Iceteks still gaining more traffic

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Red Squirrel
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by Red Squirrel »

Even though its been rather dead lately, we are continuously gaining traffic.

This is motivating me to try to get back to article writing and such.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38774
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by MikeDB »

I think a site revamp is in order, I volunteer to come up with site layouts. (I'm really bored)

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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah I'd like to redo the site, but I have bigger project/priorities in mind.

I DO want to finish SBBS one day as well. Problem is I've dragged it so much, the code is horrible compared to my standards now, vs like 5 years ago when I started on it. I'd almost have to restart it, but its almost done really so think I'll just live with the code, then redo sections at a time.

I was reading up and OOP in php actually has lot of overhead so it may actually be for good that I never used OOP, as speed was my #1 goal with that software.

I'm also thinking about getting into the webhosting industry. Something to pay off my game server. If it goes well then I can expand that.

I also need to code a better design for this page. LOL

So many projects, so little time. If the webhosting idea actually DOES grow big I can just quit my job and have tons of time to do all this stuff lol. But I have a good job so I'd have to really be secured in web hosting to want to do that...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38776
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by MikeDB »

Like I said, I volunteer I've gotten way better with graphics since my try at the "Iceteks Modern skin" also with this new site I'd be able to make a kick ass skin seeing as I'd have to original Psd's

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38777
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by Triple6_wild »

Actually squirrel i think mike may be on the right track here :grade11math:

Why not get some help breathing some new life into iceteks?

I dunno but we have another admin jryan? who ive seen post like uhh once? since i joined. lol Like most of his activity was probably before i got here.

We have alot of regulars that are trust worthy enuff to moderate and do little things like
I also need to code a better design for this page. LOL
as an example :biglaugh: News articles whatever

Just like open up the Staff Lounge to the regulars you trust and you go make X# of posts for everything that needs to be done and how you would like it done then let us volunteer on jobs you dont have time for ^^ Quicker for you to supervise jobs and make whatever small changes you feel are needed then it is for you to do a whole job alone right?

If we have the hits why not get some activity going in here :awesome: So if even only one thing gets done by one member then at least its a start right ^^

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38782

Wait what?
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by Red Squirrel »

I've thought of it but I'm very conservative about code/html etc, don't like having too many people on same project. Makes management complicated. I just need to find the time and do it. I also feel better about myself when its me that did it. Specially when php is involved, so I know the code better and where troubles come from, if any.

Right now 99% of my time is devoted to game server but lot of progress has been done in past years or so.

The Sun/Mysql situation is very flaky at the moment so I'm even opting to put most php related projects on hold (not like I was not already doing this lol) as I may end up having to switch DBMSes. So thats lot of code revamping.

The site is not BAD, its just that lot of stuff is old and could use a revamp. This is actually the longest layout ever, I normally change it like every year or so.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38783
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by MikeDB »

You still have not answered weather or not I can make teh new layout. Maybe if we did a collab I think that'd be pretty cool.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38784
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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by Triple6_wild »

MikeDB wrote: You still have not answered weather or not I can make teh new layout. Maybe if we did a collab I think that'd be pretty cool.
lol mike

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38785

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Iceteks still gaining more traffic

Post by MikeDB »

I'm so bored!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38787