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World's Longest Thread

Post by Andy »

Have a Happy [attachmentid=200] or [attachmentid=201] ether one is good.

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Tuesday, November 09,2004

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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

fragged one wrote: it's unfortunate how often I prove how immature, arrogant and self-righteous all americans are.

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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along in the age of paranoia

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Post by MrSelf »

:rolleyes: William, you are just rude. Take me off your list btw, you don't believe in those ideals anyway. I don't like to associate with people who are disrespectful towards everyone but bitch when they get the same. I don't know how you can expect anyone to be respectful towards yourself when you are constantly disrespectful, self-righteous, and down-right rude. Have fun thinking up some baseless generalization and a childish way to portray it as a response. Here, I'll even help:
I live in Texas
I was born in North Carolina
I went to a public school
I watch CNN & Fox at times
I support the liberation of Iraq
I support the Patriot Act

That should be enough for you to jump to conclusions, eh?

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Post by Andy »

Hey everyone. Check out the :dance:


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World's Longest Thread

Post by FloodG8-9595 »

It is overlooked often that ideas are more commenly listened to with an open mind if said ideas are conveyed in a suitable way that is comfortable to the party listening.

I too grow tired of hearing the same crap spewed in generalized areas. If you have somthing to say atleast try to say it with some degree of respect and intelligence.

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Post by Visionary »

Hi, just stopping by. :)

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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

MrSelf wrote: :rolleyes: William, you are just rude. Take me off your list btw, you don't believe in those ideals anyway. I don't like to associate with people who are disrespectful towards everyone but bitch when they get the same. I don't know how you can expect anyone to be respectful towards yourself when you are constantly disrespectful, self-righteous, and down-right rude. Have fun thinking up some baseless generalization and a childish way to portray it as a response. Here, I'll even help:
I live in Texas
I was born in North Carolina
I went to a public school
I watch CNN & Fox at times
I support the liberation of Iraq
I support the Patriot Act

That should be enough for you to jump to conclusions, eh?
Don't wanna be an american Idiot

You see? Americans get butt-hurt right away when someone points out the flaws in their country.

You can't even admit some truths about it, you jump up and start screaming "DISRESPECTFUL" and "RUDE" when anyone does this. By the way, nice flame. Anyway, it's what I believe, it's what 78% of the world believes, and you're not doing much to continue in this arrogant manner that whenever someone criticizes your country, you jump up and down on their head. Baseless generalization?

One nation controlled by the media

1. Look at how many people voted Bush for popularity.
2. You support the patiot act? Have fun living in a dictatorship, that has ENSURED that I may never again visit america.
3. Enjoy the draft. :wacko: Information, not that you'll read it.

Information Age of hysteria

I talk hard, and apparently you can't handle it, so you cower and cry "RUDE". No, it's not rude, it's just being Straightforward and to the point. You can say I'm a mad scottish :censored:, I don't care. Insult my country all you wish, that :censored: Tony Blair deserves it.

You are drones. Made that way by the media, you worship the Stars and Stripes and support Operation Iraqi Liberation. What else do I expect? It's futile to argue with a computer, especially since Fox is there to hold your hand.

It's going out to Idiot America

You want to change my image of you? Think different. I know it'll be hard for you to be weaned off FOX, but that can be done.

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World's Longest Thread

Post by Red Squirrel »

I'm sure scotland has a few flaws we could point out too. <_>

Only Canada is perfect. Well close, we still have some flaws, I just can't think of any right now.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:16459
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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

Red Squirrel wrote: I'm sure scotland has a few flaws we could point out too. <_>

Only Canada is perfect.  Well close, we still have some flaws, I just can't think of any right now.

Scotland :censored: sucks and Tony Blair as a mad :censored:. Tell me something I don't know. :(

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World's Longest Thread

Post by FloodG8-9595 »

you jump up and start screaming "DISRESPECTFUL" and "RUDE" when anyone does this
Hey do you want me to point out more intelligent and respectfull ways of saying all of the things that you said?.. cause I'll do it.. It's NOT what you say it's how you say it Will.. Christ man, It's not that hard to say.

