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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:04 pm
by Blondesccerchic1817
Ha well thats sure mature, lol, jk

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56641


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:24 pm
by Anonymous
Reaper wrote:
Anarchy wrote: Exactly my point.

Thanks for proving the reason why I'm leaving Reaper, because people like you have to disagree with everything I say whether it's a personal opinion or not. If I wanted your retarded advice I'd ask for it, this is not me looking for trouble, because I don't want you to reply ;).
1. I never disagreed with you
2. Grow up. You'll need to if you want to get anywhere in life.

I suggest you don't come back until you've got some sense in you. ;)

Or just don't come back at all. :eek2:

And I wouldn't call it retarded adive, just advice that you should take.
1. Mate, shut your trap. You are disagreeing with my reasons for leaving, my own, PERSONAL (bolded to show you whos opinions they are, because you seem to have too small a brain to comprehend) opinion. So yes, you did disagree with me.

2. Grow a brain, I never asked for your 'pathetically sad' advice, I never wanted any. I'm leaving because sh*theads like you ruin this forum with your sarcastic, worthless, arrogant and pointless remarks.

People may like me, people may not. That isn't the main reason I'm not coming back for a little while, it's because I don't get on with certain people around here, you being one of them. You can reply with your "but that's life" and "there's always going to be people you don't like" comebacks, but if I don't want to stick around here because of that reason, why the hell should I? You can't compare a forum to real life mate, and if you do... Enough said about your social life really, don't you think?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56711


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:33 pm
by Anonymous
People seem to think this is some sort of instant messenging forum, wantonly spamming pointless comments like "lol" after most sentences. I'd much prefer somewhere I can debate in mass writing, that isn't cluttered by people spamming crap inbetween posts.

This whole forum has digressed into some sort of multiplayer notepad, where the people who posts the most wins. It's a shame the amount of total posts people have isn't measured by the quality of the post.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56715


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:40 pm
by Clueless
well it is the anything forums. it can be an instant messeging forum if it wants to. =[

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56716


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:07 pm
by Blondesccerchic1817
hhhmmmm........ Clueless is right. And if it isnt to be able to chat with other people, then what is it for, just to post a bunch of random crap and get people's opinion, If we didnt talk to "instant" message and say haha or lol, or any of that stuff, anything forums would be boring.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56719


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:35 pm
by Reaper
Anarchy wrote:
Reaper wrote:
Anarchy wrote: Exactly my point.

Thanks for proving the reason why I'm leaving Reaper, because people like you have to disagree with everything I say whether it's a personal opinion or not. If I wanted your retarded advice I'd ask for it, this is not me looking for trouble, because I don't want you to reply ;).
1. I never disagreed with you
2. Grow up. You'll need to if you want to get anywhere in life.

I suggest you don't come back until you've got some sense in you. ;)

Or just don't come back at all. :eek2:

And I wouldn't call it retarded adive, just advice that you should take.
1. Mate, shut your trap. You are disagreeing with my reasons for leaving, my own, PERSONAL (bolded to show you whos opinions they are, because you seem to have too small a brain to comprehend) opinion. So yes, you did disagree with me.

2. Grow a brain, I never asked for your 'pathetically sad' advice, I never wanted any. I'm leaving because sh*theads like you ruin this forum with your sarcastic, worthless, arrogant and pointless remarks.

People may like me, people may not. That isn't the main reason I'm not coming back for a little while, it's because I don't get on with certain people around here, you being one of them. You can reply with your "but that's life" and "there's always going to be people you don't like" comebacks, but if I don't want to stick around here because of that reason, why the hell should I? You can't compare a forum to real life mate, and if you do... Enough said about your social life really, don't you think?
Could I ask one question? How old are you? You're acting like a stupid 12 year old. I wouldn't be surprised if you are.
You can reply with your "but that's life" and "there's always going to be people you don't like" comebacks, but if I don't want to stick around here because of that reason, why the hell should I?
I'm not trying to get you to stay. I want you to leave. You're acting like an immature 12 year old.

You can't compare a forum to real life mate,
But here' the thing: Not everyone is going to like in real life, just like on a forum.
1. Mate, shut your trap. You are disagreeing with my reasons for leaving, my own,
Nope, never disagreed with your reasons for leaving. Read my post again.
2. Grow a brain
I say again, grow up.

So are you going leave yet?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56723


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:42 pm
by Reaper
Anarchy wrote: I'd much prefer somewhere I can debate in mass writing, that isn't cluttered by people spamming crap inbetween posts.
Then go somewhere else. I guess you didn't know not every forum is a debate forum? That's a shame.

