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the big god theory

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:05 am
by upload420
ok firste off i want everyone to know that this is just as titled a theory and i am in no way trying to offend or change the views of anyone. just making a new theory for everyone to think about. another thing i am not saying i believe this at all, it is just a thought that crossed my mind today.

ok think if all those theories man has about how humans and the earth came to be were just people explaining what god (any god) has done to make us and our lovly planet earth. and of course christians believe the earth was made in just seven days but what if god was refering to his days which could be something like this 1 god day equals 1 million human years or maybe even more. no one knows what time is to our god (all gods and religions). i really don't think good has a clock above his thrown and i don't think god weres a wrist watch.

all i am saying is evolution and all that might be a humanized (probaly not a real word) way of explaining his work. also it might have took god a few tries for him to get things right. i know that we should think god is perfect and to me he is but perfection doesn't mean it only took one try to get things right but maybe it about all the time and effert god put into making us. it isn't like he made us so perfect anyways cause look at all the bad things we do and have always done in life as humans.

if you are a christian you believe that adam and eve thing, well if god made us with so much perfection then they would have never eat that stupid apple or fig what ever the hell it was.

i am not trying to say i don't believe god is perfect cause i do, god is a whole lot more perfect than anyone on earth so that is just enough for me. i also think that humans are getting way to d@mn smart for there own good. i am sure god doesn't want us too know about outer space and what eles is out there i am also sure god doesn't like us trying to figure out how our planet and humans were made. god is probaly getting pretty sick of and pissed off about how we keep trying to explain what the meaning of life is and what we really are.

i know that god (or at lets the christian god) is supposed to have great patients but i am sure god has to draw a line some were and we humans have to be comming close to crossing that line. i bet my bottom dollar that when we do get just a little to smart then that will bring about the end of human kind.

in my opion i really don't give a crap about what i came from or what is at the bottom of the ocean or what is in outer space. you never know mars might have been were gods previous test of how a living life form learns and becomes smarter without the direct input of god. then they got to smart just as we did so he killed it off.

like i said before i don't care from what or were or when i came to be i believe in christ and god as a christian and that is all that matters to me( not saying that all other religions are wrong) i know what i believe and thats what matters to me not what other people believe and if they are right thats only right for them not me. just like i don't think that people are wrong for worshiping different things or nothing at all . if that works for them than good for em, as long as it gets you through life then it is ok for them i guess.

one last note on that i know that i am supposed to think that if your not a christian your going to hell and if i don't i am a bad christian' but tell me this how many peopke do you think that are nonchristian are going to be insalted like that and want to become a christian afterwards. also i have noticed one thing every time i try to get some one to believe in christ they usually get turned completly off by the fact and probaly never become one because of that reason. i think that if you wanr ro believe somethig your going to have to decide that on your own(if some one wants to become a christian iwill help them though

i know longs as heck but please read all this if you want to put your iinput

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