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Computer builds, hardware and software discussion or troubleshooting, including peripherals. Essentially a general place to talk about desktop computers.
Hey b1arak I see you heard from us from a magazine according to what you put in the registration, mind telling me which magazine? I never realized we were featured in one. Pretty cool stuff!
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:27412
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
I'm glad gmail finally shut up when I moved something to the trash bin. It always used to say "Why throw it out when you have 2 gigs of space?". Sounds kind of suspicious much .
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:27413
“Buttered toast always lands buttered side down; cats always land feet first; tie a piece of buttered toast onto the back of a cat and it can never hit the floor!”
I have two gmail accounts. I hardly use them though. One is a private account where unparsed news lands after going through several spam filtering phases, and the other is a personal email,mostly used as a failover in case Iceteks would be down for a crazy amount of time, like in the event of a terrorist attack or something of the sort, which we all hope will never be the case.
With my luck the gmail server is in the same building and I don't know. Nah, google owns their own servers.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:30243
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
so is there anything better about gemail than regular email other than more space because i have been using hotmail for about 8 years and kept the same account the whole time. Actually microsoft sent me a litter compliamenting me on how i have been using the same email so long and i never let it get over crowded. I don't know if i will ever change my email. This gemail sound interesting but i need to know what it is all about.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:31275
it's sad but it took me almost 20 years to find out who i was. only reason was alcohol made me become hiddin in myself and now being clean has brought the reall me to the surface
Anyways, yes, think of having Google, and a message board, built into email. You keep anything you ever got unless you absolutly don't want it. And you NEVER sort through emails to find something. You use the search feature. You could send ten emails to the same person, like back and forth emailing, and it will show up as ONE, and it will be laid out like a topic on a message board.
I found those features to be pretty cool.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:31281
Oh dear just remembered I have a gmail account where any news emails that fail the parsing phase get replicated to. Given the success rate is 48% that's TONS of mail per day. I think it's filling at over twice the rate of google's quota enlargment.
She's gona blow! Actually I just checked and I'm only using 25 MB (1%) of 2654 MB from 913 emails. I really figured it would be worse.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3398, old post ID:31336
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!