Anarchy wrote: . . .where the people who posts the most wins. It's a shame the amount of total posts people have isn't measured by the quality of the post.
I seem to recall you posting an entire thread just to post nearly 1,000 times. Not spamming? Sure as hell isn't quality posting, thats for sure. Pretty hypocritical of you. You have more than 3,000 posts, mostly worthless. Once again, pretty hypocritical of you.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56724


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:21 pm
by manadren
Wait, Anarchy still hasn't left yet? Do we need to hold a wake before we can bury this thread?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56727


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:23 pm
by Reaper
You should get right not that manadren.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56729


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:39 pm
by Red Squirrel
Reaper wrote:
Anarchy wrote: I'd much prefer somewhere I can debate in mass writing, that isn't cluttered by people spamming crap inbetween posts.
Then go somewhere else. I guess you didn't know not every forum is a debate forum? That's a shame.

Anarchy wrote: . . .where the people who posts the most wins. It's a shame the amount of total posts people have isn't measured by the quality of the post.
I seem to recall you posting an entire thread just to post nearly 1,000 times. Not spamming? Sure as hell isn't quality posting, thats for sure. Pretty hypocritical of you. You have more than 3,000 posts, mostly worthless. Once again, pretty hypocritical of you.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56731


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:07 am
by Anonymous
Repear, get bent, the mass posting I did was just a test to see if my macro worked, so in actual fact; the posts were worthwhile because they helped me learn how to macro, imbecile.

Red, please don't join in on the belittling, that's not doing your job properly... Can you lock this thread, because once again it's become a warzone with every assh*le on the site trying to overcome me in an argument that won't effect squat?

I merely post a thread to say I'm leaving, I don't want replies as to 'how sad that is'. Once again I'm being flamed by everyone for nothing. Way to go guys, exactly the reason I'm going, good job.

Feel free to express your worthless opinions about:

1 - How sad I am.
2 - Why I should or shouldn't be leaving.

Because I'm sure I'll read it in about 6 months time. I am going now anyway, I was just lurking until this thread had died, and hopefully after it's been locked, it will have.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56740


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:35 am
by Anonymous
I've bolded and occasionally underlined certain phrases that might relate to my leaving, since you feel so strongly that this 'isn't a debate forum' Repear. A handful of posts by a handful of other members who left/hardly ever come back, because of the same reasons.
Cicero wrote: Tricky question that.

It seems that there was a bit of a lull in posting there a while ago, and then again recently it has picked up again. But many of these posts are just pointless bantar. "But thats what forums are all about" I hear yoou exclaim. True, but when its the same pointless bantar regurgitated over and over again it gets tedious.
Thats probably the reason Sintekk left (though I dont think he ever gave any suggestions as to how to improve it).

To help improve it, I'm not too sure. A custom skin might help. It might get the guests to stay and have a look around rather then just seeing another internet forum. Then, maybe less of the off topic-ness especially outside of Anything Goes (even though off topic posts are often the most entertaining).

Maybe some new features to the place, I've no idea whats available, but maybe Blogs for members who want them or an arcade or something else that could be implemented. A possible return of the Welcome Newbies Forum might encourage new members to stay and post.

And, a way to improve the forum for me would be to lighten up on the censors. I'm not too sure what the limits are, but it bugs me a bit whn I post the lyrics to a song or something and Fudge appears in it. Its the big bad world of the internet, if someone is so easily offended over a few words then the net really isnt the place for them.
EDIT: Also, there has been alot of talk of this "direction of the forum", yet I have no clue as to what the direction is. Again Sintekk said it was the forums direction that made him leave, but never said what that direction was.
MrSelf wrote: There is nothing interesting to discuss here.

There is no intelligent conversation or debate, nothing to hold my interest here. I enjoy Science and Space, the old forum was somewhat active in that regard, but as it switched over, members were uninterested in this aspect. I quit posting as many topics others were uninterested in in fear of flooding the forum with topic overwhelmingly by me with no responses, as fcbayer has(at times duplicating old info).

I'm interested in computers, the section on computers has always been more advanced than my level, mainly because it's post have been geared more towards code and software than hardware. Spaz, Fragged and Magic kept that alive.

Music is my main interest, but music has always been a joke: few music fans post in there, there is little intelligent conversation, and no one is respectful of others opinions on something as subjective as music. It has been more successful as the media section, but that day is long past as well.

No one is interested in the News section, another interest of mine, and the Debate section has never been able to get far enough out of religious debate to actually debate anything of importance that wouldn't just end up at faith.

Overall, nothing that interest me is discussed here, and the things I do discuss often get flooded with opinions of those who are ignorance in the subject matter in discussion. I don't want to bore others, and I don't want to converse about non-sense all the time. I just seems like there is nothing worth talking about here by the members, and some of that is due to a low regular member count, but more of it has to do with the members and how they respond to each other, it seems.
Stasi wrote:
Good post, MrSelf.  I agree.  It's just hard to get into many of the thread topics now.  I started getting tired of the Debate forum after a period of time where it seemed that people kept dredging up the same topics (like anything having to do with homosexuality) and posting the same arguments, flames, and so on.  Granted, topics are naturally revisted in time, but there were like three threads or so, all created within close chronological proximity to each other, when it should've been one.  I think the whole William Wallace thing killed my interest in the debate forum as well, since I just couldn't stand how each topic would disintegrate into insults and other childish behavior.

