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Red Squirrel
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Welcome, new members!

Post by Red Squirrel »

If you are a new member, or a visitor, welcome to the site!

While the site may seem a little dead, keep in mind that it has been up since 2002 and we have never encountered any data loss or other technical issues resulting in a long term closure since then. This is a very stable forum to join and unlike lot of forums out there, this site is not going away any time soon!

The reason it looks dead is it was closed for registrations for a while due to spam, but we have put the proper measures in place so we can reopen our gates, and provide a quality forum, without the spam.

Over time, I will be doing more enhancements to the site and forum as a whole, and plan to promote this site more and get it going again. So don't fear the fact that it looks dead, we are working on that.

If you need computer help, or just want to discuss something technical, or even something completely random, go ahead and post!


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5188, old post ID:39490
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Welcome, new members!

Post by richardj »

I want to discuss WOMEN!!! :P :evilsmile:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5188, old post ID:39494
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Red Squirrel
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Welcome, new members!

Post by Red Squirrel »

That would fall under networking infrastructure. :D

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5188, old post ID:39500
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
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Welcome, new members!

Post by Triple6_wild »

It could require a life time of research before we could have a meaning full discussion on that topic. Lets get started on research and we'll start the topic in 100 or so years :dosgonebad:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5188, old post ID:39504

Wait what?
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Red Squirrel
Posts: 29213
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Location: Northern Ontario

Welcome, new members!

Post by Red Squirrel »

Come to think of it, we need to add a Quantum Physics Interface Systems Virtualization forum.

It would go in there.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5188, old post ID:39505
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!