TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

dprantl wrote:Boots of Construction became green? Could we not reroll them and just tone them down... lightning shoes has 24 total resists, so maybe we can make these boots 25% phys and change their name accordingly?

Orb of Moons - should be blessed, as I think in original Ultima lore you could not lose it when dying, and Bracelet of Travel was blessed as well.
For boots of construction can work on something similar to lightning shoes in terms of resists and bonuses, with having physical as the highest resist on them with a spread of other resists.

Orb of Moons will be blessed as requested.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

The following list of artifacts are looking to be turned to green (good) status as there have not been any recent changes to them and no further comments or concerns:

- The Barrier
- Dark Aura
- Death Ring
- Arcane Earrings
- Fisherman's Tendon
- Wheel of Fortune
- The Vanquisher
- Cursed Protector
- Tiger Teeth Earrings
- Ring of the Dead

These items are currently orange (changed) status. They will be cleared as green (good) status by Sept 10 or Sept 11 if there are no further changes.

The following list are items with NEW changes.

- Lightning Shoes (Stam regen changed to mana regen)
- Boots of Construction -> Peregrine's Dive (Name and property changes)
- Painspike -> Wyvern's Barb (Elemental Damage split 50/50 phys/pois)
- Brace of Travel -> Orb of Moons (Blessed tag added)

The following is a list of Champion Artifact Changes that are looking for feedback:

- Tempo (Twaulo)
- Barracoon's Jester Hat (Barracoon)
- Ilhenir's Decaying Arm Bone (Ilhenir)
- Oggra's Skull Crusher (Oggra)
- Sword of Paracelsus (Paracelsus)
- Two Piece Combo (Sanders)
- The Black Belt of Serado (Serado)
- Lord Oak's Wings (Oaks)
- Semidar's Soul (Semidar)
- Neira's Scimitar (Neira)
- Mephitis' Fang (Mephitis)
- Rikktor's Rage (Rikktor)
- Twaulo's Sash (Twaulo)
- Sash of Venom (Mephitis)
- Sash of the Sleeping Dragon (Serado)
- Sash of Power (Rikktor)
- Sash of Pain (Semidar)
- Sash of Orcs (Oggra)
- Sash of Grease (Sanders)
- Sash of Greed (Barracoon)
- Sash of Enlightenment (Oaks)
- Sash of Elements (Paracelsus)
- Sash of Death (Neira)

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by ggkthx »

I still wish Arcane earrings could be made less awful and bumped to GAoA.

The rest I need to look at still.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by dprantl »

I still think the vanquisher should have the DI on there... if the player is already hitting the damage cap, then it won't do any good anyway.

Sash of Grease -> Sash of the Vermin Horde is good.

+1 on the Arcane Earrings bump.

I am also liking the change to lightning shoes; the replacement for construction boots is pretty cool too.

About Cursed Protection, what happened to the Blackrock Chest? ... 6047#36047

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

ggkthx wrote:I still wish Arcane earrings could be made less awful and bumped to GAoA.

The rest I need to look at still.
Still concerned about the lack of a gargoyle race equivalent earrings slot. Can make a change to the arcane earrings but if no solution is made to include a slot equivalency on OSI, come AOV upgrade time gargoyles are going to have 1 less layer for properties, underpowering them. Possibly problems down the line but we can see how the bridge holds up if we build it now.

Arcane earrings can be converted to be a counterpart for tiger teeth earrings cept with mage related attributes. It would be a GAOA in that case.
dprantl wrote:I still think the vanquisher should have the DI on there... if the player is already hitting the damage cap, then it won't do any good anyway.

Sash of Grease -> Sash of the Vermin Horde is good.

+1 on the Arcane Earrings bump.

I am also liking the change to lightning shoes; the replacement for construction boots is pretty cool too.
Can leave the DI as there is a stronger request for it now.
dprantl wrote: About Cursed Protection, what happened to the Blackrock Chest? ... 6047#36047
There were 2 player ideas to add in the bonuses alongside penalties but from past experience, the three other artifacts with penalties have all been removed and rerolled, which is why the idea was scrapped.