Man What were all those people thinking?.. And save you're arrogance comments for individuals instead of broad groups of people.. I don't give a crap where you're from.. A jack :censored: is a jack :censored: Will and you're doing a good job of making that example.

You assume to much about people whom you have limited knowlage. You would so easily pass judgment because there's no way that the mighty William Wallace could be wrong. You spew about the word arrogance.. Never before have I seen such blatant disregard for peoples feelings nor have I seen such contempt in someone so young and uninformed.

As for the rest of the stuff you just said it would be out of my place to respond to it so I'll leave it for others to take down.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:16461
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Post by Red Squirrel »

I just sent a big F OFF reply with a size of 200, to some stupid spammer that keeps sending these dumb emails. It was not Christian of me, but man that felt so good. I made sure any replies don't make it anywhere. But next time I'll make it so it goes to and they'll PWN themselves if they send a threat back or something.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:16462
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Post by MrSelf »

William Wallace wrote:
MrSelf wrote: :rolleyes: William, you are just rude. Take me off your list btw, you don't believe in those ideals anyway. I don't like to associate with people who are disrespectful towards everyone but bitch when they get the same. I don't know how you can expect anyone to be respectful towards yourself when you are constantly disrespectful, self-righteous, and down-right rude. Have fun thinking up some baseless generalization and a childish way to portray it as a response. Here, I'll even help:
I live in Texas
I was born in North Carolina
I went to a public school
I watch CNN & Fox at times
I support the liberation of Iraq
I support the Patriot Act

That should be enough for you to jump to conclusions, eh?
Don't wanna be an american Idiot

You see? Americans get butt-hurt right away when someone points out the flaws in their country.

You can't even admit some truths about it, you jump up and start screaming "DISRESPECTFUL" and "RUDE" when anyone does this. By the way, nice flame. Anyway, it's what I believe, it's what 78% of the world believes, and you're not doing much to continue in this arrogant manner that whenever someone criticizes your country, you jump up and down on their head. Baseless generalization?
When did you ask about any of these views of mine? You didn't, you just jumped to conclusions, like always. Nice try, but you are based entirely in fantasy. You seem to always think you've really upset people, but what you don't know is that we are laughing at you, you have done nothing. :lol:

One nation controlled by the media

1. Look at how many people voted Bush for popularity.
2. You support the patiot act? Have fun living in a dictatorship, that has ENSURED that I may never again visit america.
3. Enjoy the draft. :wacko: Information, not that you'll read it.

There are only 3 or 4 clauses in the Patriot Act that are bad, the rest, 95+% is very good and doesn't hurt the people at all, but you wouldn't know about that would you? Or even care? I support these things, and don't support the bad clauses, in fact I fight to have them removed.

Information Age of hysteria

I talk hard, and apparently you can't handle it, so you cower and cry "RUDE". No, it's not rude, it's just being Straightforward and to the point. You can say I'm a mad scottish :censored:, I don't care. Insult my country all you wish, that :censored: Tony Blair deserves it.

You are drones. Made that way by the media, you worship the Stars and Stripes and support Operation Iraqi Liberation. What else do I expect? It's futile to argue with a computer, especially since Fox is there to hold your hand.
Iraq does deserve to be free, but you'd rather have them live under a brutal dictator because you'd rather fight America than for what's right. CNN and Fox do tell some news, I didn't say that was all or even most of what I get my news from, jump to conclusions again. :lol:
It's going out to Idiot America

You want to change my image of you? Think different. I know it'll be hard for you to be weaned off FOX, but that can be done.
You wish you were so high and mighty :rolleyes: Oh brother. I said all of those things to bait you, and like a fish in shallow water, you bit. You know little bits of information about these things but act like you understand everything. So be it, we've all tried. You say you are straight forward and to the point, yet you never point out any facts in your arguements, just half-truths and loud distractions from the real issues. The most ammusing of all is how you think your dialogue of insults and poorly-thought-out arguements are going to convince anyone. I could stoop to your level and say how the liberal european media and the UN are guiding your thoughts (and don't even try to argue the european media is not liberal), but we never do that, because thats a useless unprovable arguement, and I don't know personally if you are that way or not without meeting you in person. I know my government does bad things, and I fight against them the correct way. Acting like a disrespectful idiot does nothing.

