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I want to see what you all use as your media player. Personally, I used to use Windows Media Player as my main player, swtiched to WinAmp for a bit, and now I find that Apple's iTunes offers just what I needed after I switched to Windows XP. The EQ, Visualizations and just overall usability is great, in my opnion, not to mention the fact that it has integrated CD Burning.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:16092
WinAMP v2.91 for me. I've got winamp 5 on my system too, used it for a while. Not bad, but winamp 2 is still faster, and that's all I really care about right now.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:16103
on windows, when i'm on it for a prolonged period of time, it's more varied. winamp 2.80 for music, winDVD for avi/divx/mpeg files, quicktime for quicktime movies. won't touch asf, wmv, real player files or anything else that requires me to have to use wmp or real player.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:16453
I only installed it for the codecs though. I ran into some vids that use some obscure ms audio codec that I can't seem to find elsewhere.
I may use the codecs, I may even use the engine, but I'll be darned if I'll ever touch any other part of that bloated proprietary format lovin, ad plastered, drm demon. I made sure right away to change all associations and remove all visible icons I just hope it stays hidden away or else I'll have to squash the little bugger with a giant digital combat boot
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:17588
When on the aircraft carrier I ran into Musicmatch, used it ever since, I like the radio function too, but the visualizations really suk.
I'll have to see if the iTunes player is free.
I'm surprised yahoo doesn't have a player since they have a radio and video site (launch).
Well this is my 30th Post, lets see if this newbie neckless comes off......
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:19942
So far I like iTunes, and for those who like musicmatches radio programs, I have to say iTunes' radio is MUCH BETTER. I never thought I would say that!
What I don't like about the player is that it took all my music files and put every song in the window not like musicmatch that is sorted by artists. This is at first glance though and may be able to change it.
So far I give it 4 out of five Ice Cubes in a Lamborghini Tray.
Hmm, I love it when I give myself ideas, lol.
Music's my bag baby
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:20045
you are all missing out on a good database program if your not using media monkey. it makes all the tags for all the formats and when you convert between formats it saves all the tag info.
they are in release canadate 4 with the next version soon to be final. and it is multi lingual and kind of like the winamp 5 one it uses theme skins. which i can not make yet?
but the database is great and what i really wanted anyway so it is more then enough for me. the free version does not burn cd's but thats ok i use jet audio for that.
if it aint free it aint for me.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1970, old post ID:20047