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Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:20 pm
by manadren
After crash landing on the planet they were greeted by a number of royal guards, who quickly escorted all of them to the nearest prison facility.

Luckily they all ended up in the same cell and were left alone while officials decided what they were going to do with them.

Will spoke up "We've got to figure out a way out of here. Look, we've got a piece of string, some bubble gum, a sheet of paper and a vibrator. Quick think of something!"

Sintekk replied "What the hell, who do you think I am MacGyver?"

Everyone looked over, spying Richard Dean Anderson in the next cell.

"What? I'm a f**cking actor!!!"

Sintekk queried "Who brought the vibrator with them anyway?"

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9537

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:13 pm
by Anonymous
manadren wrote: After crash landing on the planet they were greeted by a number of royal guards, who quickly escorted all of them to the nearest prison facility.

Luckily they all ended up in the same cell and were left alone while officials decided what they were going to do with them.

Will spoke up "We've got to figure out a way out of here. Look, we've got a piece of string, some bubble gum, a sheet of paper and a vibrator. Quick think of something!"

Sintekk replied "What the hell, who do you think I am MacGyver?"

Everyone looked over, spying Richard Dean Anderson in the next cell.

"What? I'm a f**cking actor!!!"

Sintekk queried "Who brought the vibrator with them anyway?"
Mrself squeaked "Me, i like long vibrating things"
Everyone looked strangely at him. Mrself said "It's my extra strength RECTUM RIPPER 4000, I lurves
Will picked up the ugly thing and turned it on. "The vibration might jar loose the lock," he said. He touched it to the lock and the lock clicked. They opened the door and sneaked out, and found the Planet Express spaceship in a hangar. They went in and no one was inside. Will turned it on and punched the throttle, and the ship blasted into the air. Mrself chose this time to be spacesick, and vomited.....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9567

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:18 pm
by manadren
He spent a good hour and a half in the bathroom bowing down to the porcelain god and crying over the lost vibrator left on the planet. This had rather annoyed sintekk, who kinda needed to take a piddle. However, as he stood there next to the bathroom door, he had a moment of clear thought.

"Hey Will! Just where in the bloody hell are we going anyway?"

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9579

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:05 am
by Anonymous
manadren wrote: He spent a good hour and a half in the bathroom bowing down to the porcelain god and crying over the lost vibrator left on the planet. This had rather annoyed sintekk, who kinda needed to take a piddle. However, as he stood there next to the bathroom door, he had a moment of clear thought.

"Hey Will! Just where in the bloody hell are we going anyway?"

"Where we're GOING?" Replied will. "We sail for the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!" Then an intergalactic Pirate vessel came out of nowhere. "RUN UP THE COLORS OF THE RESISTANCE!" yelled Will. Sintekk dutifully raised the flag and the pirate ship came up behind them....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9601

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:13 pm
by sintekk
Sintekk maned an interstellar canon, only to realize....
"Hey! We're out of ammo!"
Panicking, will rushed down to the cargo hold. The only two items suitable for the cannon was a box of "Hamburger Helper" and a...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9849

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:39 pm
by Anonymous
sintekk wrote: Sintekk maned an interstellar canon, only to realize....
"Hey! We're out of ammo!"
Panicking, will rushed down to the cargo hold. The only two items suitable for the cannon was a box of "Hamburger Helper" and a...
...big box with INTERSTELLAR CANNON AMMO on it. Sintekk thought for a long time, then grabbed the hamburger he;per and stuffed it in the cannon, then he pressed the BIG RED BUTTON...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9850

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:41 pm
by sintekk
A tasty meal obliterated the pirates!
Will and Sintekk cheered and Mrself inked himself with joy.
Will then said, "Time to loot!"

The only worthwhile cargo that could be recovered was a titanium box containing...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9852

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:39 am
by Anonymous
sintekk wrote: A tasty meal obliterated the pirates!
Will and Sintekk cheered and Mrself inked himself with joy.
Will then said, "Time to loot!"

The only worthwhile cargo that could be recovered was a titanium box containing...
Infinite Gold and Silver! MrSelf got a boner.....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:9920

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm
by erolyn
And then lost it very quickly at the sound of Manadren's voice calling, "Oh, no, not HER again." Mr. Self turned around to look as Erolyn walked up with a substantially large sword, wearing one of those black leather suits that the slutty chick who's definately going to do James Bond by the end of the movie always wears. "Thanks for finding the hidden treasure for me! Men are so easy to manipulate...mwahahaha!" As she moved towards the box,

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11107

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:19 pm
by sintekk
Manadren popped out and ate her. Everybody cheered as they rushed to the Resturant at the End of the Universe "Maybe we'll get there before it ends today!" sintekk said as they barreled down the interstellar highway.
They reached the resturant and sat down to eat...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11110

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:42 pm
by Joe
and sitting across from them was Joe who had just begun to eat when............

