NOT dial up. (Modem provided by your ISP/service provider/phone company/cable company/ Verison, rogers, eastlink, etc ,etc whatever you call it you pay them to for internet)
Modem description. Little small box given to you when you had your internet hooked up. Possibly black in color and flashing lights on the front,
3 connection areas on the back,
1 for power,
1 for the phone line to plug into, (or TV type cable if not DSL but still not dial up)
1 for an ethernet cable/crossover cable.

And your wireless "modem" could possibly be a ... Dun dun dun.. "Router" "shock" :bsod:
Purchased by you yourself or given to you, Possibly by a friend/family member or rented via your ISP.

Router description: Little box possibly rectangle in shape and also has flashing lights on the front, 1 or 2 antennas on it as you said it's wireless,
4+ connection areas on the back, 6 being best guess.
1 for power,
"5" all for ethernet cords,
1 of the 5 ethernet areas may be separated from the rest so it can be easier to identify.

Can you verify this? If it holds true and it is a router then I think we might be able to help. Router brand name should be visible on it. D-link, linksys, Etc, Get the name. :biglaugh:
If not true well I don't have ANY clue to what it is you have set up lol

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39383

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connetion to web over lan???

Post by rovingcowboy »

man trip you triping out, :lol:

okay here it is. :o

sprint mobile broadband wireless air card. in a pcimci slot.
in the tower. no other wireless item.

use xteq pro version 6 set up last freeware one, to speed up com port wireless is on.

use "priority control_static" program found at majorgeeks. (works on xp not sure about win7?)
to set priority of iexplorer and modem manager software to high or realtime.

go in to modem properties like you would for dialup and then change the dial number speed from 1150.... to 921.... or the highest you can.
go to the properties advanced stuff and turn up all the settings you can.

use pc optimizer either their off line program or their online site to set up your computer for its max limits.

but i am connecting at 921.6 on what is basicly a 115 set up the modem is only to be twice the speed of the dial up modems and i get 56kbps on my dial up. the phone cable is in the back yard. there is only 7 or less houses on this line of cable. the pole from phone cable to house is in my back yard, one of those short green things that stick up and you hide with bushes.
the main box for the neighboorhod is only 3 blocks away from here.
so the phone is supper fast for dial up but supper slow for web connection.

the wireless tower is a sprint tower a mile from here.
sprint as all other cell phone companys has to rent tower use from other companys towers when there is no room to put up their own. so if you get dropped calls on any cell phone, it might be the reason of the tower your connected to is one they rent. in which case the owner always turns down the rentie's speed in favor of thier own customers.

so that is what i have set up for the wireless


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39385
roving cowboy/ keith
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connetion to web over lan???

Post by Triple6_wild »

Ok ya I'm clearly the one confused here :biglaugh:

So basically your only paying for a connection that is only supposed to be getting 115kbps but have some how managed to get 920kbps out of it? And it is a broadband connection not dial up. PC2 is running on dial up? You didn't like climb a pole did ya? lol

Nah I think I'm still lost lol But your modem is internal type so direct connection via wireless right and protected by firewall? And you want pc2 to chain to pc1 so both run pc1's internet? Should be possible with software I guess to redirect traffic but I don't know.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39388

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connetion to web over lan???

Post by rovingcowboy »

no i did not climb a pole. nice idea though just never thought about it? <_>

the way you said is what i want 2 with the dial up modem to connect to 1 this one and its wireless modem card.

the card has the capability to go to that high speed just many don't realize it and don't do the tweaks to get it that fast. :handintest:

sprint phones are now mostly using their g4 network. but i was getting faster then this before they went to g4. but this speed is fine i just would like 100megbps on the web connection but i can't afford that. :(

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5158, old post ID:39391
roving cowboy/ keith