c++ (sstream)..

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c++ (sstream)..

Post by jakskal »

ok..i'm working on the following problem:

Write a program that reads up to 10 numbers per line to be
stored in an array. The program calculates and displays the sum
of the numbers, the mean (arithmetic average) of the numbers,
and the largest and smallest values entered for each line.

Here's the file it reads from:

Code: Select all

45 98 35 23 67 84
65 91 20 54 62 37 65 84 32
21 54 95 87 35 62 54 78
95 62 35 54 78

i've got every except the part where it skips the line when it reaches the end of line..i know it has something to do with the sstream function. any help?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	string sBuf;
	int x, i, arnNumber[10][10], nCounter=0, nSum=0, nMax, nMin=99999;
	double dMean;
	ifstream fin;
	ofstream fout;
	istringstream istr(sBuf); 
  for(x=0; x<10; x++)

	for(x=0; x<nCounter; x++)
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  	nSum += arnNumber[nCounter][i];
    nMax = arnNumber[nCounter][i];
  	if(arnNumber[nCounter][i] < nMin)
    nMin = arnNumber[nCounter][i];
  dMean = nSum/10;
  cout<<"The sum of line "<<nCounter+1<<" is "<<nSum<<endl;
  cout<<"The average of line "<<nCounter+1<<" is "<<dMean<<endl;
  cout<<"The largest value of line "<<nCounter+1<<" is "<<nMax<<endl;
  cout<<"The smallest value of line "<<nCounter+1<<" is "<<nMin<<endl;
  nSum = 0;
	return 0;

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c++ (sstream)..

Post by jakskal »

nevermind..got it.. ;)

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Red Squirrel
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c++ (sstream)..

Post by Red Squirrel »

Good to hear, since I've never used sstream class before or dont recall, so could not see what was wrong. :P

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c++ (sstream)..

Post by jakskal »

Red Squirrel wrote: Good to hear, since I've never used sstream class before or dont recall, so could not see what was wrong. :P
i didn't use sstream...i ended up using something simple!

Code: Select all

if (fin.peek() == '
')  // checks for new line
          fin.ignore(1);       // ignores the new line and moves fin position to next line
          break;               // exits the for loop

it basically checks the file for the end of line and jumps onto the next line.. 

how'd i miss it?!  :lol:  

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Red Squirrel
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c++ (sstream)..

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah thats how I'd normally do it.

Keep in mind that some files also use
(*nix? , or is it windows? I always get confused) for return sequence. But searching for
should do the trick in most cases. But if you start seeing weird chars its probably the

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c++ (sstream)..

Post by jakskal »

hey...i need to check for a blank line which contains nothing and skip it..kinda similar to above..but the above code doesn't do the trick this time...anyone?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4580, old post ID:36549
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c++ (sstream)..

Post by jakskal »

nvm..got it! :D

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4580, old post ID:36550