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11119

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:35 pm
by MrSelf
a huge asteroid hit sintekk's car. It opened up to reveal Magic! As he exited his 'custom ride' he looked at Joe and said....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11222

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:05 pm
by erolyn
"That hot dog is definately not kosher, son." Highly offended, Magic hit Joe with a baseball bat and then walked out the door, only to find...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11235

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:22 pm
by MrSelf
...sintekk and manadren waiting for them. "That headwound was not kosher, paps." They stared at each other for nearly 7.84 seconds, before magic transformed into Optimus-Prime, and took out sintekk and manadren in a blaze of glory worthy of a 4th of July celebration. Just as Magic was entering his 'custom ride', megaspaz arrived with urgent news, crashing through the roof of the eatery in his asteroid...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11239

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:45 pm
by manadren
"OMGWTFBBQ! It's coming right for us!" megaspaz pointed to a giant godzilla-esque generic space monster.

"Only one thing left to do" said manadren (not dead yet). With the (not quite) last of his strength, manadren pushed the button on some kind of interstellar communicator watch. "Save us Gamera!"

Then suddenly out of no where a really bad theme song began to play...
"Gamera! Gamera! Gamera is really neat! Gamera is filled with meat! We all love you Gamera!"

Off in the distance, hurtling toward them at increadible speed, was a gaint turtle shell, with sparks shooting out the arm and leg holes, spinning it around like some cheap firework. It was Gamera, giant monster fighting turtle and friend to poorly dubbed over children everywhere.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11246

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:16 pm
by manadren
... But unfortunately, Magic was rather hungry, and just happened to have a pot the size of a small moon, and a taste for turtle soup... and well, you can figure out the rest.

The godzilla-esque space monster, having seen what magic does with a giant monster coming to save him, decided to cheese it.

Magic was full, the monster was gone, the leftover tutrle soup was given to poorly dubbed over orphens, who cried for the loss of Gamera, but gobbled up the soup anyway. Everything was (relatively) right with the universe until a giant portal appeared, one would assume from another universe, and from it spewed forth...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11613

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:51 pm
by MrSelf
churches.... everywhere, churches poured, destroying flora and fauna in it's path. Crumbling entire cities! Reducing the debt to a reasonable amount! Violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics! Suddenly, the portal close and....

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11655

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:41 pm
by erolyn
to everyone's horror, the churches were still there. Things only got worse and worse as the leaders of the churches proceeded to exploit and/or kill all minorities, women, and people who didn't attend thir churches, and to repress those who DID attend into submission by instilling the fear of of a vengeful, hateful deity in them. The church members were so afraid that no one bothered to read the holy book that the church's dogma was based on, which portayed the deity as forgiving and strictly forbade murder of any kind, even of minorities. Luckily, Manadren, the only person unaffected (since he was a Jew), knew how to read. As he stormed through the church doors to show the congregation the truth...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11667

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:02 pm
by Anonymous
erolyn wrote: to everyone's horror, the churches were still there. Things only got worse and worse as the leaders of the churches proceeded to exploit and/or kill all minorities, women, and people who didn't attend thir churches, and to repress those who DID attend into submission by instilling the fear of of a vengeful, hateful deity in them. The church members were so afraid that no one bothered to read the holy book that the church's dogma was based on, which portayed the deity as forgiving and strictly forbade murder of any kind, even of minorities. Luckily, Manadren, the only person unaffected (since he was a Jew), knew how to read. As he stormed through the church doors to show the congregation the truth...
God, aka Will, strolled down from the clouds and asked, "What's all that f'ing racket?" Manadren hastily bowed and said, "there are lots of sinners and nonbelievers around! And I think somebody set up us the bomb!" Will gave manadren a blueprint set and said "Here is how to make an Ark out of popsicle sticks, get two of EVERY squirrel and take Mrself, a priest named Red, and Sintekk aboard it. Hurry, I will soon flood the earth and drown everyone. Again."

Manadren bowed and left. It took him two days to complete the Ark because popsicle-stick-building robots helped him. He then took 5 days to find all the squirrels because there were only 4 types or squirrel. Then he hurried Mrself and Sintekk aboard and then red strolled aboard.

Then the rains fell. The rain fell and fell and soon the ark was beginning to float. People were screaming and dieing...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11686

Make a Story Game

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:30 pm
by manadren
Luckily MrSelf (obviously) could swim, and the water only came up to Magic's knees, being a giant robot and all. Megaspaz was whining for a bit about the water getting into his custom ride, but the damage was minimal, so he flew off, cursing Will's name.

