Registrations to be opened soon

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Red Squirrel
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

I've been very busy on getting the UO server ready for a large update, but decided to take time aside to get this site rolling again.

Currently I am working on a post validation system that will be quick and easy to use so I can go through every couple days, like I do with news, and approve/delete entries.

I expect there will be about 100 new members with spam posts per day, and MAYBE 1-2 good ones. For some reason, this site is constantly under attack by spammers so these measures are needed. Captcha's don't work, the spammers actually do it all manually.

Existing members, and members who have proven themselves as being real people, won't need to go through the validation process.

Once this is in place, I might write a couple articles to get the site out there again, and I will also use adwords since I got a card for 100 bucks worth of adwords for free, from Google.

So hopefully things start rolling again.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39413
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by rovingcowboy »

sounds like you are getting more energy to do all this.

but i hope you don't get that many spammers a day that would
be a pain the a... to mess with them.

spammers are becoming a pain in the a... at all forums.

php changed the format and most the old good spam blockers don't work
any more and the bots are getting through.

hope you can make one that works to keep them out. but expect
you might only get to keep the wolfs at bay.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39415
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah it's a cat and mouse battle pretty much. If I do come up with a better system they'll eventually beat it.

I should be able to test this starting tonight.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39416
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Triple6_wild »

When was this posted :lol:
Currently I am working on a post validation system that will be quick and easy to use so I can go through every couple days, like I do with news, and approve/delete entries.
Give me access to that also. Willing to help out if you need it. Though I always find the bugs :roflmao2:

Small captcha will keep most bots out so use at least one , Infact if its a manually changed question/answer every week. I'm sure we can think of a question every week if needed.
What color is the site,
Color is the xx flag,
Number of googles search results for the word "Insert search word"
Example search evony and it shows 2,250,000
etc etc Can come up with a question list/thread in the staff section and change as needed and mark off the stuff that hasn't worked or bot's have beat

Should take some work out of the validation system even if it gets 30% of the dumb bots. Bot's can be trained to beat anything but they do need to be "trained". If theres no system then a bot can't be truly trained to deal with our system. B)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39418

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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah right now the captcha is very generic, I will probably make it more complicated eventually. At one of my other sites it actually worked to dispaly 3 captcha codes and tell the user to enter the one that is different (two are always the same). Might do that too. Could add a question too.

I already killed off two spammers before they even had a chance to post anything - lot of them just create accounts to clutter the member list and never actually post anything.

I will probably make it so members with 0 posts get deleted after an hour, that will take care of the non poster spammers. Don't even know why they do that...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39419
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Triple6_wild »

Thats a great idea deleting the non posters. Some members sign up to access stuff and never post so it's not all spammers. Would give it more then an hour though as sometimes just validating an account takes more then an hour if the email gets delayed or user gets busy etc

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39420

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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah right now I'm trying 1 day since that is the shortest the admin cp will allow, and I'll see how that goes. Maybe it will be ok.

We don't really see the spammy members anyway, so it's not like they are cluttering anything. Just need to maybe make them not show up online either. In that mode, they don't have access to much anyway so its not like people could sneak in to view certain sections and never validate their account.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39421
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Triple6_wild »

So hows the system holding up for day 1? Got your 100 users or it not that bad? :biglaugh:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39422

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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

Seems quiet. i saw a couple spammers show up in the online users (can tell just by the nonsense usernames) but none have tried posting.

I think lot of them register ahead of time, then post. The system will have deleted them by then.

I still have some fixes to do such as make sure they don't show up in search and stuff, but so far so good.

I plan on writing a few articles later once this system seems to hold up, in hopes to get some people on here who might register.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39423
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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Triple6_wild »

When you get your first article out you may also want to mass mail and let the old users know it's back up n running B)

I'd love to see this place up and kicking again. Always had you guys around for any PC related problem but the slow death left me and my PC out in the cold alone to fend for ourselves :(

Used to be my homepage but now your just the bookmark on my firefox toolbar that sits between keeptube and google :no no no:
Now that I think about it. That Icecube on my toolbar really stands out LOL No wonder I still click it every time I browse the web even though it was dead here :roflmao2:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39430

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Registrations to be opened soon

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah, think it comes from SMB 3 haha.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5164, old post ID:39431
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