need help with turing

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need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

hey, im making a survey program for a class project, and im going to have it so it asks you a question then takes ur answer, and each question is going to be worth so many points, then at the end it will tell you how much points you have earn kind of thing, anyone have any ideas, or how i could make these real easy??

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33692

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

eww why dont you try something a little harder for a project worth %15 of ur mark? :unsure:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33695

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

Graham wrote: eww why dont you try something a little harder for a project worth %15 of ur mark? :unsure:
why would i do something that is hard, why not something that is easy and make it look so good, so it looks hard and then get admazing marks for it ??

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33696

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

We'll see in the end <_>

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33697
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need help with turing

Post by Death »

Seems reasonable for a final project. Just make sure your teacher gives you an outline of the elements required before you finish your project. You never know, he might be expecting graphics or structures that you'll have to fit into your survey/quiz somehow. I am going to assume that your quiz will be multiple choice with around 1 - 5 possibilities. One thing you can do is write to a screen and use a conditional statement for the possibilities (I assume you're using turing:)

Take this into consideration. Suppose the answer to a question was B

print "Your question and selections go here:"
If userchoice = "a" or userchoice = "A" then
print "Sorry, that is incorrect"
elsif userchoice = "b" or userchoice = "B" then
print "Yes, you are correct"
score += 1 (Or score = score + 1)
elsif userchoice = "c" or userchoice = "C"
print "Sorry, that is incorrect"
elsif userchoice = "d" or userchoice = "D"
print "Sorry, that is incorrect"
print "Entry is invalid, try again"
end if

That's just an idea to get you started off. I would personally put it in a loop in case a stupid user decides he/she wants to choose the number 50 as an answer. That way it loops back and they get to try again. Any valid answer breaks out of the loop and then the next question is asked, using the same looping structure as shown above. If you really want to impress or show better conditional structures, switch would work better (case structure). Simply because it chews away at the coding and looks much more uniform. I haven't coded in turing in a very long time, so I don't remember the exact syntax for a case structure. If you've learnt it, great, if not, big deal. The trick is to do something similar to this (For the purpose of not sticking to an exact language, i'll just stick to pseudocoding it)

CASE for (UPPERCASE(userinput))
userinput = "A":
print "Incorrect answer"
userinput = "B":
print "Correct answer"
score += 1
userinput = "C":
print "Incorrect answer"
userinput = "D":
print "Incorrect answer"
userinput = "undefined":
print "Invalid entry, please try again"

This follows the same idea. Just like the conditional statement shown above, this case statement is being looped for error trapping (User enters in something that's invalid). The case statement has a very important part in it. UPPERCASE, many programming languages have something like this, consult the help file or manuals to find out what code YOUR language uses. What it does, is it uppercases letters. Say the user types in the letter "b", well it will register as invalid because the case thinks that "b" and "B" are different. In order to fix that, we uppercase the letter using a special built in function (If your language supports it, hopefully). uppercase functions wil correct "b" inputes by making them into "B"s, thus making your conditions much easier to compare. If your language does not support uppercasing functions or it does not have any, use the conditional statement method. If you have more programming experience and you know how to use uppercasing functions and case structures, use that instead. Hope this helps


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33698

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

Thanks so much for that furball, just having one problem, look at the screen shot below, and maybe you can help me with it.

Thanks so much


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33727

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

because i could not edit my last post, would just like to say that everything is currently working :D

thanks again furball

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33729

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

ok good to hear :roflmao2: :stupid: :crowd:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33730
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need help with turing

Post by Death »

mrtorelli wrote: Thanks so much for that furball, just having one problem, look at the screen shot below, and maybe you can help me with it.

Thanks so much

Took me awhile to recognize this post, so sorry for the delay. The error you got was a type mismatch. Rather common syntax error. Your variable userchoice is declared as and integer when it is compared as a string. Change it to var userchoice = string. Mind you, think you already fixed this by now :)

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:33743

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

I'm not really sure if posting entire programs is good etiquette, but whatever. I made this for grade 9 computers class, and as you can probably see, it was a summary for the Turing unit. I pulled my grade up from a 53% at midterms to an 80% at the end of the year, and this here is part of the reason why (albeit a small part). It works anyway. Feel free to steal whatever you want.

My teacher made me overcomment everything, but I DID get perfect (or very close to it).

