Need Turing!!

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Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

Hi :) , i need turing for school, if anyone has it could they please send it to me.
thanks :rolleyes: .

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:26130

Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

sorry to use this thread to, but i need to cover as many bases as possible to get this software, like i said, 4 more days. so thanks.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:33129

Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

Email me and I can send you the link.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:35032
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Need Turing!!

Post by Death »

Hmmm, funny your programming teacher wouldn't give you a copy of turing. The original dos version fits on a floppy and the new oot version can be burnt to disk or if compressed really nicely, can fit on a floppy (early version of the flash drive for those of you born in the new age of technology). Pretty sure it's legal for him/her to distribute it if it is being used for educational purposes. There are a couple of threads about turing here already. If you use the search option, you'll find that huge thread and you might be able to get in contact with somebody who has the program. If that fails, consult your favorite peer to peer network, usually find it.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:35037

Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

Email me...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36101
Chris Vogel
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Need Turing!!

Post by Chris Vogel »

Furball wrote: Pretty sure it's legal for him/her to distribute it if it is being used for educational purposes.
It depends. If you’re using the version from Holt Software, which seems to be the only version out there, a student-redistribution licence must be paid for in addition to the institutional-use licence. All publicly funded schools in Ontario—mais je pense que tu habites à Québec, rehan—have the institutional-use licence. Some may have paid for the student-redistribution licence, but this Tennessean has no idea.

Believe me, the first thing i did after reading this thread was search Google for a free (libre and gratis) Turing compiler/interpreter/whatever. I don’t see anything. If you need this software but don’t wish to resort to piracy, you may buy an individual licence for CDN$75 (or US$75) if your school doesn’t have rights to redistribute. (Be sure to ask.)

This is off-topic, but is there some other programming language with open-source compilers/interpreters that schools could use in lieu? I don’t know enough about Turing to compare it to other languages, but Python has object orientation, a simple syntax, real-world value, and a strong open-source backing. It seems like a good language to start out with.

EDIT: Posting your e-mail address in public is just asking for spam. Send it via a personal message.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36102
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Red Squirrel
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Need Turing!!

Post by Red Squirrel »

Yeah I dont know why they still teach turing, they should teach C++ or java, or heck, assembly.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36103
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Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

hello, everyone. Can someone please send me the file or link of the 4th version of turing , plz, thank you so much:D. My email is Thx again!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36118
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Need Turing!!

Post by syb »

not this agian....

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36126
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Need Turing!!

Post by wtd »

Tak wrote: This is off-topic, but is there some other programming language with open-source compilers/interpreters that schools could use in lieu?

Check the bottom of that first page.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36141

Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

i need a copy of turing........ive been looking for like an hour on da web and its not anywhere!!! i even tried limwire....i need it pretty bad...if n e one has it , can u please send it to me at a lot :dosgonebad:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:36790

Need Turing!!

Post by Anonymous »

i have turing v 4.0.3 so if anyone wants it just email me at

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3209, old post ID:37907