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Red Squirrel
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Post by Red Squirrel »

I felt like killing myself once, but now that I think of it, it was really stupid and I'm glad I did not. I did not attempt or prepare to attempt, I just thought of it. At this very moment life could not treat me any better so it was only one of those depressed moments that had got to me a bit too far. It was about 1-2 years ago.

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Post by Chyse »

i just bought this book called Life Strategies for Teens. it was written by doctor phil's son, who is like 20 years old. i've been reading it and this guy knows what he's talking about. he really gets inside your head. i sugest all teens read this. WW, this would do you good just as it is doing good for me. i know you think that it will be stupid, but just read it.

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"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
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Post by sintekk »

Is will even round no more? He's a "disadvantaged" member level B :P

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Post by Red Squirrel »

I noticed allot of people got warnings while I was gone. A bunch of people are at like 50% lol. I better get crack'n on that automated script since now we have to do it manually when someone reaches 50%.

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Post by Chyse »

i feel suicidal right now. my friend, she is cool. and i asked her for a hug. and she said okay, but first , check out this movie. so i saw the preview for it. and when i asked her for a hug, she said that she was just kidding. we did lthis like five times. she says that she was kidding. and i know she just doesn't like me at all, but we've been friends for over 8 years!!!! please help. i feel like i dont mean anything to anyone anymore. i fear that i might OD something. help please. :(

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"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
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Post by Chyse »

i'm fine now. i got over it. i listened to some cool music and played some bloody games. :D

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"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
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Post by Red Squirrel »

Don't go suicidedly over stupid things like that. First off, don't stress over stupid things like that. Especially at your age people just like to fool around and stuff. I used to tell my friends I no longer wanted to be friends with them just to get them going, then I'd tell them I was just kidding, and they'd do the same to me etc... and other dumb things like that. You can't take all people seriously at your age.

When I felt suicidle is when I lost the possibility of running a website since my isp found out about my server and I had no clue how I could go about to getting my site back up. I went an entire month without a site. That was something way worse then some joke a friend does, but it was still a stupid thing to be suicidle over, even though it involved me loosing my carreer. I faught the battle and found a way around the obsticle and now I pull in 100,000+ page views per month. So it turned out to be good, much better then going to hell and be stuck with a bunch of lawyers and politiciens.

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Post by Chyse »

there's this girl. i love her to death. i'd die for her. but i fear i'll never see her again. i dont know what i would do without her. i love her so much. :wub: :( :blubber:

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:646, old post ID:5977
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
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Post by Red Squirrel »

You should not be stressing out over that at your age. If yes, that makes life VERY difficult. :o I'll worry about finishing education first, then getting a full time job and a house, and meanwhile a girl. And things should fall into place better that way. :D When you reach an adult age, there's less chance of breakups. I've seen it happen too much with friends etc. they get a girl friend stay together for months then all it takes is a msn chat and they are broken up and don't want to talk to each other again. It's just not worth it. Girls are complicated and you need lot of education in order to understand them. :lol:

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Post by erolyn »

Red Squirrel wrote: You should not be stressing out over that at your age.  If yes, that makes life VERY difficult. :o  I'll worry about finishing education first, then getting a full time job and a house, and meanwhile a girl.  And things should fall into place better that way. :D  When you reach an adult age, there's less chance of breakups.  I've seen it happen too much with friends etc.  they get a girl friend stay together for months then all it takes is a msn chat and they are broken up and don't want to talk to each other again.  It's just not worth it.  Girls are complicated and you need lot of education in order to understand them. :lol:
I feel the same way. 'Cept about guys, 'o course. But I don't feel the need to be dating all the time while I'm in high school. Maybe in college, or even after that, but I just don't need it right now. And I like hanging out with my friends better, anyway.

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Post by Andy »

wow i think i found the wrong forum.. But what its worth.. everyone's on this earth for a reason. Killing your self is not the answer. Think of the other good things you have in your life. And reflect upon that. Not the bad thing's. It's better when you got mad.. take it out on something non living.. remember it dose not have feelings. you won't make it cry or sad. Heck I know their are some teen help centers to help with this thing as well as adults.. Being i'm a young adult myself i know everything that happens in the life of high school and trying to Impress friends. but friends are just that. they can be replaced. I know i've lost alot. But i do know i have better friends that have not stabbed me in the back.(yet) But I say yet because i know me and my friend one day will not see eye to eye anymore.. thats OK this tells me to move on. I want everyone to know this. It's easier to make new friends then it is ending your life.. I say this from the bottom of my heart.. I mean everyword..

Plus I'll miss you here and I'll be sad.. Don't do that to me... Don't do this to you online friends. we would miss you very much.. I say this to everyone here.

