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Post by Red Squirrel »

MrSelf wrote: that's kinda creepy.....
Yes and what's even more creepy is that I keep thinking about the dream.

I remember when I was inside the elevator, it was yellowish in color and was rather small, 4' by 4' and maybe like 6' high. I had a sudden fear that the building would collapse while I was in there, and the walls of the elevator would be crushed, but not enough to kill me because they're pretty thick and made out of metal, and I'd be stuck in there until I die from hunger, or air. That's when I told myself, "what am I doing here?". The sound of it was so real too... well it shaked allot, and the cable pullies needed oiling, but other then that it was pretty realistic.

Funny thing is, I can't recall any time in a dream where I prayed, since I don't think I ever did in any dream. And that's definatly a situation worth praying for in real life. :D

So that might mean in my dreams there's no God. So I wonder what happends if I die in a dream. :blink:

And as for the part before the whole WTC, I have no clue what that meant... Like seriously, people beating each other up with axes. LOL And what does that have to do with the WTC.... or what does the WTC have to do with that.? :lol: But while I'm pretty sure they were seperate dreams, they were one right after the other, so somehow there's a connection.

Bah, dreams are freaky. :D

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Post by Bookworm »

Have you ever realized you were dreaming while in the middle of a dream? I have. I had experienced the same dream several times, and during one of them, I realized, hey, this is that dream.

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Yeah that has happened to me... very weird. Basically I'll wake up, and then I realize I'm in a dream still. Sometimes I get a weird dream in the dream, so when I wake up I tell it to someone but I'm still in a dream while telling it... very strange.

It could be that I actually had the WTC dream inside the axe murder dream. Last thing I remember is starting to get mad at that stupid 911 guy that was not even responding to me, and realizing my door was unlocked so I locked it, and before I went back to the phone I was in front of the entrance of the WTC and I knew exactly what just happened. So maybe I got shot or something and went in a coma then dreamed. LOL

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Post by Bookworm »

The dream within a dream reminded me of when I was 14 and my older brother died. I had a dream in which he didn't actually die, and then I woke up and found out it was true, but I was still in a dream. When I actually did wake up, I was pretty bummed.

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Post by Anonymous »

Red, it sounds as if the souls of those who died in 911 are trying to tell you something. I have had the same strange dreams in which I find myself walking in the shoes of those who are dead, for some reason. It is possible for you to die in a dream from a heart attack, if you were scared by something THAT much.

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hmm could be... that's a freaky thought really, but I can't see why not. The whole dream sort of points out that violence is bad today, with terrorism, people killing each other.... and since there's less gun deaths here, and it's something I talk about, they were killing each other with axes instead. :D

I can't quite remember even how the WTC dream ended, all I remember is me running around in the WTC on shiny waxed floors.

Perhaps I'll get the ending tonight. <_> Well bed time for me. :D

Oh and I heard if you actually die in a dream, your brain will think you're actually dead, and "kill" you. That's why in dreams when you die, you wake up an instant before. I'm sure everyone must of had one of those dreams where you fall off a balcony or something and wake up before you hit the ground.

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World's Longest Thread

Post by Anonymous »

Red Squirrel wrote: Oh and I heard if you actually die in a dream, your brain will think you're actually dead, and "kill" you.  That's why in dreams when you die, you wake up an instant before.  I'm sure everyone must of had one of those dreams where you fall off a balcony or something and wake up before you hit the ground.
Yes, your brain will systematically shut down all your organs causing death. I will reasearch this some more.

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Post by MrSelf »

That'san unfounded rumor, no proof what-so-ever.

