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Make a Story Game

Post by manadren »

"... Who's Line Is It Anyway Super Hero Sketch Man!"

"Wait, isn't that Colin Mochrie?"

"So... uh.. what's he gonna do?"

And with that, Colin went to work...

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Post by sintekk »

2 hours later...

The Castle was wiped off the face of the earth, and Colin saved the day!

Aside from the suitcase, that is. The suitcase that carried what looked like a Garbage Disposal.

All was fine, though, until two weeks later, when this suitcase was found by...

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Post by manadren »

Condoleeza Rice. She gave it an angry look and it asploded. And innocent bystander caught a glimpse of this look and his head asploded too. Ms. Rice was a walking disaster area. Just about everyone she looked at had their head asplode.

She was exactly the kind of person a certain someone needed, and that person was...

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Post by sintekk »

The newly-hired White House janitor, William Wallace. He gave her a angry look, she gave him an angry look. Seeing as he was the only person who didn't asplode when she looked at him, and she was the only person who didn't spontaneously combust when he looked at her, they decided to hook up and get married.

They decided to have their honeymoon at...

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a run down Holiday Inn in the backwoods of Arkansas. But when they got to their room they found...

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Make a Story Game

Post by sintekk »

A redneck, his wife, and 37 children. Each with a shotgun.

"Give us all yer monies, Yankeeeeees!"

They complied and the rednecks chased em in there truck for about 5 miles. They were now completely lost in the wildernes...

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Post by manadren »

They were gettign a bit hungry. Condoleeza looked at acouple of rabbits whiel will started a fire. However unbeknownst to them, these woods were home to the legendary monster...

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Make a Story Game

Post by sintekk »

HOWARD DEAN! The man with a scream that can incapacitate anyone with sheer, horrible, painful laughter!

The ominous scream echoed thru the forest. Will chuckled and said "Oh, god, IT'S DEAN!" They started running, but it was too late...

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Post by manadren »

Dean was already on their trail. "Yeargh!" he screamed, "Yeargh!"

Condoleeza turned aroudn and tried to look at him, but she was laughing so hard she couldn't keep her eyes open. Will was laughing so hard, he lost bowel control, and crapped his pants.

It was the end for them, when suddenly...

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Post by sintekk »

Al Gore, the most boring man on earth showed up!

"Gore! I thought you were asploded!" Will exclaimed!

"Nay! You cannot kill the man who invented the intarweb! Now let me say something extreeeemely boring to kill off dean....

Pop! Dean's head asploded.

"Quick, to the Al Gore mobile, also known as..."

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Post by manadren »

Gore's Mom's Station Wagon.

"YOu guys can get in the back seat" said Gore.

Will looked at Condoleeza with a smirk on his face.

"Oh heeeeell no" Condoleeza replied. "I got shotgun"

Saddened, will hopped in the backseat, as Condoleza go in up front.

As Gore pulled out onto the road, they noticed somethgn in the distance...

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Make a Story Game

Post by sintekk »


"Where are those wacky kids going on a field trip today?"

The magic school bus suddenly shrank, and flew into their car's A/C system.
Will frowned "Huh, I saw them come in the car, but I don't see.. hurk.. er... I know where they are. They're in my..."

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Post by Stasi »

"...forehead sinuses!" Fortunately for the kids on the Magic Schoolbus, but unfortunate for Will, the bus was packed with various exotic bombmaking materials allowing them to blast their way into his...

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Post by erolyn »

shoe. Now that the Magic School Bus could control WW's feet, it revealed to all the children that not only did it hate kids, but it and Mrs. Fritz were both key members of the ORDEFM! The Magic School bus began broadcasting brain-wash waves into Will's head through his shoes. Will jumped up from the backseat and proceeded to strangle Condoleeza, when...

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Post by manadren »

Gore swerves and Will is knocked aginst the car door, seeing as he wasn't properly wearing his safety belt.

Gore realized what was happening, and knew there was only one way to counteract the evil brain-wash waves: Gore popped in a tape of John Ashcroft singing "Let the Eagle Soar".

Deep inside Will shoe The Magic School Bus was deactivated, and Ms. Fritz head asploded, which, unfortunately for will, caused the rapid expansion of the Magic School Bus, crushing Will completely, and ruining his shoe. Concoleeza and Gor were fine though, as the front half of the station wagon was seperated during the expansion.

Buddha was pissed about having to deal with Will yet again.

However back at the fornt half od the station wagon, Gore and Condoleeza had other problems...

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Make a Story Game

Post by sintekk »

1 hour ago...

