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here's mine after a clean install. Notice that the halo review folder is a shortcut. No more keeping files on my C partition. Instead I put it on my trusty FAT32 D partition and make a shortcut. no more data loss when windows goes bad.
Now, if my D drive was to say, crap out, then I'd be screwed, but I do "regular" remote backups.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:14767
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Here's my current desktop. The background was released by Blizzard to promote the long awaited 1.10 patch for Diablo 2. It was just so funny I had to use it. Obviously the bg pokes fun at all those who said the new patch would come out "when hell freezes over"
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:14783
Red Squirrel wrote: I have not used alcool much either. I've been wanting to be generous and put a bunch of my CD's in my DC shared list but the copy protection things arn't working. I need something that can take a 100% binary cloneCD. It makes exact copies of CD's. but I can't find such thing. Been lazy really, there's all these cracks and stuff I can get but never really bothered much. I shoun't be doing that anyway. The RIAA will send bombs to my house. And the US senate will send nuclear bombs too.
Warez is war.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:16131
hehehe. Nice desktops. I made a couple of desktops while bored after finishing my HTML assigments A WEEK BEFORE the due date. So I animated some that are really quite interesting. I made 3 desktops where there are squares that pass along a grid. Kind of reminds me of information passing through a motherboard (Don't ask me why, I don't know). I should really post them up. After awhile of watching them though, your eyes can get screwy (Bacause they ARE animated)
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22213
This is my current desktop. I used to have a good picture of Peter Griffin from Family Guy, but I decided to finally change it. This is a picture from Ultima Online when I used to be on the shard known as Spawn of Sosaria (But it just crashed and burned, let's not go there). I like this desktop because I used my camping skill to make a sword picture completely out of miniature fires (You can kind of see the sword behind the icons)
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22214
Looks pretty neat! I'll have to attempt and make an animated one like that grid one since that's so cool. The problem is too much detail makes it slow. (remember that hitler water melon one? )
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22216
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
Hitler's watermelon was funny. I laughed for at least an hour. Hehe, ya, I made 3 of those animated grid ones. Hurts the eyes after awhile but it's fun to try to follow the dots . It's kind of crazy though, that may explain why I went brain dead in math class (Too much frames!!! )
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22223
NICE PICTURES! I can't believe the quality on the grasshopper too! Superb. Kind of reminds me of my cottage, except with more chipmunk and less squirrel. We have one squirrel but if you even look at it, it runs away. The chipmunks on the other hand, are all over you. They climb your back and everything. One of them even sits on my shoulder. It's kind of funny because you can use a chipmunk as a weapon against other chipmunks. If you're feeding it in your hand and another chipmunk is snooping around, I aim the chipmunk in my hand at the other one and as soon as the one in my hand sees the other guy, he pauses then chases him around for a good 2 minutes. Kind of cute actually. I wish I had a scanner. I have a funny picture of one of our chipmunks with its head stuck in a feeder I made. Man, those things can really squeeze through anything!
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22268
Haha yeah they're hilarious. They used to be like that at our other camp, but when they put the 21 day camping limit thing we had to find a different place that's not crown land.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22269
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
LOL. Ya I'll bet. I get crowded with chipmunks all the time (Because they know I have pockets fulls of peanuts). I have some crazy ones actually steal the peanuts from my pockets. Makes me wish I had a camera for all the funny things they've done. I've seen them pull 360 flips in the air. Quite arobatic
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22272
haha at our old camp they used to do that. The squirrels were only starting to get to know us.
at the cottage though, they're completly wild, the squirrel did not even know what peanuts were, I had to teach him that it was food. He still hesitates sometimes.
But anyway I'm heading to bed, an early night for me.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22274
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
This is my "Peter Griffin" desktop. It's always fun taking SS's of tv shows. Strangely enough, I have no idea how I managed to pull it off. Now, you CAN'T take screenshots from things in media player. I don't know why.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:725, old post ID:22288