Avira/AntiVir - how to disable update nag

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Red Squirrel
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Avira/AntiVir - how to disable update nag

Post by Red Squirrel »

Avira/AntiVir - how to disable update nag

If you run anti Vir (anti virus with umbrella icon) you probably notice how you get this annoying advertisement popup every time it updates.

This is run by the avnotify.exe program that resides in it's installation folder. Unfortunatly its not as easy as deleting it or replacing it with a custom app, as it gets rewritten each time! I even tried to create a folder with the same name, as folders cannot be deleted in the same way as files from a program point of view - but it renamed it!

So here's what you do:

-Go to start.
-Control panel
-Administrative tools
-Local security policy (If you want to get fancy, you can probably do this through a domain policy if you are on a domain)
- Software restriction policies
- Right click additional Rules
- Select new path rule
- Browse to the avnotify.exe program and set to restrict.

Try to go open that file and you should get an error that execution has been disabled for this file.

This will stop the annoying popup.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5057, old post ID:38883
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