War On Iraq - For Or Against?

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Red Squirrel
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by Red Squirrel »

I'm neutral. I agree with some of the things Bush says, but I also agree with some of the things the protestors say. But lot of innocent lives are being thrown away for something the US is not 100% sure on which makes this war unsupported by many. I think it would of been best to drop the whole issue, but then again, Sadam's stuburness proves that he probably has plans for a terrorist attack.

It's also not too reasuring to think of the fact that Iraq provides help to
Afghanistan when it comes to military. :unsure:

:cyberwar: :cyberwar: :cyberwar: :hugegun:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1974
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by wldkos »

against, but if you start something, don't be a p*ssy about it :) Get the job done, come home and help focus on america's problems.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1976
Chris Vogel
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by Chris Vogel »

I guess I am for it now. I mean, it should be finished now that we are in....

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1979
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by rovingcowboy »

B) for the war it was needed to get rid of someone that is known to have killed millions of his own people just to keep the rest in a state of fear so he could be in power.

?? sounds like some other help fourm ??

but i am a strong believer in it and the usa. just look at the icon i put up for me.

i am a vet. but was in when there was no war. well there was one but it was in hondours and i cant speak spanish so i did not go. we were only there as advisers anyway. i did volintier but since i could only say taco and burrito and tequila they said i would not be any good there as i would be fat and drunk all the time. :D :D

i was in the air force. SAC which is no longer but you kids out there might have heard of it if not i know your mom and dads have or you grand parents have.

i was in the security unit that walked around them b52's you seen on tv. i even seen one i use to walk around on tv doing the last gulfwar. i seen the number so much it was burned in my mind. and i still cant get rid of it :banghead: :banghead: .

must have been all the radiation that made the plane glow that burned the number in my mind? or my mind just has that number in it from looking at it. or maybe i am just close to it because i glow at night now also. :grade11math: :roflmao2: :bsod: :eek: :blink:

but i am 100% sure that so dam insane was giving support to the terriost groups around the world and would have continued to do so. he has been proven a lie and a killer too many times for him to not have continued to do it.

any one not wanting the war is just asking for the terriost to continue killing people for no reason.

in this matter there is no inbetween only for or against evil.

does not matter what country your in it is the same for everyone in all the world.

the frence german and canadain countrys were for fighting the terriost but now seem to have backed out of it.

if you remember the message was said before we went after out bin larden that " ANY COUNTRY THAT HARBORS OR HELPS TERRIORSTS IS ON THE HIT LIST."

that means just what it says. you harbor a theif and killer your going to be arrested and face punshiment just like them.

and that is what so dam insane is getting now.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1984
roving cowboy/ keith
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by Didi »

For ;) Freedom has and always will cost lives ;) Red think about what you said, innocent lives being thrown away.....has all our war casualties in past wars been in vein? Freedom and security cost lives! Red you surely don't believe there would ever be 100% agreement on any subject let alone a war issue! when human beings are involved...9/11 was only the begining and those people that perished were innocent!
This topic could be debated for a very long time...for or against....and there will be protesters for and against and do you know why that is? Freedom to do so! ;) As I see it Saddam's time finally ran out and he didn't take the chance to avoid this conflict! Sure he never was going too because that is the type of evil man he is! I could go on and on but his record speaks for its self!! Intel showed he was getting to close to becoming a major threat and had to be stopped....let alone the suffering under his rule!

Like I said this could on like a thread on which is better AMD vs INTEL :rolleyes:

but bottom line FREEDOM!!!

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1986
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Red Squirrel
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Actually what I did not say that right about innocent lives being thrown away, just could not find a better word for killed.. but yes, they are there for a good reason I do agree.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:1988
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by jamezua »

I'm against , it has not been proved that Sadam supported
Al-Qaeda , or has those terrible weapons that they say he
has , and if he is an evil ( yep he is ) , when the war against
Iran he was supported by the USA and a good boy , who
do you think that has given to him the Anthrax and all the
biological weapons ? When the gaz massacre in Hallabja ,
the americans said that were the iranians who did it , if
the USA are going to act as a Globalized Cop , without
hearing the UNO or rest of nations , you will finally have all
to go to Disneyland on holidays , and believe me , I like
american people and wouldn't like that to happen ...

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:2182
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by rovingcowboy »

jamzua where you been i see you posted this today?

dont you have cable tv?

did you not see the chemial storage areas of barrels hurriedly buirred by so dam insanes armys? of which these same army personal drew a map to them so we could find them.

because they did not want them to be used on them by the other country fighters that are coming in to iraq to fight against the coalition forces
(of which there are 57 countrys that joined it.?)

it has already been proven that the other countrys are sending them in to fight but it has also been proven that the iraqi people that were in the iraq army have taken to the streets and started to kill them which are known as feiden?? the normal iraq soilders were forced to be in the army by so dam insane for 20 yrs of service. or their familys would be killed.

in the news this morning they said and showed war heads for missiles that were made to hold chemical weapons.?

also as for us backing so dam insane, why do you think we knew he had them weapons?? he was told to get rid of them and he did he shot them at our other friends. and refused to get rid of the others, which is what we have found so far i believe it has be 45 to 50 missiles so far and several chemical weapon labortories.

and when you do that to some one that is helpping you or trying to help you out of kindness, it is considered

"biteing the hand that feeds you."

what do you do to your dog when he does that? you kick the living sh.t out of him until he learns not to do that.

as of for the United Nations.? they have been against us since they started over 50 yrs ago. but not any other one of the members is willing to house the UN. building in their country.?? We have Being paying the member ship dues for Russia and several others since it started.

and if you check the record of the times the UN. tried to set up new governemnts in countrys that had the courpt govts removed. you will see that 15 out of 15 trys by them still are not completed in the last 40 yrs.??

not a real good record in my thinking.

also if you have not seen the news then you should know the iraqi people themselves tore down his statue yesturday sure they got one of our tanks to help but they started to do it with out any other country telling them to. which shows they really hated so dam insane.

as for the all kill Duh group it has been found out that he did have ties to them.


simple we found training camps in iraq for them and the PLO, and other terriost groups.

so all your reasons for not liking the war, not valid any longer.

not that you have to like it, but rather that you need to find some new reasons to not like it??

also there are some 4 million iraqi people that fled their country som 30 plus yrs ago, just because so dam insane was trying to kill them. and they now are getting ready to go back.

( i wish them Luck and good times )

and as for disneyland that sounds nice they have a lot of rides there.

i dont know where your from but you need to see the real news and not the propagand that was paid for by so dam insane, and that too has been proven.

sorry if i seem rough on you but i just wanted to get the real news to you since it seems you did not get it.

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:2184
roving cowboy/ keith
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War On Iraq - For Or Against?

Post by Wren »

rovingcowboy, you done good on that reply! :awesome:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:396, old post ID:2188