% Rob Sterkenburg
% December 14, 2005

% Line that allows me to use GUI statements (background colour, etc.)
import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
% Puts Turing into graphics mode and declares screen size
setscreen ("graphics:1010;690")

% Procedure for creating a border
procedure border
drawfillbox (1, 1, 1008, 10, 55)
drawfillbox (1, 1, 10, 688, 55)
drawfillbox (10, 688, 1008, 678, 55)
drawfillbox (1008, 678, 998, 1, 55)
end border

% Quiz starting variable
var key : string (1)
% Answer and scoring variables
var Q1_Ans : string
var Q1_Score : int
Q1_Score := 0
var Q2_Ans : string (15)
var Q2_Score : int
Q2_Score := 0
var Q3_Ans : string
var Q3_Score : int
Q3_Score := 0
var Q4_Ans : string
var Q4_Score : int
Q4_Score := 0
var Q5_Ans : int
var Q5_Score : int
Q5_Score := 0
var Q6_Ans : string
var Q6_Score : int
Q6_Score := 0
var Q7_Ans : string
var Q7_Score : int
Q7_Score := 0
var TotalScore : int
% Variable to control how long delays are (shortened for testing).
var DelayTime : int
% Background colour
var BackColour : int
BackColour := 255
GUI.SetBackgroundColor (BackColour)

% Intro info
colorback (255)
color (14)

for x : 1 .. 40
locate (5, x)
put "Welcome to the Rob Sterkenburg Driving Test."
delay (50)
end for

for decreasing x : 43 .. 7
locate (5, 41)
put "Welcome to the Rob Sterkenburg Driving Test."
locate (x, 38)
put "All answers use capital letters and whole numbers."
% Calls border procedure
delay (75)
end for
locate (10, 51)
put "Press any key to start."
% Calls border procedure

% Command that is fulfilled when any key is pressed
locate (11, 62)
getch (key)

locate (3, 1)
put "When are roads the slickest? "
put " "
put "A) After it has rained for at least 20 minutes, and all of the oil, grease, dirt and rain mix together."
put "B) When it has just started to rain and the rain hasn't mixed with the substances on the road."
put "C) After the rain stops."
put "D) Before the rain starts."
put " "
put "Answer: " ..
get Q1_Ans : *
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q1_Score := Q1_Score + 1
% If to determine what to do with 'Q1_Ans'
if Q1_Ans = "A" then
put "Sorry, A is not the correct answer."
elsif Q1_Ans = "B" then
put " "
put " "
put "Yes. The most dangerous time for losing traction during rain is around 20 minutes after the rain starts."
% Starts next question
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q1_Ans = "C" then
put "C is not the correct answer."
elsif Q1_Ans = "D" then
put "D is definately not the correct answer."
colour (12)
put "That is not a selectable option. Please put only a capital letter A, B, C, or D."
colour (14)
end if
exit when Q1_Ans = "B"
end loop

locate (3, 1)
put "Wet leaves can make the road very _________"
% Loop that forces correct answer to be given before proceeding
put " "
put "Fill in the blank. " ..
get Q2_Ans : *
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q2_Score := Q2_Score + 1
% If statement to offer correct/wrong statements and hint statement
if Q2_Ans = "Slick" then
put " "
put " "
put "That is the right answer!"
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q2_Ans = "Slippery" then
put " "
put " "
put "That is the right answer!"
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q2_Ans = "Dangerous" then
put " "
put " "
put "That is the right answer!"
delay (DelayTime)
% Statement for any answer that is not correct
put "No, that is not the right answer. Try captializing the first letter of your answer."
% Helping hint statement - runs at every wrong answer
put "Hint: There are three answers. They are 5, 8 and 9 letters long."
end if
exit when Q2_Ans = "Slick"
exit when Q2_Ans = "Slippery"
exit when Q2_Ans = "Dangerous"
end loop

locate (3, 1)
put "What is the leading cause of accidents in winter?"
put " "
put "A) Ice, snow or slush on roads."
put "B) Using improper tires (eg. summer tires or cheap all-season tires)."
put "C) Speeding."
put "D) Falling asleep."
% Loop that forces correct answer to be given before proceeding
put " "
put "The answer is: " ..
get Q3_Ans : *
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q3_Score := Q3_Score + 1
% If to determine what to do with 'Q3_Ans'
if Q3_Ans = "A" then
put "That is the most common response, but it is not correct."
elsif Q3_Ans = "B" then
put "That is not the correct answer, though it is often a contributing factor to accidents."
elsif Q3_Ans = "C" then
put " "
put " "
put "Yes. Many drivers do not slow down sufficiently during poor conditions."
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q3_Ans = "D" then
put "This is not the correct answer."
colour (12)
put "That is not a selectable option. Please put only a capital letter A, B, C, or D."
colour (14)
end if
exit when Q3_Ans = "C"
end loop

% Start of stop-sign picture
var x : array 1 .. 8 of int := init (400, 400, 435, 485,
520, 520, 485, 435)
var y : array 1 .. 8 of int := init (400, 450, 485, 485,
450, 400, 365, 365)
drawfillpolygon (x, y, 8, 12)
var fontA : int
fontA := Font.New ("arial:22")
Font.Draw ("STOP", 420, 415, fontA, white)
% End of stop-sign picture