Futhermore, you are rude. You can say you are just a straightshooter, like Bush does, but the fact is you are just rude. If you weren't so rude, you'd see we agree on a hell of a lot, but the way you address issues doesn't lead itself to any sort of agreement because you spend too much time with personal insults and not enough time addressing the issues.

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World's Longest Thread

Post by MrSelf »

I guess I'll just have to wait till I move to NZ before I can say the same things and have them mean something to some people. <_>

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Post by Red Squirrel »

FloodG8-9595 wrote:
you jump up and start screaming "DISRESPECTFUL" and "RUDE" when anyone does this
Hey do you want me to point out more intelligent and respectfull ways of saying all of the things that you said?.. cause I'll do it.. It's NOT what you say it's how you say it Will.. Christ man, It's not that hard to say.

Man What were all those people thinking?.. And save you're arrogance comments for individuals instead of broad groups of people.. I don't give a crap where you're from.. A jack :censored: is a jack :censored: Will and you're doing a good job of making that example.

You assume to much about people whom you have limited knowlage. You would so easily pass judgment because there's no way that the mighty William Wallace could be wrong. You spew about the word arrogance.. Never before have I seen such blatant disregard for peoples feelings nor have I seen such contempt in someone so young and uninformed.

As for the rest of the stuff you just said it would be out of my place to respond to it so I'll leave it for others to take down.

*slowly hops away into the darkness of the bushes to avoid potential nail gun attacks from ww* :didi: :D

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4, old post ID:16466
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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

[quote="American Idiots] "Insert random patriotic flames here"[/quote]

Like I said, It's impossible to argue with a drone.

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World's Longest Thread

Post by FloodG8-9595 »

Will I've just read a lot of your posts in the past and let me say that you rarley if ever have even ATTEMPTED to actually give meaning behind what you say.. I could argue a lot of the same points you've argued in a lot more intelligent way not to mention more appopriate and less un-thought provoking.

You're like a customer who calls a customer help line.. Yells at the person just cause you happen to be in a foul mood and unhappy with the company. You think you're gonna get anywhere being that un-tolerable. If you said the following Will

The Media in the United States must have most of the population brainwashed or somthing.

The right wing Christian Fundamentalist are ignoring simple truths in favor of discimination and hate.

excetera excetera....

I would 100% be behind your Ideas and topics posted instead we get crap like

Paraphrased: Christians don't like gay people because they smell like arse.

I would have actually posted this here but the thread in which you said it has been removed (rightfully so)

You play the arrogance card with everyone but you.. don't you find this a little odd? On a different note I've made every attempt to make valid arguments and you've not only NOT said anything relevent in return. I don't even think you've replied to it at all and it's not only me you've ignored relevent info from numerous posters here. Which leads me to believe one of three things

1. You don't care what we have to say and or don't really read it.

2. You have no real response to give because we're right.

3. You're being arrogant.. (funny how that works eh willy?)

frankly I think either way it's detrimental to both you and those around you.

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Post by Andy »

OK now thats done and over. Let's all sit down and drink some coffiee or tea, Try to relax. No good comes out of a fight, I know I had to learn the hard way. Banned at one of the most helpful sites ever because of the same problems. Now I have moved on and so can others.


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Post by Red Squirrel »

But remember, WW comes from a family that tortures little animals with power tools, so perhaps it runs in the family. :lol:

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Post by Andy »

Red Squirrel wrote: But remember, WW comes from a family that tortures little animals with power tools, so perhaps it runs in the family. :lol:
Red. remember think of Tea or coffiee. :D

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World's Longest Thread

Post by FloodG8-9595 »

Ahhh.. I agree.. I can do without the drama of angry confrontation... I prefer cordial conversation anyday. :)

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Post by Andy »

Ok good, This is a good Start. OK now Flood Do you have any Plans this weekend?

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

I'm going to Waco.... see my family... bucha jerks.. :D

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Post by Andy »

Ok now, My plans are (not weekend) Tuesday is to go to the country site of NY and Buy some boots for a Girlfriend of mine. I know its Odd to drive 30 Miles to buy boot's but it some way to get away from the house and City life. Plus not to mention Work. ^_^

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