CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

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CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Anonymous »

The problem is in inserting CBitmap in to CTabCtrl, if i load CBitmap from resource it`s ok, but if try to create CBitmap , write for example something on it, and then insert that bitmap to CTabCtrl nothing hepens.

First sample is code with CBitmap from resource working OK:

BOOL CCePropertySheet::OnInitDialog()

CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl();
m_imageList.Create (60,36,ILC_COLOR, 0, 4);

CBitmap bm;

m_imageList.Add(&bm, RGB(0, 0, 0));
. //more init code (not important)


And now the sample code where is CBitmap created dinamicly thru CDC and inserted:

BOOL CCePropertySheet::OnInitDialog()

CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl();
m_imageList.Create (60,36,ILC_COLOR, 0, 4);

CBitmap *bm;

CDC* pdc = GetDC();


bmCDC->TextOut ...... write something or draw

m_imageList.Add(bmCDC->GetCurrentBitmap(), RGB(0, 0, 0));
. //more init code (not important)


This is not working, i think is something about init CDC (GetCDC() ) but i don`t now what exactly, can anyone help me please.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20864
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Red Squirrel
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CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Red Squirrel »

Welcome aboard. Sorry I can't helo you though, hav'nt done C++ in a while and never got that advanced. Got discouraged when I realize making a triangle took 1000 lines of code. :lol2:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20865
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Fat Cat
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CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Fat Cat »

CDC* pdc = GetDC();

You have 2 "CreateCompatibleDC" commands one after another. The second one has 3 parameters passed to it (pdc, 60, 30), should it only have 1 parameter passed to it ?

virtual BOOL CreateCompatibleDC( CDC* pDC );

Return Value: Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0.


A pointer to a device context. If pDC is NULL, the function creates a memory device context that is compatible with the system display.

Creates a memory device context that is compatible with the device specified by pDC. A memory device context is a block of memory that represents a display surface. It can be used to prepare images in memory before copying them to the actual device surface of the compatible device.

When a memory device context is created, GDI automatically selects a 1-by-1 monochrome stock bitmap for it. GDI output functions can be used with a memory device context only if a bitmap has been created and selected into that context.

This function can only be used to create compatible device contexts for devices that support raster operations. See the CDC::BitBlt member function for information regarding bit-block transfers between device contexts. To determine whether a device context supports raster operations, see the RC_BITBLT raster capability in the member function CDC::GetDeviceCaps.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20900

CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Anonymous »

Tnx Red Squirrel for worm welcome :) , and i like to say i am sorry but i made a mistake writing code in FORUM, i didn`t copy-paste from my project, it shold be :


not: bm->CreateCompatibleDC(pdc,60,30);
i am sory "Fat Cat" but i still have a problem

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20901
Fat Cat
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CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Fat Cat »

I don't do much with bitmaps (mostly OpenGL), but there are a few notes on loading bitmaps and moving bitmaps using CreateCompatibleDC at http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/win32/Win32_Pg3.htm

Might be worth a look.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20903
Fat Cat
Posts: 16
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CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Fat Cat »

is the syntax of your CreateCompatibileDC statements correct ?

should they be;



instead of;



then use;
pDC->BitBlt(nX, nY, bmpInfo.bmWidth, bmpInfo.bmHeight,&bmCDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

to copy the bitmap over

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20904

CBitmap problem in CTabCtrl

Post by Anonymous »

I find the solution , i didnt select objects right here`s the code:

BOOL CCePropertySheet::OnInitDialog()

CTabCtrl* pTab = GetTabControl();
m_imageList.Create (60,36,ILC_COLOR, 0, 4);

CDC*pCtrlDC = GetDC();

CBitmap Bitmap;
CBitmap *pOldBitmap;



pOldBitmap = TempDC.SelectObject(&Bitmap);

TempDC.ExtTextOut(0,0,ETO_OPAQUE,NULL,"write or draw",NULL);


tmpImageList->Add(&Bitmap, RGB(0, 0, 0));
. //more init code (not important)



Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:2485, old post ID:20916