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They are handy little things written in JavaScript... What you do is add them to your bookmarks (Favorites for those IE users) and then click them when you want them to do whatever they're made for. I put them in a folder on my Personal Toolbar folder (Equal to the IE "Links" bar) for quick access although I doubt I will use them that much.
I just thought I would share...
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1344, old post ID:11728
manadren wrote: Handy stuff, thanks! I'm diggin those zap bookmarklets, makes those annoying pages managable.
Yeah! I hate when pages disable my secondary mouse button. ACH ACH ACH! I right click and get that annoying little box. Normally to disable it, I would have go all the way into my Preferences and disable JavaScript, but now I can just click that bookmarklet! Thankfully, I don't run into those pages often!
I think the "Days Left in Year" and "Ugly Variable Generator" are neat.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1344, old post ID:11736
Indeed, those right click scripts are evil. Since I've moved to mozilla they haven't been as much of a problem though. My main peeve was in IE when you wanted to open a link in a new window so you wouldn't lose your place, but now I've got open in new tab set to my midle mouse button, and that makes things much easier. Still annoying as heck though, it's like they think the right mouse button was created for the sole purpose of stealing links.
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1344, old post ID:11739
manadren wrote: Indeed, those right click scripts are evil. Since I've moved to mozilla they haven't been as much of a problem though. My main peeve was in IE when you wanted to open a link in a new window so you wouldn't lose your place, but now I've got open in new tab set to my midle mouse button, and that makes things much easier. Still annoying as heck though, it's like they think the right mouse button was created for the sole purpose of stealing links.
Yes, Mozilla's tabbed browsing is quick and simple. I LOVE IT!
Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:1344, old post ID:11740