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Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:12 am
by richardj

Don't reinstall Windows XP/2003 when you've got a corrupted TCP/IP stack.

Use NetShell to get you out of a jam quickly.

In earlier versions of Windows, TCP/IP was a separate optional
component that could be added or removed like any other protocol. In
Windows XP/2003, TCP/IP can't be removed because now it's a core
component of the operating system. Especially on a Windows Server 2003,
TCP/IP functionally is critical for network operations and the Active
Directory domain environment. The entire Active Directory architecture
is based on DNS hierarchy, which relies on TCP/IP.

In some situations, you may encounter a corrupt TCP/IP stack. Although
rare, this situation can be disruptive because you can't remove and
reinstall TCP/IP anymore. So, what's the solution? Reinstalling the
operating system? Well, that's one option.

Another option -- the preferred method -- is to reset TCP/IP to the
default state at the time when the OS was installed. You can use the
NetShell (netsh.exe) utility to do that.

When you reset TCP/IP, it will rewrite all the important keys in the
registry, which has the effect of removing and reinstalling the entire
TCP/IP stack.

The NetShell utility is a command line tool (netsh.exe) that allows
you to monitor and configure networking components on Windows
XP/2003. To run this tool, go to the command prompt and type netsh.
To display a list of commands that are available, type help, or
simply type a question mark "?".


The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
.. - Goes up one context level.
? - Displays a list of commands.
abort - Discards changes made while in offline mode.
add - Adds a configuration entry to a list of entries.
alias - Adds an alias.
bridge - Changes to the netsh bridge' context.
bye - Exits the program.
commit - Commits changes made while in offline mode.
delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries.
diag - Changes to the netsh diag' context.
dump - Displays a configuration script.
exec - Runs a script file.
exit - Exits the program.
firewall - Changes to the netsh firewall' context.
help - Displays a list of commands.
interface - Changes to the netsh interface' context.
offline - Sets the current mode to offline.
online - Sets the current mode to online.
popd - Pops a context from the stack.
pushd - Pushes current context on stack.
quit - Exits the program.
ras - Changes to the netsh ras' context.
routing - Changes to the netsh routing' context.
set - Updates configuration settings.
show - Displays information.
unalias - Deletes an alias.
winsock - Changes to the netsh winsock' context.

The following sub-contexts are available:
bridge diag firewall interface ras routing winsock

To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and
then type ?.

Tip: You can use abbreviations, or just the beginning part of a command
instead of typing the entire command. For example, you can type int for
interface, h for help, and either q or b to exit the program. If you
want to go one level up in the path, type ".." without the quotes. You
can also type the entire command without going into the individual
contexts of netsh.

To reset TCP/IP, type the following at the command prompt:

netsh interface ip reset logfile_name

where logfile_name is the name of a log file in the current directory,
e.g. resetlog.txt. You can also create a log file in a different folder
if you provide the full path.

When you reset TCP/IP, the two areas of registry that are affected

* SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesDHCPParameters\n * SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters\n
For a sample Windows XP TCP/IP reset log, check out resetlog.txt on my
Web site at . If
you notice that your log is empty, it could be because the TCP/IP
entries on your computer have not been changed since the default

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4452, old post ID:35759