Why does UOG show 1 less player online than amount sent by shard?

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Why does UOG show 1 less player online than amount sent by shard?

Post by Xuri »

Is there a particular reason why UOGateway server info displays 1 less player online than is sent from the server response?

I noticed that if server sends Clients=1, website shows 0 online. If server sends Clients=2, website shows 1 online. The same data sent to a different shard list service shows the correct amount of online players.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:173, old post ID:554
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Red Squirrel
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Re: Why does UOG show 1 less player online than amount sent by shard?

Post by Red Squirrel »

The gateway poller counts as a connection so it deducts one to get the actual players.  Ex if it did not deduct all shards would show at least one online.

Hope that makes sense.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:173, old post ID:555
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