Yeah I'd like to redo the site, but I have bigger project/priorities in mind.
I DO want to finish SBBS one day as well. Problem is I've dragged it so much, the code is horrible compared to my standards now, vs like 5 years ago when I started on it. I'd almost have to restart it, but its almost done really so think I'll just live with the code, then redo sections at a time.
I was reading up and OOP in php actually has lot of overhead so it may actually be for good that I never used OOP, as speed was my #1 goal with that software.
I'm also thinking about getting into the webhosting industry. Something to pay off my game server. If it goes well then I can expand that.
I also need to code a better design for
this page. LOL
So many projects, so little time. If the webhosting idea actually DOES grow big I can just quit my job and have tons of time to do all this stuff lol. But I have a good job so I'd have to really be secured in web hosting to want to do that...
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:5034, old post ID:38776