[April 1 2021 @ 11:00pm ET] - Quantum Server Migration

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Red Squirrel
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[April 1 2021 @ 11:00pm ET] - Quantum Server Migration

Post by Red Squirrel »

At around 11pm tonight I will begin the crudely conceived task of migrating the server to a new quantum computer powered by dual turbo encabulators. This will increase performance and artifact drop rates. The original server was based on a normal silicon fabrication process surmounted by a malleable FR4 reinforced isolation substrate and a logarithmic processing unit coupled in such a way that the two main spurving bearings were in a direct line with the panametric random access memory module controller. (RAMMC) The new server will have six hydrocoptic marzlevanes running in parallel connected directly to a lunar waneshaft to reduce sidefumbling and sporadic enemy spawning in bad locations.

The entire assembly uses a main winding of the normal lotus-o-deltoid type running on a 48v DC sinusoidal wave connected to panendermic semi-boloid slots in a stator, and every sevent conductor being connected to a non reversible tremmie pipe.

I am waiting for some grammeters to arrive which will also help monitor this entire setup but I don't think there should be any issues going live.

This should be a fairly seamless transition and you will probably not notice any difference once the migration has been completed.

Sneak peak at one of the modules for the Turbo Encabulator on the workbench, I will post more pics when the whole thing is fully assembled.


Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6868, old post ID:39702
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