% Start of question text
locate (3, 1)
put "You may pass a car on the road if: "
put "A) The lines in the middle of the road are solid yellow."
put "B) There is one solid line in the middle of the road."
put "C) The car you are passing is travelling under 75 km/h"
put "D) The lines in the middle of the road are solid only for you."
put "E) The line(s) in the middle of the road are broken for you or for both sides."
put "F) You are going up a hill."
% Loop that forces correct answer to be given before proceeding
put " "
put "The answer is: " ..
get Q4_Ans : *
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q4_Score := Q4_Score + 1
% If to determine what to do with 'Q4_Ans'
if Q4_Ans = "A" then
put "No. You may not pass on any solid line."
elsif Q4_Ans = "B" then
put "No. You may not pass on any solid line."
elsif Q4_Ans = "C" then
put "That answer is not correct."
elsif Q4_Ans = "D" then
put "No. You may not pass a car if there is a solid line."
elsif Q4_Ans = "E" then
put " "
put " "
put "Yes, that is the correct answer."
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q4_Ans = "F" then
put "No. You should NEVER pass going up a hill because there may be a car approaching you can't see."
colour (12)
put "That is not a selectable option. Please put only a capital letter A, B, C, or D."
colour (14)
end if
% Exit for correct answer
exit when Q4_Ans = "E"
end loop

locate (3, 1)
put "What is the normal speed in a school zone? (in Km/h)"
% Loop that forces correct answer to be given before proceeding
put " "
put "The answer is: " ..
get Q5_Ans
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q5_Score := Q5_Score + 1
% If to determine what to do with 'Q5_Ans'
if Q5_Ans < 5 then
put "You are not using common sense."
elsif Q5_Ans < 20 then
put "No, that is a bit slow."
elsif Q5_Ans < 40 then
put "No, that is a little slow."
elsif Q5_Ans = 40 then
put " "
put " "
put "Yes, the speed in a school zone is 40 Km/h."
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q5_Ans > 41 then
put "No, that is a bit fast."
elsif Q5_Ans > 60 then
put "That is far too fast."
elsif Q5_Ans > 80 then
put "You are not using common sense."
colour (12)
put "That is not a selectable option. Please put only a realistic whole number."
colour (14)
end if
exit when Q5_Ans = 40
end loop

locate (3, 1)
put "What type of vehicles have blue flashing lights?"
put " "
put "A) Emergency Vehicles."
put "B) Volunteer Firefighters."
put "C) Police Vehicles."
put "D) Snow Removal Vehicles."
put "E) Construction Vehicles."
% Loop that forces correct answer to be given before proceeding
put " "
put "Answer: " ..
get Q6_Ans : *
% Increases score for number of attempts
Q6_Score := Q6_Score + 1
% If to determine what to do with 'Q6_Ans'
if Q6_Ans = "A" then
put "That is incorrect. Emergency vehicles have red and white lights."
elsif Q6_Ans = "B" then
put "No, that is not the correct answer."
elsif Q6_Ans = "C" then
put "That is incorrect. Police vehicles (in Ontario) have only red and white lights."
elsif Q6_Ans = "D" then
put " "
put " "
put "Yes. Snow removal vehicles are the only vehicles with blue lights."
delay (DelayTime)
elsif Q6_Ans = "E" then
put "That is incorrect. Volunteer firefighters' vehicles have green lights."
colour (12)
put "That is not a selectable option. Please put only a capital letter A, B, C, D, or E."
colour (14)
end if
exit when Q6_Ans = "D"
end loop

locate (3, 1)
put "The results of your test are: "
put " "

% If statements that determine wether ATTEMPT or ATTEMPTS is to be written
put "Question One: ", Q1_Score ..
if Q1_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if
put "Question Two: ", Q2_Score ..
if Q2_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if
put "Question Three: ", Q3_Score ..
if Q3_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if
put "Question Four: ", Q4_Score ..
if Q4_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if
put "Question Five: ", Q5_Score ..
if Q5_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if
put "Question Six: ", Q6_Score ..
if Q6_Score = 1 then
put " attempt."
put " attempts."
end if

TotalScore := Q1_Score + Q2_Score + Q3_Score + Q4_Score + Q5_Score + Q6_Score

put " "
put "The total number of attempts is: ", TotalScore, "."
put "Total number of attempts to pass: 6."
delay (3000)

var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("serif:18")
assert font1 > 0
if TotalScore < 7 then
Font.Draw ("You have passed! You may recieve your license!", 375, 600, font1, green)
Font.Draw ("You have failed. Please try again.", 375, 600, font1, brightred)
end if

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:34578
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Red Squirrel
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need help with turing

Post by Red Squirrel »

Sorry about that ban, the spam bot must of thought it was spam because of the lenght of the post. (1st posts that long normally are spam). Again sorry about that.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:34581
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

No problemo. I'm replying to a comment made a zillion years ago in a post started a kazillion years ago. Oh well.

Edit: Wow I sure didn't know about "var a, b, c, d, e : int" did I?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:35126
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need help with turing

Post by Death »

Ya, gotta have the spam filter now though. Spammers have gotten really bad these days. Hopefully everything worked out. It seems you've learnt quite a lot more about turing now

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:35131

need help with turing

Post by Anonymous »

Yup, just have no idea how to round things, even with the round command. Its got me stumped. I'll start a thread later.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:4122, old post ID:35133