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World's Longest Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:46 pm
by ycontrol
I tracked them all down and told them Red cut off his tail....they all just started showing up.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31400

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:21 am
by Stasi
MrSelf wrote:
Tak wrote:
greeneyes wrote: Good to see you Flood. Is Mrself, Katina, Minnie & Booper still around? I haven't checked in here in over a year. But I see Tak :^)'s it going?

....doesn't look like as much activity here as there used to be....
Greeneyes! I’m doing good! What about you?

It’s very nice to see you again. :)
Hey there, greeneyes! How's it been going?

Katina never stops by, Minnie hardly but occasionally. New cycle, old ones left by the wayside.

Nice to see quite a few older members stopping by that haven't for a while. :up:
Very true.... adding some much needed spice to this joint. Greeneyes, long time no speaky! How's the kid doing?

Also, it's nice to see Geisha back in here... been a while, missy!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31410

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:36 am
by Magic
Hello all! Man I haven't checked the forum in quite some time.

Good to see a lot of you are still around :)

I shall drop by more :) :dance:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31411

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:48 am
by Stasi
That would be just magical of you!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31412

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:50 am
by Stasi
What've you been up to lately?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31413

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:53 am
by Magic
to be honest...not very much. i tried to get more of a life outside of cyberspace ::/

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31414

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:05 pm
by Stasi
Magic wrote: to be honest...not very much. i tried to get more of a life outside of cyberspace ::/
Haha, and were you successful?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31427

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:18 pm
by Red Squirrel
Magic wrote: Hello all! Man I haven't checked the forum in quite some time.

Good to see a lot of you are still around :)

I shall drop by more :) :dance:

Hey glad to see you magically poped in. You can ingore the emails and PMs I sent you, the domain is all taken care of. :lol:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31430

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:32 pm
by MrSelf
It's already June, hard to believe...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31438

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:34 pm
by Red Squirrel
Yeah, and not only is it june, but the month is half way done. :o Too fast. Next thing you know I'll be working again, well I'm working now, but I'm talking after 2nd year of college is over. :P

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31439

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:07 pm
by Stasi
Ugh. Time goes faster and faster as you get older, I swear....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31445

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:47 pm
by Red Squirrel

You're born, you're a baby for half your life and it's the hardest thing ever. Then for 3/4 of the next half you go to school, then for 1/2 of the remaining you work, then retire, then DIE!

Isin't life great? :lol:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31448

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:34 am
by Stasi
Life is what you make of it, more or less....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31460

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:37 am
by ycontrol
Life is like a box of chocolates...ya never know what you're gonna get.

Oh come on somebody was gonna say it.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31463

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:41 pm
by Joe
ycontrol wrote: Life is like a box of chocolates...ya never know what you're gonna get.

Oh come on somebody was gonna say it.
I like the box of chocolates that has the map inside stuck to the top of the lid that tells you where the good chocolates are. So you can avoid the mistake of getting mint!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31472

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:31 pm
by Red Squirrel

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31473

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:21 pm
by ycontrol
Now I want a mint chocolate. Mmmm.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31474

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:27 pm
by Stasi
I have some chocolate, but it's only in good or excellent condition, not mint.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31491

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:55 pm
by ycontrol
Har Har Har!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31498

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:55 pm
by MrSelf
Stasi wrote: Ugh.  Time goes faster and faster as you get older, I swear....
I know, it's really frightning. I remember thinking, 'wow, 6th grade went by faster than 5th' and then the next year, even faster, at this rate I'll be 65 next week...

On a slightly side note; I wonder if it has to do with the fact that as a kid, you process more of reality, since you have very few memories(taking in 80% of what is happening) and as you get older, you take in less since your memory starts to fill(taking in only 65% of what is happening). As an audio guy, it seems like a sample rate issue.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31528

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:19 pm
by Stasi
I've thought about it in the same way and I think that's really what it comes down. As you get older, many of the little curiousities and so forth lose their shine and certain things are just more mundane.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31529

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:20 pm
by Red Squirrel
Yeah supostly a brain can hold about 2TB of data, so I can imagine how fast that fills up. Basic stuff like the alphabet and language probably takes up a few 100 gigs alone. Instead of clusters, it's cells. :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31530

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:56 pm
by MrSelf
Your long term memory probably becomes more important as well, as in when you are a child, you probably are not accessing your long term memory as much as when you hit your late teens and on.

E.g.=80% of your system resources are spent on short term memory as a child, analysing everything where as an adult doesn't really analyse much, just lives life, spending only 30% of your resources on observing reality via short term memory. Perhaps the more STM you use, the longer time seems to happen, STM being much quicker(3 ST memories recalled in the time it took one LT memory to be recalled - you waste 3x the time recalling LT memories, wasting your day?)

Whatever, food for thought, and I'm outta here, work week is over!

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31533

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:06 am
by Red Squirrel
Yeah makes sense and with time you learn to tweak your brain. Ex: you don't really need the telepathy service running, or the testosterone resource manager. But then again, they start installing all these anti-aids and anti-flu and anti-epetisB programs and then you have to format all over again.

ok, maybe we brought this too far. :lol:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31556

World's Longest Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:30 pm
by Bookworm
I had a flat tire out on my postal route the other day. I tried calling my supervisor to have someone sent out to change it, and nobody answered the phone for about ten minutes. I hate it when that happens.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:31588