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World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:37 pm
by Clueless
i live in an igloo

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35177

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:39 pm
by The Gheyness
I wonder who came up with the name igloo, and why.

Just food for thought.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35178

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:41 pm
by Clueless
people, and just because

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35179

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:42 pm
by The Gheyness
I don't know here, kiddo.

You've got a bomb avatar, bombs in your signature, and you're talking about putting bombs under her bed.

The bomb under her bed thing...That's like two strikes right there against you.

First of all, you're talking about blowing her up which I take it most dad's wouldn't like.

Secondly, you're talking about her bed, which I take it...most dad's don't like. :P

Pretty much, you can kiss MSN goodbye. :nana:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35180

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:44 pm
by The Gheyness
Yeah, but why igloo? Why not iglo or iglue or something?

Just thinking out loud here people, don't mind me.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35181

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:47 pm
by Anonymous
You've got a bomb avatar, bombs in your signature, and you're talking about putting bombs under her bed.

The bomb under her bed thing...That's like two strikes right there against you.

First of all, you're talking about blowing her up which I take it most dad's wouldn't like.

Secondly, you're talking about her bed, which I take it...most dad's don't like.

Pretty much, you can kiss MSN goodbye. 
It's all part of my master plan...

Btw i can't recieve E-mails from anyone and i think your dad just PMed me...

If it wasn't him then i dunno, but i got E-mail from someone!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35183

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:49 pm
by The Gheyness
Yeah, hey, sucks to be you. :P

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35185

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:00 pm
by Anonymous
Bite me :)

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35186

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:01 pm
by The Gheyness
See, now you're talking. :wub:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35188

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:02 pm
by Anonymous
-Lops nob out- :P

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35189

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:05 pm
by The Gheyness
Anarchy wrote: -Lops nob out-  :P

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35191

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:10 pm
by Anonymous
You asked for it... Now bend over

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35194

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:18 pm
by The Gheyness

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35200

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:21 pm
by Anonymous
-Gets the belt-......... :)

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35205

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:23 pm
by The Gheyness

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35207

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:46 pm
by Clueless
this thread got creepy very quickly...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35212

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:57 pm
by The Gheyness
:smileywave: MSN


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35215

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:58 pm
by Clueless

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35216

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:59 pm
by The Gheyness
You'll be lucky if your dad doesn't banish you from the internet altogether.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35217

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:00 pm
by Clueless
me? why would he do that?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35218

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:01 pm
by The Gheyness
Two words for you: Guys

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35219

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:02 pm
by Clueless
thats three words..

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35220

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:03 pm
by The Gheyness
Exactly my point.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35223

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:05 pm
by Clueless
well.. its only cuz of the crazy weird guys.. im suprised im not banned from this site!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35224

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:06 pm
by The Gheyness
Alright, it's burning me up inside so I'm just gonna come right out and ask it.

What's up with the partial ellipses, like you did? I see a lot of the young people doing it these days.

Is it laziness? Or are you guys unaware that an ellipses is either three or four periods? Or is this some sort of internet abbreviation for an ellipses, like an LOL type thingy?

Help me, please...I'm like two steps away from :goalguarder: if I don't find this out..

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:35225