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Post by Wren »

Hey y' a problem. Seems my Windows Live account has been locked by MSoft. Something about a user sending spam from my account maybe. In trying to unlock my account, I was asked for a mobile # to contact me to get a code to unlock. I'm not going there either. Then I was given an option to send an alternate email to be used for the code they say I need. Sounds fishy to me since at the end of a questionaire to prove who I am, it says to leave billing account info. I have no services with MSoft that require a credit card.

Don't know what's going on but my account is locked and I'm not giving anyone any personal info. Anyone know what I should do?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40157
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Red Squirrel
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Windows Live

Post by Red Squirrel »

What happens, you try to send an email and it bounces back?

It could be legit, but I would not hand out any info until we can be sure. I'd try to do it all by phone if you can, just feels safer that way.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40158
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Post by Wren »

I can't even log in. Seems there was suspicious activity going on and they want to verify who I am before unlocking my account. All I get is an error window and a verify window.
Can't get through the verification process since I'm not giving billing info, which I don't have. There is a question about giving them a mobile phone number which would be put on my profile...I have no profile. :unsure: That account is over ten years old. :banghead: Seems a phone call might get expensive, going from one corner of US to the other. B)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40159
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Post by Red Squirrel »

Hmm that's really messed. If you're getting this from MS's site it would be legit, but I still find it odd it's asking for billing info. Really not sure what I'd do in that case. hopefully nobody got into your account. Is there a reset password or other option you can use to see what happens?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40160
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Windows Live

Post by Wren »

Apparently it's locked until I can prove it's my account. My search online revealed M'soft has locked some other users accounts because of spammers using them to send out mail from the contact list. My AVG caught a trojan a few weeks ago so I deleted all the contacts, hoping to stop anything from going out from here.

I may just take this thing to the shop where I bought it. An AVG scan and SpyBot S&D shows nothing. :dosgonebad:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40161
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Post by rovingcowboy »

make sure you got the newest avg 2012 version go to the site and get
the free one.

it will download an installer first then you go from there.

yes i can confirm your account was used by a spammer.

i got several spam messages from your account, not sure how they got to the server to get in to your account but they did.

um? june? not sure if i posted here then or not.
cant remember now and i'm falling asleep on this kkkkeyy bored now..
no joke really am, my eyes close andtheres new words on the screen i didn't seee typeing

but someone had to turn your account in to ms to have it get locked.
hope you are not talking about that spoof email of msn that is and has been going around for a few yrs. now where they say they have a error with your account and need the info to fix it. thats a spam email its not ms' that sends that.

check your install disk for xp or 98 on it in a folder for online it has text file of phone numbers to call. 98's might have been changd by now but xp should still
be showing some good phone numbers.

but call them and tell them what is going on so they can help you if it is a spammer that is trying to get your info.

keith. B)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40162
roving cowboy/ keith
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Windows Live

Post by Wren »

Cowboy, thanks for the heads-up on the 2012 AVG, didn't know there was one. Got it now.

I talked to the pc store people, they don't know anymore than I do about Windows Live.
I'm going to do some online reading and see what others have to say. This shouldn't be so complicated with today's technology. :rolleyes:

Ok, I tried the support thing, no phone support for email accounts. No resetting password as that just ends up at the same page asking for phone and CC info. MS site did say they would ask for mobile phone # but the request for CC info is still there.
Anyway I go it's still the same brick wall. :banghead:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40163
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Post by Wren »

Windows Live Essentials have been more mail from that box. I've read enough to know it's a hopeless case. I'm not the only one. Gmail still works for me.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40164
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Post by rovingcowboy »

well i don't know what they did.
but i call in microsoft for help all the time,
last i called was for live mail to get it set up
there was a code that had to be done and only
their so called email guru could tell you the code
and how to do it.

i've not been able to send from my pop 3 email unless
it is text only for some time now.
not sure why but i still get email from it and send in text from
it but i will have to call them again and ask what is going on with it.

i don't know what to do about that being locked because of some spammer
using the account, that will take a phone call like i said to microsoft
and some explaining to them.
if you get the call center in India. and your in the USA or Canada just ask
for the american operator and keep asking til you get them or are told
there is none.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5514, old post ID:40165
roving cowboy/ keith