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

Bookworm wrote: Have you ever realized you were dreaming while in the middle of a dream? I have. I had experienced the same dream several times, and during one of them, I realized, hey, this is that dream.
I actually did some research into "Lucid Dreaming" as it's called when I was younger and dabbing in strange ideas. There are couple of steps to control lucid dreaming the first of which is to write down all your dreams as soon as you wake (you remember more before you move in the morning). After you have that habit down you have to start asking yourself on an set schedual "am I awake?".. You'll get into the habit of doing it.. and what's a habit in waking life will usually carry over to the dreaming. Once you know your dreaming it's all a matter of using that knowlage to your advantage.

Just some info incase you were interested.

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Post by manadren »

interesting. I've heard of lucid dreaming before, I've had a couple just by chance, but never actually tried inducing one. I remember seeing a headset device somewhere that was supposed to detected REM and kinda wake you up with some flashing lights without bringing you out of sleep, so you could lucid dream. But it was still in development at the time and I haven't heard anything about it since.

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

manadren wrote: interesting. I've heard of lucid dreaming before, I've had a couple just by chance, but never actually tried inducing one. I remember seeing a headset device somewhere that was supposed to detected REM and kinda wake you up with some flashing lights without bringing you out of sleep, so you could lucid dream. But it was still in development at the time and I haven't heard anything about it since.
Yeah I've seen that too.. Never had the oportunity to see if it actually worked or not.. As you said it kinda disapeared after that initial burst of interest. Yet another way would be a trigger image or sound.. (what the red lights are).. implanted into your dream an alarm turning into a phone ringing in your dream may wake your brain to the fact that your asleep.

Oddly enough the MOST control I've had over a dream I was driving a red jeep down a beach with 2 women and a monkey in the back.. and then I thought.. would't it be weird if the monkey were driving.. and then he was.. and that qued me in.


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Post by Red Squirrel »

There's obviously some kind of message that's trying to be told to me. I was eating my lunch and just turned on the TV on a random channel, and one of the first thing I see is the world trade center. It was talking about modern building technologies. But not about the WTC, but construction in general, and it just happened to show it for maybe like a few seconds then it showed other buildings.

This is creeping me out. :lol:

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

Deep breath Red.. Deep breaths... go to your happy place... just make sure that happy place isn't the WTC..

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Post by Anonymous »

MrSelf wrote: That'san unfounded rumor, no proof what-so-ever.
Is that so? Then why do you think people die in their sleep? The cause may not always be simple disease or illness.

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Post by MrSelf »

Like you said, heart attack, etc, from actual causes. Not from just 'dying in your dream' It used to be a big rumor that if you died while in a dream, your subconcious couldn't take it and shut down, that has sense been disproven. There are other reason, as you have stated. It boils down to stress, it's still the biggest factor in lifespan.

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

Yeah I think I read somthing that said that it wasn't true as well.. however I can see maybe your body, sensing your inpending death, creates a dream in which you die giving your mind a reason to let go. A last release if you will.... then again.. maybe thats bull :censored:

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Post by MrSelf »

Psyc would say that your self-preservation instincts would not let that happen. But it is an interesting theory, and if one could control their biological drives and mind very well (which I have no doubt some people can better than others), then it is possible, if not unlikely.

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FloodG8-9595 wrote: Deep breath Red.. Deep breaths... go to your happy place... just make sure that happy place isn't the WTC..
Actually these weird messages are probably telling me I need to go visit the new one... o 9/11. :lol:

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

I'm looking forward to visiting the tower when it's done in a few years.. just to see it (becasuse I never saw the old one)

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I can't wait to see how it will look like and it would be cool to visit. Have they started now or are they still planing?

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Post by FloodG8-9595 »

I'm pretty sure they broke ground on it not too long ago and they're gonna finish pretty quickly

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yeah I assume it will take a few years to complete. Quite more complex then building a house. But at least they have lot of recycled materials to work with. :D

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Post by MrSelf »

I meant to comment about this earlier :wacko: That's funny, next time I travel, I'll just literally leave my brain behind! :lol:

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Post by Red Squirrel »

:lol: That's hilarious! I wonder what the border taxes are like for shipping brains. LOL

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