I will admit I've been kinda neglecting this service but rest assured it is not forgotten. Now that it's summer I probably won't do anything for a while but I do have plans to add more features, better security, and improve on some stuff like the graphs, maybe even more stats. I've actually been wanting to add graph/history on data points for my home automation system, so I'll probably use the same code.
As a side note I've been wanting to look into a way to somewhat monetize this site, but I also don't want to do anything drastic or that would impede the experience. I was thinking of maybe allowing vote buying, or be placed in a "featured shard" spot on top, but I also don't want to "sell out". I am open to suggestions on what people feel is appropriate. I may simply just stick with the existing ads. (but let's be honest everyone uses an ad blocker these days.

Speaking of ads, rest assured I will NEVER use popups or obnoxious ads/methods like modals that defeat you from using the site.
Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:97, old post ID:288