If you're not familiar with our server, we ask that you review our JoinUO info thread (found HERE), or our Features page, for a more detailed review of Imperium. You can also review our Features page on our main site. Our Staff is expected to be knowledgeable of both the game, and our content. We have no interest in hiring individuals who 'just want to see what we have to offer'.
Imperium is a progressive SA/HS feature-rich project, always striving to remain up to date with latest content.
Note: We are most interested in rounding out our development team. We will however, continue to review applicants interested in other roles.
Currently, we're seeking to fill several positions within our Staff team:
- [li]Developer - (creation/troubleshooting of basic and more complex scripts, that may or may not include larger systems)[/li]
- [li]Our application process for this role is separate from our standard process. Please see the bottom of this post for more details.[/li]
[li]Game Master - (events, decor, customer support)[/li]
[li]Counselor - (pages, basic support)[/li]
- [li]» Must be 18 years of age or older[/li]
[li]» Ability to read/write/speak the English language clearly (usage of our TeamSpeak server is a plus)[/li]
[li]» Communication/conversational skills[/li]
[li]» Must be able to post effectively on our forums (no Ebonics, excessive 'lols', etc)[/li]
[li]» Professionalism is a must (disrespect of our players will not be tolerated)[/li]
[li]» Player identity must remain anonymous to other players[/li]
[li]» Substantial availability is required as well (we don't expect 12 hours per day, but something like an hour per day would disqualify you)[/li]
- [li]» Ample in-game knowledge (must know the basics, such as the functioning of Doom Gauntlet or BODs)[/li]
[li]» Must have knowledge of various access level commands (i.e. GM, Seer, Administrator)[/li]
[li]» Ability to make unbiased decisions[/li]
[li]» Activity on our forums, and Wiki[/li]
[li]» Dedication, desire, and enthusiasm[/li]
[li]» Interest, and willingness to learn new things[/li]
- [li]» Knowledge of XML Spawner[/li]
[li]» Creativity with Pandora's Box / UO Architect[/li]
[li]» C# (aka "scripting")[/li]
[size=18pt]Application Instructions:[/size]
- [li]Developers may apply directly, via the contact email above. Be sure to include potential references as well as examples of your work.[/li]
[li]For any other role, please see our "Hiring" thread on JoinUO, and download our application from there. Attach your completed copy to a new email, and send it to admin@imperiumuo.com[/li]