Strange Nature/wildlife Occurances

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Red Squirrel
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Strange Nature/wildlife Occurances

Post by Red Squirrel »

What is the weirdest or must funny thing you've ever seen in nature?

The best thing I can recall is when I was eating inside the camper and I was watching this june bug outside, and then I saw a chipmunk close to it and it was staring right at it, then the chipmunk ATE it ALIVE! The june bug had no chance of survival whatsoever. The chipmunk just ripped it off the ground and chewed it's way as shell fragments were flying all over. I don't remember seeing that chipmunk around for quite a while, must of been a really good snack. Since then, I feed them bugs because it's so funny to watch. The poor bugs though. :rolleyes: Chipmunks will also eat grasshoppers - head last! Talk about torturing the poor thing. :roflmao2:

Then there's that time I gave a peice of my reeses *peanut butter* cup to a squirrel that kept coming to see me for nuts that I did not have (only 2, and I keep those to myself :P ). I figured the squirrel would of taken a small bite. Instead, it grabbed the whole thing and ran off so I can't get it back!!! What a pig! LOL :lol:

Anyone else have funny nature stories?

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:812, old post ID:7047
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Carpet Rodent
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Strange Nature/wildlife Occurances

Post by Carpet Rodent »

The most unusual one I witnessed was with an Alsatian cross dog I had as a kid. This dog would cower under furniture if someone was chopping down a live tree! This was going on next door to my place, as the trees were in the way of powerlines.

Later, we were chopping up some firewood in our garden and she didn't react at all. I'm sure that dog picked up some "vibe" as the trees were being cut down.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:812, old post ID:7600
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Red Squirrel
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Strange Nature/wildlife Occurances

Post by Red Squirrel »

That's quite interesting!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:812, old post ID:7604
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