Artifacts with a penalty have always had a track record of overshadowing any other property that may be beneficial.

That being said, there's 3 options:

1) Remove the artifact and do a reroll
2) Try the 2 suggested property + penalty methods
3) Create a completely new artifact chest

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

Some artifacts have had further changes made to them. Please check the first post of this thread for the orange entries for the following artifacts:

- Arcane Earrings
- Vanquisher
- Cursed Protection

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Shanks »

Are you positive on your life's barricade? I have several items to counteract those penaltys, that being said it could make suits just a easily as the old cyclist helms did.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by ggkthx »

Life's Barricade is cool, the new Arcane Earrings look fun and finally useful, and Vanquisher DI didn't mean anything to me one way or the other, but keeping it on there seems cool.

Still haven't really looked at the champ arties, except, did Bards really need a nerf in the form of nerfed Baracoon hat? I've never seen anyone use it at all except for Trill, who really had too many music skills on that bard/mage/tamer anyway imho, so making it worse seemed crazy. Yeah, it was 40 skill pts on an item, but a meh item, for BARDS, hardly the power houses of UO anyway. And even when they were made and played to perfection, did anyone ever feel that it was unfair? Let them play their little tambourines & wear their funny little hat in all it's former glory I say!

(Yes, I have 3 different chars with bard skills, but each only has 1 bard skill, and none have ever worn Baracoon's hat, of which we have plenty)

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

20 skill is more reasonable on the hat. It also got a resist boost.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Ixxie »

ggkthx wrote:did Bards really need a nerf in the form of nerfed Baracoon hat? I've never seen anyone use it at all except for Trill, who really had too many music skills on that bard/mage/tamer anyway imho, so making it worse seemed crazy. Yeah, it was 40 skill pts on an item, but a meh item, for BARDS, hardly the power houses of UO anyway. And even when they were made and played to perfection, did anyone ever feel that it was unfair? Let them play their little tambourines & wear their funny little hat in all it's former glory I say!
This. Of all the things to nerf, this just seems silly.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

Very well, I'll revert the hat.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

Hat of Barracoon reverted to previous stats.

The following list of Gauntlet artifacts have been changed. See first post for orange entries under "Gauntlet":

- The Stonebreaker
- The Sacred Elemental
- Leggings of Angels
- Holy Fortress
- Holy Insight
- Gods Wrath
- Holy Knight's Cloak

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by ggkthx »

It was prob a 'better' item with the resist bump and +5s, but I think it's cooler the way it was. *shrug* :)

Let me be the first to cry about Holy Knight's Cloak. The rest seems cool.
I'll still wear it at 10hp, I'd still wear it at 5hp, but I think it's just right at 20.
More would be excessive, at 20 it's good without being too much. Sure you have your reasoning, just giving my opinion.
I basically only use it on PvM mages. I'd just drop their int some to still hit cap, but at 2 str per 1 hp, that gets too cost prohibitive.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Nexus Graveheart »

Personally, I prefer the new Holy Knight's Cloak. The regeneration is a good replacement for the loss of 10 HP. I know I'd use the new one and not even equip the old one.

But then again it does come down to playstyle and template.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by ggkthx »

HP regen is so slow it's laughable.
Who doesn't just heal their damage?
I'd FAR rather have that HP buffer than a few points of slow as molasses regen.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by d. »

ggkthx wrote:HP regen is so slow it's laughable.
Who doesn't just heal their damage?
I'd FAR rather have that HP buffer than a few points of slow as molasses regen.
I would have to agree. Health regen on items is super weak.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by keltrick »

ggkthx wrote:HP regen is so slow it's laughable.
Who doesn't just heal their damage?
I'd FAR rather have that HP buffer than a few points of slow as molasses regen.
agreed :?

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

A few changes up above, little things I highlighted the names in orange. Brace of Paracelsus' image hadn't been reverted so I did that. Also the holy knight's cloak was also reverted.