About three towns away, that dapper swindler Manadren was oggling the World's Largest Lava Lamp. After having a few martinis too much, Manadren decided to see what materials are inside a lava lamp: He stole a Hummer 2 and knocked it over. He was disappointed to see it didn't break, but he was delighted when he saw it start rolling downhill and crushing everything in it's way.

1 hours later...

"Holy crap, that giant lava lamp is going to crush us!" Rice screamed.
"Certainly looks that way, Captain Obvious, geez," Gore commented, "How stupid do you think I am? I invented the internet, what've you done?"
However, just then Adam West appeared...

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Post by manadren »

"Hi! I'm tv's Adam West! It seems a giant lava lamp is coming right for us!"

"Holy $#%^ Batman! You think so?" Gore replied in an overtly sarcastic tone.

"Good thing I have my Bat Giant Lava Lamp Repellent!! ... Hmm It doesn't seem to be working."

"As if such a thing would actually work" Condoleeza snapped back.

Just then a 40ft tall brown bear ran across the street, knocking the lava lamp out of the way, and no one noticed.

"Well, we seem to be saved! Let's never think about how that happened about go about our lives!"

And everybody lived happily ever after, except for Will, who died, and everyone that Condoleeza happened to look at, who also died.

Meanwhile, halfway across the county, there was a strange and mysterious fellow by the name of sintekk who was up to something strange and mysterious...

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Make a Story Game

Post by sintekk »

brushing his fish's teeth... while listening to a lousy 7 dollar George Thorogood cd!!!!!!! GASP!!

"I'm so strange and mysterious," chuckled sintekk, when suddenly, a shoe with a note flew thru his window, making a mess and braking his cd player.

"What? Bloody hell! Say, there's a note... what does it say?"

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Post by manadren »

"Eat at Joe's"

Sintekk wasn't one to argue with a piece of paper, so he complied.

15 minutes later, he arrived at Joe's. He took a booth in the back and waited. and waited. and waited. 3 hours, 8 sodas, and 3 bathroom trips later, a shadowy figure walks up to him.

His breath smells of mentholated cough drops, his eyes hidden behind his hat, he speaks in a low raspy voice.

"I see you got my note."

"You broke my cd player."

"Never mind that. I've come to make you an offer you can't refuse..."

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Post by sintekk »

Sintekk punched the man in the face. "You broke my 7 dollar godawful George Thorogood cd! And for that, YOU'll PAY!"

Sintekk stole the man's wallet and ran back to his Space Truck that manadren loaned sintekk for reaching 3000 posts.

"Let's see what's in his wallet..."

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Post by manadren »

"... 2 dollars, a bus token, and 3 stamps from subway. Well that hardly covers the cost, but at least I got enough stamps now to get a free sub."

So sintekk pointed the space truck manadren had lent him in the direction of the nearest intergalactic Subway Restaurant. However, when he got there, he ran into someone he hadn't seen in a long time...

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Post by erolyn »

his old college buddy, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

"Ike? What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!" exclaimed a rather confused Sintekk.

"Sit down, and I'll explain", Eisenhower replied.

Sintekk sat down at the Subway booth across from the former president, and just as Dwight began to tell his story...

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Post by manadren »

Death walked up.

"Dude! Ike! WTF? Management is PISSED! He's about to pull out his smiting hammer and crap! Now get your behind back up there before he changes his mind about your placement!"

Ike, however, was not too keen on going back just yet, not until he had delivered his message...

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Post by sintekk »

"Dominos has started up their 5 5 5 deal again! You can get three frickin' pizzas for 5 bucks each! Dude, how cool is that?" Death walked up and pulled Ike into the Vorpal Portal for Dead People.

sintekk shrugged, chugged his Space Mountain Dew, and pulled out his cell phone.

"Hey, Manadren, I left your space truck at the intersteller Subway, I'm going to take a Space Taxi home, thanks for letting me borrow it!" He hung up, and walked out of the diner.

Manadren, however, wasn't around to hear this message, for he was at the...

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Post by manadren »

Hanging out with erolyn at the interstellar Dairy Queen, about halfway between pluto and alpha centauri.

"Ice cream always tastes better when stored in a vacuum."

"Mmmmm. Space Blizzard."

Just then, manadren noticed the message on his space cell phone. He pressed a few buttons, and his space truck's auto pilot kicked in, steering it back to his home, a small planet in the eastern quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy.

"Well" erolyn spoke up, "It's about time for me to get out of here, thanks for the ice cream though, mana."

"Where you headed? Want some company?"

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