I hope everyone of you find meaning to this

Im going to share to you my problems that i have handled like a man

Code: Select all

Lost with out a sole, sad, lonely, Known to be banned. Everyday i find a way to remove myself to the rest of the world. Crying with in, pain and anger mixed. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day for me and my family. Prying every morning because i can't sleep at night. Over heating. Scared at times. feared by others. I find myself doing things i wish i had not. I just want to be loved. All i ask. Love me, forgive me, Care for me, I need me. Please don't bite. I won't live. Fragile weak. Poor. need guidance at times. I admit when I'm wrong. Thick headed all the time. I have allot of love and care with in. I have no one to share it with. No mate. No real feeling toward the government. hate money at times. I have little of it. I fight to live every day. No one ever sees that. My life is the computer. sorry this is long but needed saying. I'm proud of how long ive lasted. survived a House fire. Truth be told Im still here. Thank you God.
This is my work

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Post by shenbaw »

I used to contemplate suicide quite often as a teenager. I wasn't a particularly troubled adolescent, I just thought about stuff (religion, existence, the insignificance of me, etc.) way too much. Eventually I realized that ending my own life would be 10,000 times more pointless than the alternative of continuing on with it. You just gotta work your way through it until your head clears, one day you wake up and look back and say "Man, what was my problem?" Clinically depressed people often find justification for suicide within their depression, but trust me, no female (no matter how wonderful she is) is worth ending your own life over. ;)

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Post by lilbill08 »

William, you are freaking sick... seek some help, if you are saying suicides ok...

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Post by shenbaw »

Personally I don't agree with people committing suicide. I would never advocate it as a potential solution to anyone's problems, no matter how bad they are. That said, I got so frickin' sick of countless teenagers, mostly girls, in high school, "attempting" to commit suicide. When in actuality they'd just get drunk and swallow about 20 asprin and pass out in the bathroom until someone found them and brought them to the hospital to get their stomache pumped. Image I often found myself with about as much compassion as William has here. "If you're going to kill yourself, get a gun... get a rope... go to a heavily travelled highway... do something that makes it look like you're sincere about the fact that you want to die!!!" I mean christ, these girls could have laid there all night and all that would have happened is they would have spent the next 48-72 hours puking their guts out. Damn, if that doesn't make you feel better about yourself I don't know what will! Sorry, I know suicide isn't a joking matter, and I'm not joking, just being overly callus.

GG - I'm not trying to give you advice here, just venting about the idea of suicide. Again, I'm not in support of it in any way, shape, or form (except to maybe relieve someone of their last minute suffering), but sometimes it's just like, either do it or don't, but if you do, do it right, don't just make it some childish cry for attention. (again not refering to you)

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Post by lougan »

Goalguarder grow up and stop demanding attention with your death threats. Your whining posts are giving me a headache.
What a wanker of a kid.

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Image lougan


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Post by MrSelf »

lougan wrote: Your whining posts are giving me a headache.
What a wanker of a kid.

Wow, now that's what I call irony (vol.1). :huh:

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Post by lougan »

I love irony

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Post by lougan »

but I love shenbaw more

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Post by shenbaw »

Do you ever wonder what would happen if you employed a bunch of callus, unsympathetic, pricks at a suicide support help line? Or maybe just a bunch of old people?

Caller: "Can you help me sir? My girlfriend just broke up with me and I love her soooo much, I simply don't think I can go on in life without her. Plus, I think her brother is going to beat me up and my favorite internet forum just got shut down! I think I want to kill myself." :(

Elderly Suicide Counselor: "Oh, Christ! When I was your age I went after this blonde bombshell who was dating the starting quarterback and guess what happened to me? The entire varsity football team kicked my :censored:! Then the very next day my four month old puppy got hit by a car and died. All this was one week before my eighteenth birthday, upon which I was imediately drafted into World War II where I watched countless men die and lost one of my legs and most of my sight. Then when I came back, I found out that the woman I got my :censored: kicked over had left me for another man. Now suck it up and go be somebody!!!" :angry:

:D It makes me wonder if there would be a lot more suicides or just a lot less whining. :lol:

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Post by MrSelf »

Haha! :D

That remindes me of Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club), they guy is involved in a suicide hotline and he tells people to "do it, just jump..." at one point I believe (been a long time since I read it)

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Post by shenbaw »

MrSelf wrote: they guy is involved in a suicide hotline and he tells people to "do it, just jump..." at one point I believe
Sweet! Did the guy jump or just shut the hell up? :lol:

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Post by MrSelf »

I'm pretty sure he killed a few people...

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Post by shenbaw »

MrSelf wrote: I'm pretty sure he killed a few people...
Perhaps he should have been calling a homocide hotline?!? :lol:

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Post by Anonymous »

lougan wrote: Goalguarder grow up and stop demanding attention with your death threats. Your whining posts are giving me a headache.
What a wanker of a kid.

You are a f_cking a_shole.

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