Ice Cubes

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Red Squirrel
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Ice Cubes

Post by Red Squirrel »

I think we have too much inflation, and we're in the middle of a depression, and if this keeps up we'll turn into a 3rd world country because our financial institution is failing. Not to mention globolization is a really scary word.

(most of you won't know what I'm talking about but to keep things simple I want to clear all the ICs :P)

So... I was thinking of starting from scratch. Clear all the ICs and everyone's assets, and yes, even WMD!

This would be done once the new cybervillage is in place, though. Basically I'd want to do the oposite of what I did with this cybervillage, and start with a completely empty money supply. It's a fact that printing money does not increase economy, it just causes inflation. :lol:

So I want everyone's input on this. I can't say a date that it would be done though. If I put in all the features I want in the next cybervillage it will be a little while before it actually gets done.

What I could also do is not clear everything, maybe just clear all the owned items, and the bank, but the wallets would stay. (so smart move would be to take out everything from the bank if I do this).

So let's discuss here what to do.

My plan is to just zap everything and I voted to, but if more people vote not to, then we can leave it as it is, or only zap other stuff such as items or what not.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23772
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Post by Wren »

Doesn't matter to me, I bought stuff and held on to it to keep from being robbed anyway. :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23776
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Post by Death »

Well, can't u give us some ic's when the new cybervillage is up? I wouldn't mind a free WPM though. Or, or maybe 2. I'd even settle for a zig :P.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23779
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Red Squirrel
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Post by Red Squirrel »

Not sure what I'd do, I would probably give a fixed ammount to every member, then everyone go nuts from there. :D

Or to make things more interesting let everyone try and get some off the stock market, and lottery and what not. But I'd probably give a fixed ammount to everyone, something small like 100ICs

The thing is most of the mall items such as the high end weapons are suppost to be very hard to get, but yet they're so easy because of the inflation. :D

I was thinking we should even have a goverment and a few members would be elected, and they would control the cybervillage economy, and what not, but putting taxes on stuff etc... basically they would control all the prices of stuff like fines when you are caught stealing.

Owners of businesses such as banks could also choose what service charges to put on transactions, and even interest. but these are things that will be gradually added with time. Busnesses will have to pay taxes too, though I'm not sure how that will be implimented in terms of keeping track of time (ex: if you have to pay 1000Ics per month or something) That way it will be possible for businesses to go bankrupt, and stocks will be based on all the busnesses such as banks, lottery etc...

Basically I want to make it more life-like in terms of economy.

I just hope it's not business class that inspired me this idea, because if yes, I'll have to shoot myself once it's all done. :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23780
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Ice Cubes

Post by Red Squirrel »

Bumping, I need more votes to make a final decision.

It will be much easier to zap them because the DB structure will have to change a bit, though it won't be impossible to keep them.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23963
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Ice Cubes

Post by Joe_it »

Zap them and start fresh.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23964
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Post by Triple6_wild »

zap it all n start everyone with a 100 sounds good

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2917, old post ID:23968

Wait what?