Why Mozilla is better than Opera

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Red Squirrel
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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

While Opera has features Mozilla does not have, such as the zoom feature which makes viewing of porn sites much more enjoyable, Mozilla also has features Opera does not have. One of them is the ability to force cookies to expire after a certain amount of time.


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22407
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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by sintekk »

You want a zoom in feature that makes porn more enjoyable (:lol:) book mark this as a link:

javascript:(function(){ function zoomImage(image, amt) { if(image.initialHeight == null) { /* avoid accumulating integer-rounding error */ image.initialHeight=image.height; image.initialWidth=image.width; image.scalingFactor=1; } image.scalingFactor*=amt; image.width=image.scalingFactor*image.initialWidth; image.height=image.scalingFactor*image.initialHeight; } var i,L=document.images.length; for (i=0;i<L;++i) zoomImage(document.images, 2); if (!L) alert(%22This page contains no images.%22); })();

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

Not that I look at porn, but I'm sure allot of people use opera specificly for that purpose. :D :lol:

Mozilla has a text zoom feature though, CTRL + or CTRL - kinda cool actually.

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Triple6_wild »

im very disapointed red :cry:

you pointed alot of operas fetures on operas article but theres barly anything in this article saying mozilla is "better" other then the word "better" :biglaugh:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22418

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

It's because the only really big things that make it better are that it's free, has no ads, has more choices (firefox for small version or mozilla for full version). Oh and it renders better.

But other then that there's not much else that makes it super much better. My main goal is to make people stop using IE, so with 3 browser related articles it may help.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22421
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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Triple6_wild »

well you could of at least went bash for bash no?

like in opera article ya got
Take the "continue from last time"-option at the start-up.
yet in mozilla you have this also but i see nothing about it in the zilla article

i didnt read the opera article till just now and "if" i NEVER used mozilla or opera b4 and read those it points to opera being alot better cuz i would not know anything about mozilla

like think of it as you trying to sell a custom built computer to someone named sam .... but the person you are trying to sell to has someone on the phone trying to sell him a compaq lol but sam does not know anything about computers ... he will probly go with the compaq cuz he does not want to wait for all these parts to come in and the compaq has everything ready to run right out of the box..... if you only told sam ya its better and not much els well the guy on the phone tells him everything about the dumb compaq you will lose your sale!! when you know a costom is ALOT better

basicly what im saying is you are looking to get ppl off IE and most IE users would never even think of switching (i was one of em sadly lol) like i figgered well it was just for going to sites so it shouldnt matter what was used BUT it does and ppl wont know if mozilla also has a pop up blocker and IRC and start from last point like pointed out cuz thay never used it b4

the 2 articles point to opera being better cuz thay both have some of the same features but only opera side is told well mozilla is left in the dark ... should be if thay both have it both should be told or nether should be told and point out the differences only

sorry lol i dont mean to pick at ya but just my 2 cents

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

Well I was actually asking someone else to write it for like 2 weeks bot no one voluntered so this was like a last minute thing.

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Triple6_wild »

lol i would of but im not very good at putting things into words and on top of the i dont make things look very neat when i type (as you can see) lol i could type up a mess that would need to be cleaned up and edited but thats about it :biglaugh:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22427

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by sintekk »

Bah, and you forgot to mention the freakin' extensions. Opera's features aren't a plus if firefox can just add them all (there's even an adbar extension if you want to simulate Opera entirely :P)

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

I might rewrite it later... now that I gotten around to writting it I'm getting all the ideas I asked for 2 weeks ago. :roflmao2:

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Triple6_wild »

well hey im a bundle of ideas but i need someone to put them into words lol like if i owned the site it would have lots of typos and everything would not have caps and whatnot n would have "lol's" all over the place :biglaugh: .

heres an idea for you

set the staff section to have an option email to all staff members when a new topic is made in the staff section that will be VERY handy for article previews so the staff members can nit pick at things thay may be wrong with it and where articles can be improoved

like if this article was in the staff section first we coulda threw you these ideas a week b4 the officail release :biglaugh: (who knows with more heads going at it you may even get better articles all together)

just another thought tho lol

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22457

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

not to worry I won't officially release this until I rewrite it, I knew it sucked before even uploading it, just did not know what to put anymore. The official release is when I mail it out, that's what gives us all the hits.

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Triple6_wild »

phew lol i thought you already mailed it :biglaugh:

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Why Mozilla is better than Opera

Post by Red Squirrel »

That's why you go with the mozilla suite which has everything.

And the problem with relying that an Opera license will get you free upgrades is that they can easly change that at any time if they want.

While with Mozilla, the only thing to worry about, like any other free/open source program, is that they too, decide to charge. But I doubt they would do that... but then again I told myself the same about Invision Power Board and now they charge like double what vB charges.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2743, old post ID:22559
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