Shard showing offline? Read this.

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Red Squirrel
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Shard showing offline? Read this.

Post by Red Squirrel »

If you see other shards are showing online but yours is not, chances are it's a problem with how your shard is handling the UOG packet.  This post explains this packet and you should ensure your shard's code handles it properly.

UOG has a poller app which sends a special packet to the UO server to gather data.

The packet sent is shown below:
Your server should be coded to accept this packet and handle it accordingly.  (this should be built into RunUO, not sure about other servers)

Code: Select all

The response should be a null terminated string something like this:

Code: Select all

RunUO, Name=shardname, Age=226, Clients=2, Items=450725, Chars=22697, Mem=493189K
You can replace RunUO with whatever other software you may use (ex: Sphere, POL).  Not sure what age is tbh, UOGateway does not check it. The only one it cares about the clients one which is the number of tcp connections which is technically the number of players, but it counts even non logged in accounts, so tcp connection is more the way of doing it.

If you are running RunUO this should already be coded in as far as I know.

Other notes:

The poller IP is as of around 2022. (updated this post in Dec 2023)

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:4, old post ID:5
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