US Postal & Tour D France

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by OLKMED »

The US Postal Service sponsers the US team in the Tour D France Bicycle racing.
(lance armstrong is in 2nd now. whoo hoo) And they must spend boatloads of money on these teams and putting their logo everyplace.

But why? why does the US postal service need to advertise? If i want to mail a letter I have to use them. There isn't any competition, but they keep raising their stamp prices :angry:

It's really frustrating me. And i just realized i must be really poor if i'm worrying about the price of stamps.. :unsure:

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by wldkos »

good point

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Chris Vogel
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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by Chris Vogel »

Hehe… I’ve never thought about that. :P

I watched a bit of le Tour de France, and I was a bit confused about something. Why do they have those cars and motorcycles on the road at the same time as the bikers? They seem to just get in the way…

Anyway, GO LANCE! Ha! I couldn’t really cheer for anyone else since that name is the only one I remember. :P

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by MrSelf »

The US postal service does have to compete against Fedex, DHL, UPS, not just letters are delivered by mail, and most of the money made on shipping is done through real cargo, not letters.

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by OLKMED »

ah...good thinking Mr. self
i haven't used US postal for a normal package in so long i kinda forgot about them providing that service........

is that really where they make the majority of their profits? :(
surprises me that it would be that and not plain ol' letters and postcards

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by MrSelf »

Think businesses, they ship twice the letters, and lots of other packages, many more than residents do.

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Chris Vogel
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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by Chris Vogel »

I bet they are glad you can’t e-mail packages. :P

Congrats to LANCE ARMSTRONG on his sixth Tour de France win. He’s amazing. :)

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Dumb Genius
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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by Dumb Genius »

haha my grand dad was a big fan of tour de france. he never missed one near his place.
for the us postal as the other companies, it's for prestige. also it will permit to favorize future contracts with big companies that might use their services. obviously they dont really care of "stamps buyer" like you :P
yeah armstring always win le maillot jaune, this guy is good

and Richard won again le maillot à pois
things never change...

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US Postal & Tour D France

Post by Bookworm »

I deliver mail for the US Postal Service, and as an employee, I would much rather see them spend the money on improving service than on a bike race. I believe this is the last year we are sponsering the team.

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