Inactive shards with votes now show up in list

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Red Squirrel
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Inactive shards with votes now show up in list

Post by Red Squirrel »

Shards that are offline for more than 7 days go inactive which means they are polled less often. The main reason for this is that polling a shard that is down actually takes a lot of time because it has to wait for time out.

As shards go defunct or simply go offline for long time, it's best to just stop polling these.  When there is extra time left over to poll, then a few inactive shards do get polled at a time and can eventually go back in the list.

I have decided however to make a small change to this.  If a shard is inactive but has votes, it will show up in the list.  This is to allow for shards that may not be reachable by our poller to at least be on the list as long as they get votes.

keep in mind however that when votes reset, it's possible the shard ends up off the list again, and it will only show back up during the next inactive polling interval.

As I type this I have just updated the poller and site and some things may seem a bit off in the list until the poller catches up.  If you notice anything weird like your shard not showing up when it should, let me know here.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:175, old post ID:560
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Red Squirrel
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Re: Inactive shards with votes now show up in list

Post by Red Squirrel »

This seems to be functioning as intended, but if you see anything that's not right let me know. 

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:175, old post ID:561
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