MrSelf Swam up beside the ark.

"Hey manadren, nice boat."

"Thanks. Wow. There sure were a lot of people eating at this restaurant."

"And Will just trashed the joint."

"Yeah, but the churches kinda ruined the place anyway."

"True. Hey, think it's about time we headed back to the ship? I'm pretty sure it floats, and everything else is underwater so it should be easy to find."

"Yeah, all the humidity is gonna muss my har. Let's blow this Popsicle stand.... no pun intended."

"Right... so where we off to this time?"

"Well, We've had dinner. Time to take in a show?"

"Hehe, leave it to me..."

MrSelf knew the perfect place, and that was...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11689

Make a Story Game

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:23 am
by Anonymous
...Will's ubercool titty bar which was on Mt. Arat. They went back to the ship and fired the rocket thrusters. Red and sintekk sailed the Ark to Arat and it came to rest at the top.
Then MRself and Manadren walked in the tittybar to find Erolyn giving free dances and Will working the bar. Manadren paid and took a seat whily Mrself walked up to the bar and sat down.

"Hey Will, nice place."

"Thanks mate, got it last year by performing oral on a Kangaroo, but that's becide the point, you wanna have some fun?"

"Yeah. I'd like Erolyn please"

"That will be 40 bucks. Want a free Bacardi?"


He paid and took his drink and Erolyn to a back room, where he showed erolyn the "pleasures" of squid sex. Then, he fell asleep, having blown his load 5 times, enough squid sperm to paint a small room with, and she sneaked back out, washed off the icky goo, and lay back down beside him.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11700

Make a Story Game

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:59 pm
by erolyn
"I'd better be getting paid double for this", she thought, "I've got 5 alien children to feed."

She walked out of the room, still slightly confused, and found Will at a table with Manadren.

"Will, I hope you know non-humans have to pay extra. Hey cutie," she said, winking at Manadren.

"Not tonight, luv. Squids get a discount...didja see the sign?" He pointed at a sign above the bar that said, "Squids eat half off".

"Dammit," she muttered.

As she walked over to the bar to get piss drunk and forget what had just happened...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11847

Make a Story Game

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:31 pm
by Stasi
... when a group of people from the diaper-wearing-fetish convention down the road entered. One of them approached Will and asked to have his soiled diaper changed. Naturally, Will obliged him and Manadren even applied the baby powder! Seeing this, Erolyn started thinking... "maybe if I put a diaper on and ask Will to change her, then maybe I'll get a free meal out of it, tee-hee LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLS!" So, she put a diaper on and approached Will and Manadren but politely waited for them to clean their hands after changing the man-baby with each other's mouth. Seeing her, wearing only a diaper and a some pointy BDSM chest-wear...

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11850

Make a Story Game

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:40 am
by MrSelf
(I only wish I could continue this one :D )

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11853

Make a Story Game

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:42 am
by Anonymous
Stasi wrote: ... when a group of people from the diaper-wearing-fetish convention down the road entered.  One of them approached Will and asked to have his soiled diaper changed.  Naturally, Will obliged him and Manadren even applied the baby powder!  Seeing this, Erolyn started thinking... "maybe if I put a diaper on and ask Will to change her, then maybe I'll get a free meal out of it, tee-hee LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLS!"  So, she put a diaper on and approached Will and Manadren but politely waited for them to clean their hands after changing the man-baby with each other's mouth.  Seeing her, wearing only a diaper and a some pointy BDSM chest-wear...
..Will got an enormous erection, something to see since it was 8 inches long. Erolyn stared at it and said "whoa, Will, that's a big stiffy"

"thanks. I believe manadren has something for you also..."
Manadren was busily "revving up" his shaft and looked up, smiling. "Mine's bigger." It was, at 8 & 12 inches.

"So, erolyn, what's with the diaper? You know I hate diapers AND bdsm!"

"oops" She took them off.

Manadren said, "I've got the hooks and chains ready!"

"great, c'mon erolyn, time to make with the sexing."

Will led her on the bed, where she lay down smiling up at them, inviting them to enter her, mouth dry with anticipation, loins quivering with excitement...

...Much fun was had by all, especially Erolyn who now had 2x the fun! Once again, she found herself covered in sticky sperm, most of it from will and some from Manadren. She went back out, and found Stasi tending bar.

"Ooo. Hey there cutie. I see someone's been covering you with love batter."

"Not now stasi, I need my free meal. I just sex0red the owner and his mate."

"Ok. Order anything you like..."

(this story is becomign very sexual :D )

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:47, old post ID:11862