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So i have a stone that forwards people to vote yet haven't received a vote??? Any idea as to why its not working or does it take a bit to send???
Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:86, old post ID:244
Doom's Day Returns - Mercenary, Town Houses, Evolution Dragons / Daemons / Mounts / Weapons / Armor , Tons Of Custom Armors, Custom Monsters, Custom Weapons, Custom Resources, Animal Breeding, Custom Quests, And Much More!! No skills cap, Stats Cap At 900 (300 a each). Skills And Stats Gain Quick.
They still have to click the vote button when the web page opens. Does the stone give any kind of reward? They could technically click it but never vote.
Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:86, old post ID:245
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!