Leviathan artifact changes posted. Check the first post for changes in orange at the bottom of the list. The following artifacts have been addressed:

- Serpentine Avenger
- Captain's Finest Boots
- Cry of the Kraken
- Sparrow's Compass
- Cold Heart
- Triton's Trident
- Oracle of Poseidon
- Davy Jones' Skeleton Key
- Pirate Stew
- Blackheart's Treasure
- Suit of Armor
- Pirate Coffin
- Sea Serpent Statue
- Fishing Net

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

The custom artifact list has been completed.

The list will be finalized by Sunday, September 18, 2011. If you have feedback to give on a certain artifact change, post it before that date so that we can finalize the artifacts and have enough time to make any further modifications.

Please check the first post here for the current artifact listing:

Orange and Purple entries in that list are the items that take first priority. These are items that have had new changes or concerns. The following is a list of artifacts that need feedback:

- Brace of Paracelsus
- Lightning Shoes
- Boots of Construction
- Arcane Earrings
- The Vanquisher
- The Cursed Protection
- Tiger Teeth Earrings
- Essence of War
- Pigment Ticket
- Tempo
- Barracoon's Jester Hat
- Ilhenir's Decaying Arm Bone
- Oggra's Skull Crusher
- Sword of Paracelsus
- Two Piece Combo
- Sash of Grease
- Black Belt of Serado
- Lord Oak's Wings
- Semidar's Soul
- Neira's Scimitar
- Mephitis' Fang
- Rikktor's Rage
- All Champion Spawn Sashes
- The Stonebreaker
- Sacred Elemental
- Leggings of Angels
- The Holy Fortress
- The Holy Insight
- God's Wrath
- Holy Knight's Cloak
- Serpentine Avenger
- Captain's Finest Boots
- Cry of the Kraken
- Sparrow's Compass
- Cold Heart Sash
- Triton's Trident
- Oracle of Poseidon
- Skeleton Key of Davy Jones
- Pirate Pot of Stew
- Blackheart's Treasure
- Suit of Armor
- Pirate Coffin
- Sea Serpent Statue
- Cursed Pirate Ale
- Fishing Net

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Shanks »

When said patch is implemented. All the current artifacts will be changed to the new.?

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Red Squirrel »

That's correct. We have more stuff to change in a later patch, and after that it will be the end of any such major change, at least, hopefully. It seems like a lot to take but we figured it may be best to do it in one or two shots than a bit at a time as then people wonder what's next.

Any new artifacts/items will be properly thought out before they make it to live. A lot of these were not well thought out from the start, resulting in these changes. Our mistake, now we are correcting it.

And honestly, this has been a lot of work on our side, it's no fun for us either. :P

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Shanks »

Not complaining. Actually happy that their changing. :)

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

Alright everyone, check the first post at the very top. There is now a chart of some of the system moves. This is a proposed change so there will still be some additions and modifications.

You can view the changes here:

I would like to thank everyone for their patience and feedback on the changes. Keep them coming, we're almost done with the artifacts.

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by Death »

Check the first post at the very top on this page here:

The drop chart has been updated to include all the artifact and item changes we have addressed. This chart is an accurate reflection of the drop system that will exist once the shard has been patched (Patch is estimated to be on September 23/24, 2011).

As there has not been recent feedback on the artifacts, I take it that there are no major objections to them. All the artifact statuses are now "green".

Now is the time for any final opinions on artifact changes and system moves before the September 23/24 patch.

Artifacts will be finalized (blue status) on September 22, 2011. Once finalized, they will be converted. No new changes will be made to the artifacts, except in isolated cases (Such as Blackheart's treasure going through revisions). Most items will be moved to their new drop systems on September 23/24. Some items will be moved at a later date such as vesper museum and quest items as those systems are not yet available in game

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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Post by ggkthx »

Question about the artifacts being rerolled.
For example, let's say I've got a stack of 8 Lance of the Stampede locked down on my floor, what will happen to these? Will they turn into a stack of 8 random locked down AoAs?

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36231
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