I've tried starting threads here and elsewhere about my interests and they just don't get much action so why continue?

What we had in the old days that made all the difference:

-Active computer forums with meaningful threads on a variety of topics that saw regular participation from people with a variety of knowledge or skill.

-Friendly, sometimes lengthy conversations in WLT.  Back in the good ol' days, we'd have Legend, fragged one, Minnie, Spaz, GreenEyes, Katina, and others in the WLT and there'd be like 3 or 4 new posts in the time you started and finished your own post.

-We actually had debates.  Up until the beginning of this year, or the end of 2004, the debate forum was interesting.  The same tired topics didn't get overdone.  Shenbaw was the last member around who actively kept that stuff going and provided interesting points of view.

-Music discussion... yeah, there isn't much decent music discussion now.  Last good one I had was like a year or more ago with MrSelf and Spaz about guitars, back when I was looking to get a C-1 Classic.

But, I can't rightly complain about all this and not try to kickstart some of this stuff, so that's what I'll do.
fragged one wrote: i think this forum has gone into the shitcan...that's my personal opinion, though...
0 wrote:
fragged one wrote: i think this forum has gone into the shitcan...that's my personal opinion, though...
My opinion of the forum a year ago.
Anarchy wrote: I must admit that even though i haven't been here longer than fragged... It does get a little tedious around here, what with all the random crap, rather than interesting convo.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56744


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:50 am
by Stasi
Ah, the good old days, when foruming was more than something done just to kill time. I've lost any real hope that those days will ever return.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56746


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:28 am
by scherzo
Reaper wrote:
Anarchy wrote: Exactly my point.

the reason why I'm leaving Reaper, because people like you have to disagree with everything I say
1. I never disagreed with you


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56748


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:42 am
by Reaper
Anarchy wrote: Repear, get bent, the mass posting I did was just a test to see if my macro worked, so in actual fact; the posts were worthwhile because they helped me learn how to macro, imbecile.
Care going through your posts from day 1 of your membership? Nearly all worthless, from day 1.
I merely post a thread to say I'm leaving, I don't want replies as to 'how sad that is'. Once again I'm being flamed by everyone for nothing. Way to go guys, exactly the reason I'm going, good job.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56759


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:46 am
by Reaper
Anarchy wrote: I've bolded and occasionally underlined certain phrases that might relate to my leaving, since you feel so strongly that this 'isn't a debate forum' Repear.

Hey, guess what? It's not. There is one (1) subforum for debating. That means only 10% of this entire forum is for debating. 1/10.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56760


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:48 am
by michaelk1993adg
why do you think everyone is out to get u were not but the way you talk about everyone doesnt make us like you

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56761


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:58 pm
by michaelk1993adg
hey clueless

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56765


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:58 pm
by michaelk1993adg
hey reaper

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56766


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:54 am
by scherzo
I have apriciated 'anarchy's' opinion and would concider his leaving a loss to the diversity to this forum

one post cannot undue the dedication to this board

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56818


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:59 am
by michaelk1993adg
hey anarchy why dont you just stop telling everyone how unhumorous their jokes are because yours arnt great but still dont go your one of the only people who is fun to talk to

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56828


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:16 pm
by Anonymous
scherzo wrote:
Reaper wrote:
Anarchy wrote: Exactly my point.

the reason why I'm leaving Reaper, because people like you have to disagree with everything I say
1. I never disagreed with you

I have apriciated 'anarchy's' opinion and would concider his leaving a loss to the diversity to this forum
You must be the only one to think that. Im greatful someone has bothered to understand the reason for this entire thread, unlike dipsh*t Repear whos still disagreeing with me. *CoughironyCough*.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56852


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:16 pm
by Anonymous
Lock the thread already.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56853


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:42 pm
by Reaper
Anarchy wrote:

You must be the only one to think that. Im greatful someone has bothered to understand the reason for this entire thread, unlike dipsh*t Repear whos still disagreeing with me. *CoughironyCough*.
Ok for the 3rd time, read my first post. Did I disagree with you for leaving? No, I didn't.

Leave already.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56857


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:50 pm
by Bookworm
I've found that when people start a thread to say they are leaving, they actually don't want to leave, but they just want people to encourage them to stay. So Anarchy, I encourage you to stay. If I ever have a problem with anything you say, I will just explain the problem, but if you leave, then you will have joined a long line of people who have just left, and I will always wonder, "Where did Anarchy go?"

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3067, old post ID:56858